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Game Thread Apr 28, 2022 08:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Mavericks - Game 6

Added to Calendar: 04-28-22

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Utah Jazz Game Day

Vivint Arena, 301 S Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Apr 28, 2022 08:00PM MT
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Crazy to think this could possibly be Quins last game at Vivint Arena as head coach of the Jazz and multiple players (possibly even Rudy and or Donovan) last home game or maybe last game in general in a Jazz uniform.
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Hard to say. Logic should be we f... up this one and ended the season, But we can also find some magic and get this one.... i will look at it and hope it's not last game here for Rudy and don....
Kinda feeling that we are going to win this one but you never know it with this team.
Crazy to think this could possibly be Quins last game at Vivint Arena as head coach of the Jazz and multiple players (possibly even Rudy and or Donovan) last home game or maybe last game in general in a Jazz uniform.
I think Quin is the safest of among the 3 tbh.
When three of your starting 5 are undersized for their position, you better be quicker and faster. We are slower and shorter which isn't a great combination to win in the NBA playoffs. I love Quin, but I don't think he has any magic solution to solve the roster problems.
I don’t ever want to lose but I feel any extension of this series is going to delay changes going forward. I would rather avoid delay in fixing what is broken. And this team is ****ing broken.
I want to get excited for this one but I feel like that's an inappropriate emotion for a funeral.
Idk, I'm very excited for my own funeral. Gonna be a hell of a party! You're all invited!
I don’t ever want to lose but I feel any extension of this series is going to delay changes going forward. I would rather avoid delay in fixing what is broken. And this team is ****ing broken.

Na. The only way this delays the inevitable is if Utah actually wins this series and advances to the semifinals. But if they win tomorrow and then lose in game seven, I don't see things playing out differently.

If anything saves this from blowing up, it was winning game four. If the Jazz lost four-straight for the second straight season (on top of losing three-straight vs Denver in 2020), I think that would have triggered a massive overhaul.

As is, I suspect the biggest change this off-season is Quin not returning. I still expect Rudy and Don to be back with a new coach, though if Utah somehow wins this series, I do think that saves Quin's job...if he wants to remain at Utah.
I am trying to be optimistic but considering the fact that we have now essentially had the exact same game plan for every game this series, and we have barely gotten where we are, I have a hard time seeing any kind of outcome much different than the last game. Unless somehow the lid comes off the basket and we have shots start falling for once. Historic meltdown this series from our "shooters". Maybe this game they figure out how to make some shots....as a wise man said once, we need makers, not shooters, we have plenty of shooters. But I am not holding my breath, that is for sure.
I am trying to be optimistic but considering the fact that we have now essentially had the exact same game plan for every game this series, and we have barely gotten where we are, I have a hard time seeing any kind of outcome much different than the last game. Unless somehow the lid comes off the basket and we have shots start falling for once. Historic meltdown this series from our "shooters". Maybe this game they figure out how to make some shots....as a wise man said once, we need makers, not shooters, we have plenty of shooters. But I am not holding my breath, that is for sure.
Don’t worry, we’ve played 5 poor games and all of them were flukes and outliers, so please appeal to the larger sample size of “historic offense.”
Na. The only way this delays the inevitable is if Utah actually wins this series and advances to the semifinals. But if they win tomorrow and then lose in game seven, I don't see things playing out differently.

If anything saves this from blowing up, it was winning game four. If the Jazz lost four-straight for the second straight season (on top of losing three-straight vs Denver in 2020), I think that would have triggered a massive overhaul.

As is, I suspect the biggest change this off-season is Quin not returning. I still expect Rudy and Don to be back with a new coach, though if Utah somehow wins this series, I do think that saves Quin's job...if he wants to remain at Utah.
I hope that you somehow have the math wrong on that one - as if there's a snowball's chance that we could actually win this series! Sorry but I just can't stomach another year with Snyder at the helm. I know it sounds viscious and awful but Rudy and the boys ain't gettin any younger and I'd like to see what a good coach could do with them. Mitchell can stay or go AFAIC, but I do feel as though, unlike Rudy, he's actually slipping now, and easily replaceable. And Conley the same.