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Conference Finals

Is the league being intentionally stupid, or are they just flaunting their power to manipulate things any way they want? They've fined Stevenson of the Pacers for flopping, because Ray Allen threw an elbow at his chin , and he moved to get out of the way! They should be fining the elbow if anything.

I agree! That was a deliberately thrown elbow that just didn't connect! If anything, a flagrant 1 and possible one game suspension! But the Pacers want Allen in the game! He's slow, old and vulnerable!
I should have named this the "Bitch about the Heat" thread.

Are you really surprised?

You have a team with Dwade, Lebron James, Birdman, Mike Miller, and Mario Chalmers on it. All they are missing is Dwight Howard/Kmart and JR Smith and the team would be complete.

It's the equivalent of the NFL placing: Albert haynsworth, Jay Cutler, Randy Moss, Suh, DeMarcus Russel, Chad Ocho Crapo, and Cortland Finnegan on the same team.... coached by Lane Kiffin and owned by Jerry Jones.

The Heat are villains because not only have they bought themselves a great team, they are all such drama queens and pansie asses. They are just lucky that Lebron is the best player in league history. Otherwise, they would be facing a Lakers like disaster. The Heat were begging to be beaten tonight. Lebron had other plans....

And... I also think Americans like Lebron and Bosh caving to join Dwade. Folks still like guys who step up and give it their all (even if they fail). Leaving Cleveland was understandable. But leaving to essentially wave the white flag JUST AS YOU WERE HITTING YOUR PRIME and admit that you needed help was just sickening. It has never been done before. And I don't think Americans like it. You didn't see Larry quitting Boston to join forces with Magic. Stockton didn't quit to join Jordan.
I don't care much about the Cleveland thing. I just find it very annoying that the Heat get a huge advantage from flopping and dirty play, yet the refs give them hugely favorable treatment instead of checking the poor sportsmanship. Then on top of it, the league shows zero interest in integrity. It's all about the money, maintaining a façade, and making the superstars appear bigger than life and invincible.
I hope this goes to 7 games and even if the Heat wins I would bet that Spurs will win it in 5-6 games. Nothing better the to see Bosh crying again, and Lebron losing another finals. I used to hate Spurs in 1999-2003 but then started admire their way of play and the best coaching in the world. I hope Tim and Pop wins their 5th ring and retire.
....now that the "Jerk" man is out, it would be a travesty if this series doesn't go to a 7th game! If the Pacers shoot any kind of a decent percentage, we will see game 7 Monday night! Then, if the Heat shoot poorly, the refs don't get paid off, and the Pacers don't throw the ball around like a hot potato.......this 2, 3, 4, 5, championships foolishness will be stopped in it's tracks!
I continue to be amazed at how incredibly soft Chris Bosh is, this is the most I've ever watched the Heat.

So Lebron has to get all the rebounds, guard every player, get all the assists, and score every point? Sounds like a tough job.
Only gives the old men more time to get game ready for whoever wins this series.

Tracy McGrady might actually get some playing time in the finals.