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Call Your Shot (Presidential Race)

And then as soon as he realizes there's work involved he'll resign.

As of today I still don't know what to think about Trump tbh. I might just roll with Gary like I did in 2012.

I just think that Trump has gained enough momentum to roll over Hillary in the debates and win it all, but we'll see.
Wishful thinking at it's best. Her record shows the opposite quite frankly.

I disagree I think she has done a lot of great things. There are some blemishes and some mistakes that she would readily admit to but overall I think she has done a decent job in her positions. She doesnt match up with my political beliefs completely but I am slightly closer to democrats mostly because of the social issues that I find most of the republicans stances on, morally reprehensible. I think Hillary will do a decent job of trying to improve the country and she will mostly stick to the Democrat platform. I would like to see Gary Johnson get somewhere but I he isnt going to.

So ill stick to Hillary will win in a relative landslide and when her Presidency is over unbiased opinions will look back at her and what she did in the office and view her as a decent president or good president. I doubt it will be much different from Obamas presidency accept I think she is better at being bi-partisan and the bills she passes will reflect that, much like Bill's did. I personally think Bill Clinton is the best president we have had in my lifetime. He wasnt perfect but he worked well with both sides and accomplished a lot.

The main thing that stands in Clintons way to the white house is that we in this country are very sexist.
I know it's trendy to say that both candidates are equally bad, but they really aren't. Far from it. It's hard to be enthusiastic about a Clinton presidency, but I'd take her any day over that narcissistic ignoramus Donald Trump.
I disagree I think she has done a lot of great things. There are some blemishes and some mistakes that she would readily admit to but overall I think she has done a decent job in her positions. She doesnt match up with my political beliefs completely but I am slightly closer to democrats mostly because of the social issues that I find most of the republicans stances on, morally reprehensible. I think Hillary will do a decent job of trying to improve the country and she will mostly stick to the Democrat platform. I would like to see Gary Johnson get somewhere but I he isnt going to.

So ill stick to Hillary will win in a relative landslide and when her Presidency is over unbiased opinions will look back at her and what she did in the office and view her as a decent president or good president. I doubt it will be much different from Obamas presidency accept I think she is better at being bi-partisan and the bills she passes will reflect that, much like Bill's did. I personally think Bill Clinton is the best president we have had in my lifetime. He wasnt perfect but he worked well with both sides and accomplished a lot.

The main thing that stands in Clintons way to the white house is that we in this country are very sexist.

May I ask, what's your opinion about what she's accomplished in the Middle East as the Secretary of State?
Cuz if there's one thing we've learned about Donald Trump, it's that he hates to work.
Keep in mind, his job as POTUS will not be to send winks and nods to the KKK and neo Nazis. If that was the job description he'd be just about perfect.
May I ask, what's your opinion about what she's accomplished in the Middle East as the Secretary of State?

There is a ton of stuff that could be talked about here. I think in retrospect there has been a few big mistakes that she has been on the bad side of. I think she has done some positive things and maybe some positive relationships and been on the right side of a few decisions. It is easy to criticize politicians about their record on Middle East. A lot of what they believed and what their parties encouraged them to believe and vote has been proven wrong and has had lots of various motivations.

She voted to go to War against Iraq. I was opposed to this and felt it was wrong but what was being told at the time makes it a hard decision at the time and easier in retrospect. The Bush administration did a good job of deceiving a lot of people and the US was angry over 9-11 and seeking to get revenge in any way. She helped get the troops out of Iraq which a lot of people felt was a mistake and is some of the reason for radical islam uprising in the area but I think getting our troops out of there at any point was a good decision.

She has had a fairly Republican policy as it pertains to the Middle East, which I dislike but some of it is bi-partisanship especially when she was a senator and some of it is trying to do what is right and making mistakes. I have read her policy about the middle east and foreign affairs in general and I disagree with some of it and like other parts. Her policy is 1000X better to me than Trumps though. Frankly I dont really like any politicians Middle Eastern Policy. Either it makes the problem worse, isnt specific enough or simply doesn't address the problems.

She supported targeting Osama, which most Americans like.

She wanted to keep attention on Afghanistan, which I dont like a lot of policy around it but that would have been a good decision at the time, and would have probably solved a few current problems.

She was very vocal about in her words "9-11 terrorists feeling the Wrath of the US." I think most people wanted that and supported that idea. Big problem is that US policy lead to 9-11 and we made it worse after that.

Supported targeting Al Queda long before it was common knowledge who they were and stuck to that.

Has been opposed and sought to stop or destabilize Nukes in Iran and Pakistan which I think is a good idea.

She was opposed to Bush going against the UN and against a preemptive strike against Iraq.

I was just typing up some stuff I could think of then realized I could just post this:


What I believe to be a fairly unbiased source of her policy on Middle East. Anyways I like some stuff she has done and dislike other stuff. Her policy going forward is the same but ultimately her foreign policy in general is soooooo much better than Trump's its not even close. And that is assuming you believe Trump has an actual policy on it. I also like her knowledge and foreign policy better than Bernie's. But I disliked a lot of Bernie's Policies. I like the idea of Bernie and thought he seemed like a decent guy for a life long politician but not his actual ideas.
In response to [MENTION=181]Broncster[/MENTION]:

I think the vast majority of the US population perceive the war against Iraq as having been a great mistake. This isn't like dropping a glass a water and just having to clean it up, this is taking the lives of thousands of civilians that can't be taken back. To put it into retrospective, 2,996 people died in the WTC during 9-11. 4,424 US soldiers have died in Iraq so far, along with 109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths. We can't be frivolous about these numbers. Not only that but just look at the aftermath, is Iraq really a more stable country after overthrowing Saddam's regime? Is Libya any safer after overthrowing Gaddafi's regime?

The Trump would do much worse doesn't cut it for me. Why settle with someone who you admittedly have disagreed with in several issues concerning foreign policy, just for the matter that "her foreign policy in general is soooooo much better than Trump's its not even close"?

She has also been outspoken about how big of a tyrant Assad is and how we need to make efforts to end his regime. Are we really willing to go down the same path again? This needs to end, we need someone who is actually willing to steer away from this interventionist policy that only serves those who benefit economically from war.
I just saw a commercial put out by Hillary's people about trump. It was basically children watching their televisions and seeing the horrible way trump acts and the horrible things he says and sharing if trump is the kind of man you want your children to watch lead our country.

I sure don't trump to have any influence for or be any type of role model for my daughter at all.
I think you simply want to hate everything about him. He has a lot of faults, but an unwillingness to work does not appear to be one of them. Not even close.
I don't want to hate everything about him. I DO hate everything about him. He's in bed with racist organizations.
I just saw a commercial put out by Hillary's people about trump. It was basically children watching their televisions and seeing the horrible way trump acts and the horrible things he says and sharing if trump is the kind of man you want your children to watch lead our country.

I sure don't trump to have any influence for or be any type of role model for my daughter at all.

Great thing about "indoctrinated" children (that's what the extremists call them). We are by no means liberal but my children come home from school respecting Obama which I found pretty cool. Being patriotic is important IMO. I don't want them to come home respecting Trump.
Great thing about "indoctrinated" children (that's what the extremists call them). We are by no means liberal but my children come home from school respecting Obama which I found pretty cool. Being patriotic is important IMO. I don't want them to come home respecting Trump.
Great post. I don't really have any idea if trump would be a good president or not. I don't claim to know all his policies or where he stands on all the issues going on in our country.
I just know that he is a deplorable ******* and don't want him to represent our country and the people in it.
Great post. I don't really have any idea if trump would be a good president or not. I don't claim to know all his policies or where he stands on all the issues going on in our country.
I just know that he is a deplorable ******* and don't want him to represent our country and the people in it.
I feel this way about both of the candidates.