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All-Star Sunday Thread

This format is stupid, especially since it was an answer to the criticism that the East doesn’t deserve equal representation since they don’t play anywhere near an equal quality of competition. In other words, they should eliminate eastern conference and western conference and just select 24 players. They came up with the worst combination of possible outcomes.

I would rather career losers not get picked just because that joke of a conference is incapable of getting its **** together and SOMEONE has to get picked.
That’s not the worst part.

Imagine there was enough time to choose replacements for Simmons, Embiid, and Durant. Who gets the call?
So boring to watch. They need to figure out how to make it more competitive. I loved when baseball made it that the winner of the all star game got home Field advantage during the World Series. Made it way more competitive. Maybe the NBA should adopt that. Play for your conference with something at stake.
That is not the reason for this format. CP3 and MJ pushed the NBA to change up the All-Star format to create a more competitive game.
Nah. Why would captains picking teams make it more competitive?

The fact that the Eastern Conference is dog **** and has been for 20 years looms over a lot of big decision-making that the league has been facing, including calls to reformat the playoffs.

The league floats changes and occasionally makes some in response to those conversations without addressing the reason the conversation comes up.

But ultimately you're right; since the Eastern Conference is not competitive with the West, I suppose it's technically correct that that is at the root of this.
The reason LBJ gets the first pick is because he was the highest vote getter. LBJ and Durant were the highest vote getters in their respective conferences (prior 2 years it was Giannis for the East).

Durant's replacement was named before the draft and it was Sabonis. Don't think there was really enough time for Embid or Simmons to get replaced since it was basically same day and really each team lost 1 player, so it equaled out other than it left Durant's team undersized.
How does this dumpster fire get worse every year. Even the "highlights" are boring as ****. They really need to find a way to change the player attitudes toward the all star game if they ever want it to mean anything. But since it is all about entertainment and literally nothing to do with the sport, as long as the viewership stays strong and the money comes in they won't change a thing. Unless King James instructs the league to change it, as usual.
The game was unwatchable for me. I turned it off after the first quarter. I am just glad our guys did not play big minutes. I am ready for the season to resume and for the Jazz to start kicking some butt. A nice 10 game win streak would be nice.
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I enjoyed the game. There were lots of smiles and joy, and it was fun to watch.
Nah. Why would captains picking teams make it more competitive?

1. This was what the league, players union and owners reported at the time. I doubt that they would all have all been lying.
2. A draft gives the opportunity to balance talent. For example, if the top 6 players are all in one conference. the draft would likely split them between the two teams.
The game was unwatchable for me.

There is the "I don't want to watch Rudy set picks, dunk and play D" so he shouldn't be an allstar crowd. As if watching one player dribble up the court, play iso and launch a 25 foot three is entertaining.
1. This was what the league, players union and owners reported at the time. I doubt that they would all have all been lying.
2. A draft gives the opportunity to balance talent. For example, if the top 6 players are all in one conference. the draft would likely split them between the two teams.
While it might balance the teams a little I have to ask, for what?

Balance might mean something if there was some type of motivation to actually compete, but the mix and match rosters actually reduce competitive motivation imho. When players are playing "for the west" or "for the east" they have a certain bond and shared team identity. They are playing for and representing their conference. With the school yard pick the players are now playing for... LeBron? Durant? Who the **** cares if LeBron's team wins vs Durant? Was Gobert sitting there thinking "I'm gonna go get some rebounds for LeBron." I highly doubt it.

The NBA ASG was weak 20 years ago and it's just a complete joke now.

They need to fix the BS that is fan voting.

They need to make the game mean something to the players.

There should be some sort of consequence for winning or losing the game. If not then just end it. Have "all-star" be an honor given in title only and don't have the players play a meaningless mid-season exhibition game.
While it might balance the teams a little I have to ask, for what?

Balance might mean something if there was some type of motivation to actually compete, but the mix and match rosters actually reduce competitive motivation imho. When players are playing "for the west" or "for the east" they have a certain bond and shared team identity. They are playing for and representing their conference. With the school yard pick the players are now playing for... LeBron? Durant? Who the **** cares if LeBron's team wins vs Durant? Was Gobert sitting there thinking "I'm gonna go get some rebounds for LeBron." I highly doubt it.

The NBA ASG was weak 20 years ago and it's just a complete joke now.

They need to fix the BS that is fan voting.

They need to make the game mean something to the players.

There should be some sort of consequence for winning or losing the game. If not then just end it. Have "all-star" be an honor given in title only and don't have the players play a meaningless mid-season exhibition game.
Exactly right.

The only reason for the current system is to stroke the egos of the top vote-getting players. Nothing more. Means absolutely nothing to the sport. Means nothing to the fans realistically, the real fans. However the current format is probably great for the casual fan who has no idea what the name of the team in Toronto is, but absolutely knows who LeBron is. This is for them. And enough of the real fans come along for the ride to get the money where it needs to be. Until the money says otherwise, or the top players ask the league to change it, nothing will change and it definitely won't get better.
I really enjoyed the game, but it was a volleyball game at our local university. Those girls can really play! It was at the perfect time so as to totally circumvent the all star travesty. I guess the one positive is there was something like 1.3 million raised for various charities.
I really enjoyed the game, but it was a volleyball game at our local university. Those girls can really play! It was at the perfect time so as to totally circumvent the all star travesty. I guess the one positive is there was something like 1.3 million raised for various charities.
The charity thing is something they can tie to the ASG or something they can tie to whatever else, really. It's a nice feel good thing and last year people seemed to think it added some motivation, but this year it seems like it is already played out as a motivator. I mean some charity is gonna get the money and they all deserve it, so it's not like if LeBron's team win the qtr then we save puppies but if Durant wins we burn down an impoverished village somewhere. It's a win/win where either this deserving charity gets 1/100,000,000 of NBA profits or another deserving charity does.
What about every player picks their own charity and they get a portion of proceeds go to that
Then every player is playing for something they want and not just for the captains
But they need to go back to East VS West no captains no draft picks no other incentives no nothing
Plus this was proposed by a writer 15 players per team to get more deserving guys in
When players are playing "for the west" or "for the east" they have a certain bond and shared team identity. They are playing for and representing their conference.

I've seen zero evidence that players have any pride in their conference. Have you?
I've seen zero evidence that players have any pride in their conference. Have you?
I think there was a time when they did. Now that is has become so fully a players league, where the player is marketed first and the team a distant second, that has faded dramatically.