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******* dads.

Wait are you a farmer or a scientist? For some reason I thought you were some dairy farming redneck from Logan. I legitimately think that and I'm not sure why.

I do have a farm, which is my main source of income. I used to have jobs in chemical industry, and as a consultant. Prior to that, I did research at the University of Utah, in the Chemistry Department in a theoretical cancer project aimed at developing new chemotherapeutic agents. I had my arms in the sink up to my elbows in 5_FU. No that's not cuss lingo, it's a nucleoside derivative used today in cancer treatments. And, later, in Biochemistry, and Pathology, where my work was with various proteins including cellular receptors and immunology. I pursue hobby interests in health and natural resources. Water, dirt, and mining. The dreams of the everyday farmer. . . .strike it rich and retire to the little idyllic farm. . . .
yah, there is "fake" joy. Rumor has it some women fake "joy".

So here is a short story about joy.

Once in my life I couldn't sleep for three days. I had discovered something in my lab work that really got me pumped up high, no not a new chemical, just the success of a project resulting in a new bit of knowledge and technology. I couldn't quit my work for three days to go home and sleep. I did go to the toilet a couple of times. If you ever experience joy like that, I'm sure your sort of "joy" will pale in comparison.

lol, I am sure your joy is much better than mine.

I love my work everyday. I would and do go to work for free and have taken a significant pay cut over the years to switch careers, also loved my post graduate degree work, and still help out with some research since I enjoy it. I dont struggle to sleep most nights though, since I am consistently pretty damn happy all day. I dont have an endorphin, serotonin/other chemical rush that keeps me up for days on end since I rarely dont have a really awesome day. Love my life, wife, friends work and me.

But since you bring up the "staying up for days without being able to control mood, sleep, pain, appetite" argument I think lots of people who do drugs stay up for days on an serotonin/dopamine high that doesnt allow them to control their mood, sleep, pain or appetite. I think that is the reason most people get addicted to drugs.

I dont really do "drugs" these days since they are illegal and in my case dont really feel desire to do them right now. If they were legal there are a few I would do every now and then but it would be pretty rare. That doesnt mean I judge others who do them regularly and seem to have really awesome lives as well.
Yup. I'm trying (probably poorly) to teach them that every choice has a consequence and that they need to own up to the consequences. If they don't like the consequence, then they should re-evaluate their choices.

My kid the other night mouthed off and lost play station. He asked me why I took his play station away. I explained to him that I didn't take away his play station. He had a choice to make and the choice he made led to the play station being shelved. We talked about his choices and what he wanted and what he should do next time to get what he wants.

Hopefully that thought process sinks in someday...
Well done.

Can I have his PlayStation?
Wait are you a farmer or a scientist? For some reason I thought you were some dairy farming redneck from Logan. I legitimately think that and I'm not sure why.
Truck driver I think
I just want to address something real quick. Babe seems to be under the impression that I'm some kind of druggie. Babe, I'm a working man. The jobs I get you have to pass a drug test for. And, if I'm at work and cut my finger I get drug tested on the spot, or if I knock over some boxes and hurt someone else or damage company property, I get a drug test on the spot. I'm okay with that because I'll pass.

I spent six years in the Navy without being subject to a single disciplinary action. I was drug tested at least 10 times in my six years of Navy service. I passed those tests, every time.

I've talked about drug stuff that took place from about 1992-1998. And during that time I did a lot less drugs than most of the people I hung out with. I was never all that into it. Was usually pretty hesitant to put something into my body unless I was sure what it was. As mentioned, I've never done coke even though it's been offered to me many times. Never done ecstasy, would never do it. I drifted away from my high school friends as they started doing meth and I wasn't into it (probably the best decision I ever made). I've really done very few drugs all things considered. I'm not a druggie.

Please don't be so simple as to think that my opposition to the war on drugs is so that I can do a bunch of drugs. The war on drugs has been an enormous tragedy. Even though it really doesn't affect people like me and doesn't affect me specifically very much at all, I can see the harm it does to society overall and the lives it has destroyed that didn't need to be destroyed, whose destruction has served no positive purpose.
A. When it comes to drugs babe is a dumbass
B. Please don't care what babe thinks about you..... and you shouldn't have to explain yourself or your situation to someone so ignorant and clearly biased/prejudiced toward a group of people that he knows nothing about
I have tried LSD or Shrooms maybe 5 times in total. 3 of those times I had a horrible time. One of the times I was feeling good and having fun my best friend went into cardiac arrest (intentionally ****ed up acid from a kid our group of friends had a major falling out with and apparently he tried to kill us. 11 of the 13 kids who took the acid went to the ER that night. My friend got it the worst and I basically had the best experience on LSD I ever had up until it was clear he was in trouble). I tend to get massive stomach cramps and feel like I've got a 20lb turd stuck in my guts. I also tend to get very anxious and frustrated. Hallucinogenics just don't agree with me at all.
Dude.. Hats off for having tried both LSD and LDS. Thankful to be alive, I'm sure.
A. When it comes to drugs babe is a dumbass
B. Please don't care what babe thinks about you..... and you shouldn't have to explain yourself or your situation to someone so ignorant and clearly biased/prejudiced toward a group of people that he knows nothing about

Yeah, you're right.
I don't know how old your kid is, but I've started to see the progress in my oldest two. My 7 year old son used to slam the door after he'd stomped down the hallway, kicking/hitting whatever was in his path whenever he got sent to his room. I would sit him down and talk to him. He would always say we'd "made him mad". I explained that he alone was responsible for his own actions and reactions, and the way he was reacting to his punishment didn't work and would only lead to more discipline. It's taken a little bit of time and extra discipline, but now he's down to only stomping down the hallway. No slamming of the door or kicking things/people on his way. I can live with a little stomping.

Thanks for sharing. Gives me hope.
I just want to address something real quick. Babe seems to be under the impression that I'm some kind of druggie. Babe, I'm a working man. The jobs I get you have to pass a drug test for. And, if I'm at work and cut my finger I get drug tested on the spot, or if I knock over some boxes and hurt someone else or damage company property, I get a drug test on the spot. I'm okay with that because I'll pass.

I spent six years in the Navy without being subject to a single disciplinary action. I was drug tested at least 10 times in my six years of Navy service. I passed those tests, every time.

I've talked about drug stuff that took place from about 1992-1998. And during that time I did a lot less drugs than most of the people I hung out with. I was never all that into it. Was usually pretty hesitant to put something into my body unless I was sure what it was. As mentioned, I've never done coke even though it's been offered to me many times. Never done ecstasy, would never do it. I drifted away from my high school friends as they started doing meth and I wasn't into it (probably the best decision I ever made). I've really done very few drugs all things considered. I'm not a druggie.

Please don't be so simple as to think that my opposition to the war on drugs is so that I can do a bunch of drugs. The war on drugs has been an enormous tragedy. Even though it really doesn't affect people like me and doesn't affect me specifically very much at all, I can see the harm it does to society overall and the lives it has destroyed that didn't need to be destroyed, whose destruction has served no positive purpose.

Don't you still drink? Or are you on the proverbial wagon now.

I'm curious in general, how did booze escape the drug label, when it's not only a drug but by any objective measure it's one of the more intoxicating and addictive ones. Is it just the legality?
Don't you still drink? Or are you on the proverbial wagon now.

I'm curious in general, how did booze escape the drug label, when it's not only a drug but by any objective measure it's one of the more intoxicating and addictive ones. Is it just the legality?

Oh, I don't count out alcohol as a drug. It's more destructive than marijuana if abused. Never would even try to deny that.

No wagons round here.
But, lest anyone imagine it's only conservatives who do this sort of trip on their kids, I believe liberals do it more frequently, and generally have lower tolerances for divergent opinions today than conservatives do.

Can I ask what you base this "belief" on? The day that one side of the aisle has the more exact moral compass is the day that I believe there's an elephant in my trunk. While I believe that there are extremes on both ends on both sides of the aisle, I think most folks live at the hump of the bell curve of life. It reminds me of a quote from Sherlock Holmes:

while the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician.

...which is a paraphrase from Winwood Reade.
Well that escalated at the appropriate pace
no hate here.

I deleted the post when you objected, you lacked the discretion to delete yours and let it pass.

Unless it is more important for you to knock me down a bit than have a good party, you could just delete all the crap in here about my comment.

When I see you've read this, I'll delete all of mine. Fair enough?

Sure babe, fair enough
I didn't read all of this post but what I did read I have no problem with.

What I do have a problem with is when I see posts of your saying blanket statement things like all weed smokers are lazy, dumb, no good, jobless, homeless, criminal drains on society.

I know alot of marijuana users who go to work every day, are successful, have good families with good values, are motivated and ambitious, and are generally just good people who hurt no one by using pot.

Carl Sagan was a pot smoker. His education and credentials dwarfed 99.9% of the population that has ever lived.
Dude.. Hats off for having tried both LSD and LDS. Thankful to be alive, I'm sure.

My parents left the LDS church when I was about 3. My mom only joined prior to marrying my dad. She wasn't really religious growing up in Missouri and my parents met while they were both enlisted in the Army in the early 70s. I have very vague memories of going to church.
My parents left the LDS church when I was about 3. My mom only joined prior to marrying my dad. She wasn't really religious growing up in Missouri and my parents met while they were both enlisted in the Army in the early 70s. I have very vague memories of going to church.

The way this reads to me is that you weren't ever LDS since baptism takes place at age 8. Your dad probably had some issues about leaving it, your mom not so much.

I could make the case, from my own experience, that the LDS Church is anything from a "cult" possessed by demonic powers all the way to the only hope for mankind. I could consider the present leaders practically members of my own family, and make the case about their sterling integrity, or I could argue that they have thrown their birthright/callings to the pigs trying to re-make Mormonism into something comprehensible to the folks of our time. . . .

I do observe that most people's thinking follows their life decisions on personal conduct, rather than the other way around.

I sorta understand the Dr. Joneses of the world, and the good-time charlies, but for me the fact remains, I am not a good enough person myself to be a "leader" of a church or to direct others' beliefs. I can see the faults, as I suppose them to be, in a Henry B. Eyring or a Thomas Monson, but I have not lived as honorably as they have.

Nobody, by "taking thought" can make God or a Church into what they want to think it is. In the case of "God" we simply have no access to any control of whatever that is, and in the case of a "Church" it is the aggregate of a community, often a very large community of millions of people, all of them acting independently at some level beyond our "control", so anything we have to say about our experience is bound to be of "passing validity".

We get to choose for ourselves, to judge for ourselves as we please ourselves to do, but we do not have fundamental power to define others. We do define ourselves.