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We still letting in hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated immigrants?

Wonder why that's conveniently left out of Yahoos fluff piece? You would think that would've been brought up but we all know it's about spreading hate and fear nothing more.
I was wondering how many of the thousands of Afghanis that we are flying in have corona.
Hm...... These dudes are making a killing off of people who will do whatever the government tells them. You all get your booster yet? I thought your experimental drug stopped variant and mutations?! Another lie you fell for.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday said the company believes a COVID-19 vaccine-resistant variant will likely one day emerge, though the company has a system in place to turn around a variant-specific jab within some three months.
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Probably not many as they have to go through medical screening before they arrive at the U.S. That's why they aren't coming directly here. So if they do have it, they probably got it after their test from an unvaccinated American.

Actually after... so come on in!!! Covid is only dangerous if your a republican.. rules only apply to Republicans... Vaccines only apply to Republicans. How do we know these people aren't bringing variants and other mutations? Its pretty damn obvious covid isn't as dangerous as global elite want you to think.

"Once those refugees arrive in Colorado, CDHS and the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment will connect them with a health screening, which is done at local community health center."
Quite an achievement by DeathSantis

Imagine sucking so bad as Governor that you kill off MORE of your citizens AFTER vaccines were available.

it’s almost like **** like this has an impact:

This guy is gross. He’ll do anything to become the GOP nominee in 2024. Even if it means killing off large chunks of his own base on Florida
We shouldn’t mandate masks or covid vaccines in Utah schools because… not enough kids have died yet? Am I reading this poll correctly? This is a Utah state senator.
35 and 41 and still lived with their mother.

And they refused the vaccine? You don't say, lol.

I'm beginning to see a pattern.
It isn't a difficult pattern to see for anyone who cares to look. Most don't look and instead use the various stories as support for the same old political or racial narrative they've held since before anyone ever heard of SARS-CoV-2.



Is the pattern you are seeing socioeconomic in nature with income being the single best predictor of receiving a vaccination?
35 and 41 and still lived with their mother.

And they refused the vaccine? You don't say, lol.

I'm beginning to see a pattern.
Remember that MAGA shaman? He too lived with his mother. I bet the majority of these losers live with their parents. The other endemic of our times is narcissistic adults who refuse to grow up.
Remember that MAGA shaman? He too lived with his mother. I bet the majority of these losers live with their parents. The other endemic of our times is narcissistic adults who refuse to grow up.
Pay my college
Pay my healthcare
Pay my rent
I need socialism so Republicans can pay me to do nothing
I need more food stamps
we need more months of extended benefits because we don't work.
cancel this show I'm offended
that guy said something mean on Twitter, I need him to be cancelled
that guy said something mean, I'm going to ignore him
that black guy is unvaccinated, let's shun him

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