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Your reminder that red states suffered more to Covid due to their refusal to get vaccinated than blue states. I know this is a crazy concept these days, but doctors and scientists know stuff. Vaccines prevent serious illness and death. Getting vaccinated is better than getting sick.

Lastly, the network that spews anti vax nonsense daily, its founder was vaccinated before the queen of England. It’s almost like he’s making a lot of money off the rubes. Almost like what Fox News is selling is bull ****? I know I know, crazy talk

When fact and truth become subjective to primarily one political party and the advice of podcasters and grifters is taken over scientists, doctors, and experts, this is what happens:

Health officials are warning Americans not to drink raw milk as bird flu spreads through American cows. But some media figures and influencers are misleadingly suggesting that the product is safe or even healthier than traditional milk. And sales are growing.
Commentators on sites like Infowars, Gab and Rumble have grown increasingly vocal about raw milk in recent weeks. They see the government’s heightened concerns about the dangers as overreach.

“They say: ‘Bird flu in milk! Bird flu in milk! Oh, it’s the scariest thing!’” Owen Shroyer said on the April 29 episode of his “War Room” podcast from Infowars. He added: “They’ll just make raw milk illegal. That’s what this is all about.”

Public health officials have long warned Americans of the severe health risks that can come with drinking raw milk instead of pasteurized milk, which is heated to kill bacteria, viruses and other germs. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found more than 200 disease outbreaks linked to unpasteurized milk from 1998 to 2018, leading to 2,645 illnesses, 228 hospitalizations and three deaths…
What you have is a bunch of right-wing influencers who know that they can build substantial audiences and retain their audiences and excite their audiences by telling them that what medical authorities are saying about raw milk, about bird flu, is not credible,” Mr. Gertz said.

Per usual, it’s all about grifting the rubes who are bored AF due to America’s peace and prosperity. It’s about endless culture wars. It’s about being one’s “unique self.” I’m special because I get my information from non-establishment sources and don’t abide by norms like getting vaccinated or drinking pasteurized milk. I’m unique so Gimmie attention!