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Call Your Shot (Presidential Race)

I feel this way about both of the candidates.

Anyone just has to watch trump speak for 30 seconds to see that he is an ******* and an embarrassment. I don't think you can say the same for Hilary (if you can then please provide some video of her looking and acting like a fool.)
You actually have to look into what she has done and do some searching to find out you don't like her.

A 10 year old simply has to watch trump talk for a few minutes and can easily see that he is a disgusting rude idiotic foolish *******. I don't think you can say the same think about Hilary.
Great post. I don't really have any idea if trump would be a good president or not. I don't claim to know all his policies or where he stands on all the issues going on in our country.
I just know that he is a deplorable ******* and don't want him to represent our country and the people in it.

Really? If you haven't read this please do:


You're not the only one who doesn't know his policies. They change daily and are shoot-from-the-hip sound bites with no forethought.
Oh, I see. He's lazy because you say so.
I have no idea how hard he works. I honestly don't care how hard a President works.

I do prefer that they don't give the old "Bob's your uncle" to racists.
Yeah, I know. He started with nothing and built an empire...
Actually he took over his dad's business and never had it rough.
The USA can't be that dumb.

40% Americans believe that Earth is only 6000 years old, that dinosaurs and humans lived together and that Noah's ark was real. I think it is safe to say USA is quite dumb when compared to other developed nations.
In response to @Broncster:

I think the vast majority of the US population perceive the war against Iraq as having been a great mistake. This isn't like dropping a glass a water and just having to clean it up, this is taking the lives of thousands of civilians that can't be taken back. To put it into retrospective, 2,996 people died in the WTC during 9-11. 4,424 US soldiers have died in Iraq so far, along with 109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths. We can't be frivolous about these numbers. Not only that but just look at the aftermath, is Iraq really a more stable country after overthrowing Saddam's regime? Is Libya any safer after overthrowing Gaddafi's regime?

The Trump would do much worse doesn't cut it for me. Why settle with someone who you admittedly have disagreed with in several issues concerning foreign policy, just for the matter that "her foreign policy in general is soooooo much better than Trump's its not even close"?


The Iraq war is not Clintons fault. That is all on the Bush Administration for lying to everyone and charging in. Hillary did vote for the war. She was against and voted against the preemptive strike (which is where the actual war began and the fighting, that was a bigger deal in the iraq fiasco and she correctly was against it) and like most senators did not want Bush going in and ignoring UN. She wanted to follow with the UN and continue negotiating. Hillary has said she greatly regretted this and has personally wrote or visited every family in NY who had someone die in the Iraq while Senator. Most senators that Voted for the war were under the impression that negations would continue and US would go along with UN. Bush lied about that and deceived many people.

Clinton did vote for the war though and many people are opposed to that but the blame for that war is not on her. Yes it was a large mistake but you also forget that the vast majority of Americans wanted us to go in. She represented what her constituents wanted her to do. It is super easy to look back and see mistakes and blame people for them. Unlike most people Clinton has said she made a mistake and took actions to fix that. She was trying to be bi-partisan to solve a large crisis and outcry in the US, she made the mistake of thinking that is what the Republicans were trying to do. Clinton has done a great deal in an effort of trying to make the world and the US a better place and she has made decisions that she thought were best for our country, unfortunately, like every person in power ever, wrong decision have occurred.

Did you read that website about her voting policy, quotes and actions about and during the Iraq war? I think a lot of people just want to hate her for various reasons and most of them are personal or what is represented by biased sources. Read her record on these issues for a non biased source.

As far as Trump goes have you read his foreign policy or heard him talk about it? It is basically non existent and what he does have he has no plan of how to carry it out. He just makes ludicrous statements like they are facts and sticks to them. If he gets caught in a lie he changes the subject or claims he didnt say something he is on record saying. I have read Clintons foreign policy have you? I agree with way more if it than Trumps. More of Hillarys voting history in regards to Iraq and foreign policy I agree with, I am guessing might as well if you read through it.

I could go on but I think that blind Hate for certain canditates is too much to overcome. People, especially Utahn's, are going to hate Clinton regardless of what she has done and will do.
I still cant believe its come down to these two. There has to be a different way to elect leaders than whatever it was that got these two here. There has to be better people to choose from. Where the heck are they all hiding? I would vote Tom Hanks right now just because he is superb actor and like his character over these two, and I have no idea what he stands for. At least Id feel good when he gives a speech.

Who Id rather win. Id take Trump. Even though I know he is a disaster. But, I just hate the slackers and victim class.

Who I think will win. Probabaly Clinton. Its really hard to see Trump winning.
I first thought Trump was Hillary's Perot. You know, the Perot who divided the Republicans and independents, and handed Bill the win. Hearing about Trump calling the Clintons. . . . telling them of his plan before it was publicly announced, and seeing he's donated a lot to the Clintons and had them down to his digs for some weekend fun, and all. . . . . Yah, I thought he's one of the BIG people. Then seeing a YouTube video from 1996 where he explains how if he's ever going to run for Pres, he'd run as a Republican, because the Republicans will believe anything. . . . yah. At first I thought he might just be a spoiler to help Hillary.

But you know, I have had a lot of experience with sociopaths, people who don't think carefully or act thoughtfully with regard to others the way most people do. They are often the "leaders" in any system of government, or in any authoritarian stronghold of human influence. . ..

One thing I know is that sometimes they really get high on being liked by the people, and sometimes they're the ones who just are not all that ideologicallyh "pure" and committed to principles of their own, so they can be the one who once in a great while really does what people want their leader to do.

I think this might have happened in Trump's case.

All you haters, get ready for something "different" from the same old managed governance moving ever so painfully towards the old "New World Order". Here's the man who will shake that up just to make us love him.
40% Americans believe that Earth is only 6000 years old, that dinosaurs and humans lived together and that Noah's ark was real. I think it is safe to say USA is quite dumb when compared to other developed nations.

I think your stats, and the hypotheticals you derive from them, are just way off. People generally just think they don't really know, but a lot are as skeptical of Science as anything else. Don't just be dumb enough to think you know stuff nobody really knows.
The first sentence confirms my point. I have no idea what the last sentence means.
Yeah. I have no idea why you think I have anything but blind seething hated for Trump. I'm not a person to have a rational conversation about it with.

It'd be like talking to a religious person about science.
The Iraq war is not Clintons fault. That is all on the Bush Administration for lying to everyone and charging in. Hillary did vote for the war. She was against and voted against the preemptive strike (which is where the actual war began and the fighting, that was a bigger deal in the iraq fiasco and she correctly was against it) and like most senators did not want Bush going in and ignoring UN. She wanted to follow with the UN and continue negotiating. Hillary has said she greatly regretted this and has personally wrote or visited every family in NY who had someone die in the Iraq while Senator. Most senators that Voted for the war were under the impression that negations would continue and US would go along with UN. Bush lied about that and deceived many people.

Clinton did vote for the war though and many people are opposed to that but the blame for that war is not on her. Yes it was a large mistake but you also forget that the vast majority of Americans wanted us to go in. She represented what her constituents wanted her to do. It is super easy to look back and see mistakes and blame people for them. Unlike most people Clinton has said she made a mistake and took actions to fix that. She was trying to be bi-partisan to solve a large crisis and outcry in the US, she made the mistake of thinking that is what the Republicans were trying to do. Clinton has done a great deal in an effort of trying to make the world and the US a better place and she has made decisions that she thought were best for our country, unfortunately, like every person in power ever, wrong decision have occurred.

Did you read that website about her voting policy, quotes and actions about and during the Iraq war? I think a lot of people just want to hate her for various reasons and most of them are personal or what is represented by biased sources. Read her record on these issues for a non biased source.

As far as Trump goes have you read his foreign policy or heard him talk about it? It is basically non existent and what he does have he has no plan of how to carry it out. He just makes ludicrous statements like they are facts and sticks to them. If he gets caught in a lie he changes the subject or claims he didnt say something he is on record saying. I have read Clintons foreign policy have you? I agree with way more if it than Trumps. More of Hillarys voting history in regards to Iraq and foreign policy I agree with, I am guessing might as well if you read through it.

I could go on but I think that blind Hate for certain canditates is too much to overcome. People, especially Utahn's, are going to hate Clinton regardless of what she has done and will do.

Did you literally just blame Bush for made up nonsense then claim we should forgive Hillary (because she represents your values)? You know Bush apologized to right? Why if you are so unbias as you claim wanting others to be you contradict like this?