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2010-2011 Jazz schedule released

So if that worst case happens that is 1W 9L (1-9) start to the season and the rest of Nov. isn't easy too continue my worst case and the Jazz lose every "could go either way game" the Jazz could close the month of Nov. with 5wins (5-14).

LOL - If this happens they should just go ahead and shut this site down.

I could only imagine the comisery.
an amazing breakdown of back to backs. three games in 4 nights etc. Looks like most of our games against OKC fall into the 3rd game in four nights category.
I noticed that as well but thought I misread it and was going to go through the schedule again but thanks for the link, seems like it was DAL or one of the other TX teams the Jazz had the same misfortune the last few years now it moved to OKC. Of course I'm assuming every team has this but it would be nice if somebody had the patience and time to check every team or at least the playoff contenders as well as check the Jazz' opponents schedules the 5 previous days and 1 day after to gauge what kind of week they've had and will have after to see if it all balances out.
The Lakers never play Saturday home games. Not last season, not this season. The only exception is December 25 this season, but they're playing on that day no matter what. It didn't seem to matter last season.
The Lakers never play Saturday home games. Not last season, not this season. The only exception is December 25 this season, but they're playing on that day no matter what. It didn't seem to matter last season.

Further, this:

via @EricPincus said:
Only 5 of the Lakers' league fewest 15 back 2 backs have 09/10 playoff teams on the second nights
I know I am sounding like I am whining but seriously I hate when people say the schedule evens out and its all fair. Just seeing that the Lakers play only 5 back-to-back against a playoff team shows that not all schedules are the same.
I have a question and perhaps this is typical of NBA scheduling but why do the Jazz not play any back-to-backs where both games are at home? They play nine back-to-backs where both games are on the road which seems stupid because they have to travel from one venue to the next and therefore have very little rest. Couple in the fact that they're both road games and it makes those back-to-backs infinitely tougher. They also have the rest of their back-to-backs in which one game is at home and one is on the road, thus still involving air travel, less rest, etcetera. Why is this? To have a team play a game and then have to travel immediately to play another game the next night is stupid imo. Is it to cut back on expenses such as hotels and other accommodations? I can't imagine that's the lone reason. Do they squeeze in the games tighter on the road so over the course of the season the players are "at home" more often than they're on the road so they can see their family more and such? Help me out here. I'm a little pissed because I wanted to come out for a couple games and back-to-backs would be best but I guess I'll have to look at my calendar a little more.
Okay, not that anyone gives a **** but if I come out for two games (it makes no sense for me to fly out for one and have to come right back), the best option is for the November 24th and 26th games when we play New Orleans and then the Lakers. I have a half day on the 24th and could make it out there for the first game in plenty of time, see the Lakers on Friday, maybe ski or something on Saturday and then fly back Sunday, and I wouldn't have to take any days off to do so. Of course, I wouldn't have a Thanksgiving with anyone so that's a negative but still.

The only other option would be the March 26th and 28th games against Dallas and Washington but those would involve taking two days off which sucks.

Damn, I really want to come out in November but I think my girlfriend would be furious if I did that and said screw Thanksgiving.
I try to go out in April, two yrs ago I went in March and the weather was lousy...last yr though, went for game 4 stayed only for a long weekend but it was great.
I know I am sounding like I am whining but seriously I hate when people say the schedule evens out and its all fair. Just seeing that the Lakers play only 5 back-to-back against a playoff team shows that not all schedules are the same.

I agree the schedules are never truly "fair", whatever that means.

However, as I pointed out, the Lakers play the most opponents who have had at least one day of rest. So, it's not like they are playing people when the Lakers are rested and the other team is tired. Both teams will be rested.