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Game Thread Apr 25, 2022 7:30PM MT: Jazz at Mavericks - Game 5

Added to Calendar: 04-25-22

Donovan has been terrible this series.

Our performance as a team just goes to show that if he doesn't consistently go nuclear, we don't really have a chance to win a playoff series.

That's not a credit to him as much as it is an indictment of our FO and coaching staff. What we do to be regular season relevant clearly does not work in the playoffs.

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Your cousin's got it!. Some japanese single/pure malts are really amazing.
Personally I like the blended Hibiki Master's Select the more of all japanese that I've tasted.

Dunno what he's got, he's got a whole shelf of them at his joint, he goes to Japan once or twice a year to ski, always comes back with more. He's got a bunch of bottles he bought years ago that are now worth big $$$