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Dante is a complete wuss.

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You've been around for years and I think would know Trout's persona by now. That said, I would guess he probably did not know you were gay and was just starting this thread to call all the overreactors from the Exum/Rev thread that word. I highly, highly doubt it was a personal insult. He is the most politically incorrect moron on this board (Dutch may be a close second I guess) but yet he may be thee most tolerant, decent POS here as well. Sometimes some of us (myself included) call people that word when they're being little bitches. I'm not condoning it. I'm just saying that's the way many hetero men speak at times. Like it's a frat house or something. I too am quite tolerant and actually get furious over inequality for gas at times. Anyway, I hope that made sense. I'm typing from phone. Anyway, I remember you somewhat and would love to see you stick around.

I'm pretty sure he knows I'm gay, as that's really the only bit of personal information I've really let out around here. I've had people on other basketball websites call me "that gay Jazz fan", so the reputation definitely spread outside of here. At one point, I feel like I was a pretty well respected poster around here as well, so I feel like he for sure knows about me. Like I said, it's one thing to make fun of someone's college team, but it pisses me off when someone makes fun of who I am as a person.

At any rate, I wouldn't say "that's just who he is" is a good excuse to allow him to make a new thread, specifically to make fun of a handful of users who were part of drama that happened days ago. But what do I know?
Basically, I want to make this website better, and ignoring the problems didn't work. So now I'm just gonna tell people how I feel, ya know?

My most recent outbursts are really just about calling people stupid. That's gonna be my new thing. If I see you making this website a crappier place to post, I'm gonna call you out on it. People might not agree with me, but I know what good is, and Rev's post, and TroutBum's post, weren't good.
I'm pretty sure he knows I'm gay, as that's really the only bit of personal information I've really let out around here. I've had people on other basketball websites call me "that gay Jazz fan", so the reputation definitely spread outside of here. At one point, I feel like I was a pretty well respected poster around here as well, so I feel like he for sure knows about me. Like I said, it's one thing to make fun of someone's college team, but it pisses me off when someone makes fun of who I am as a person.

At any rate, I wouldn't say "that's just who he is" is a good excuse to allow him to make a new thread, specifically to make fun of a handful of users who were part of drama that happened days ago. But what do I know?

Arent you the guy who had the votes for the All-Jazzfanz Team or something?
Yo, I've been posting on message boards since I was 11, and this group is by far the biggest mess I've been a part of. I feel like everything about this place is inconsistent.

And even so, that doesn't change the fact that this is a thread made to deliberately insult a handful of members, and has absolutely nothing to do with the Utah Jazz.

Maybe I'm misunderstood? I guess this thread must be nice and engaging in some way that I'm just not seeing.

By far? Frankly I don't think you've been to that many if this is the biggest mess ever.

I did move it since it wasn't Jazz related, but the insulting was pretty minor (was he really taking a shot specifically at your sexuality? I had no idea you were gay until now to be honest). Perhaps this place is too lenient. Yet people here bitch all the time that it's too harsh. Usually I feel when two sides bitch like that something is being done right, but that's me. Admittedly I'm biased, because if there is a problem here I'm part of it. I'd like to think I'm not, but who knows. In general I'd prefer a place to be more lenient than strict, as places that are overly strict are just irritating.

Not sure why you think Trout gets special treatment here. He's been "banned" (which at one time was permanent, now it's like 6 months) more times than anyone here. He might get a little more leniency in the sense that he keeps getting allowed back when someone like HH might not, but people here actually know him. In most walks of life and human endeavors that goes a long way.
Arent you the guy who had the votes for the All-Jazzfanz Team or something?

I did the JazzFanz awards, yeah.

I released most of the results, but I had gotten fed up with this place and removed myself from JazzFanz before I tallied up the All JazzFanz teams.

Spoilers, UGLY Baby was by far the most popular, and everyone else was just kinda here and there.
I did the JazzFanz awards, yeah.

I released most of the results, but I had gotten fed up with this place and removed myself from JazzFanz before I tallied up the All JazzFanz teams.

Spoilers, UGLY Baby was by far the most popular, and everyone else was just kinda here and there.

Yeah, I think I remember that being the point you stopped coming around.
By far? Frankly I don't think you've been to that many if this is the biggest mess ever.

In most cases, I can like ... abandon bad forums for a better one. This is such a niche forum, since there aren't many Utah Jazz fans out there to begin with, so I sort of just have to deal with it. I think you do have a point, though. The state of Utah itself is already so divisive with things like college sports, and even religion, it doesn't surprise me to see it happening on a Utah forums well.

I did move it since it wasn't Jazz related, but the insulting was pretty minor (was he really taking a shot specifically at your sexuality? I had no idea you were gay until now to be honest). Perhaps this place is too lenient. Yet people here bitch all the time that it's too harsh. Usually I feel when two sides bitch like that something is being done right, but that's me. Admittedly I'm biased.

Like I said, I've had people on Reddit and RealGM comment on my homosexuality, which I really only talked about on JazzFanz, so I assumed it was pretty well known. I felt like he added "and/or gay" specifically to target me, since I was one of the loudest voices against Rev's post. If it wasn't specifically targeted at me, I still think that's still a pretty low blow.

Not sure why you think Trout gets special treatment here. He's been "banned" (which at one time was permanent, now it's like 6 months) more times than anyone here. He might get a little more leniency in the sense that he keeps getting allowed back when someone like HH might not, but people here actually know him. In most walks of life and human endeavors that goes a long way.

So because this isn't the worst thing TroutBum has done, then it isn't such a big deal. Got it. Sound logic you've got there.
Yeah, I think I remember that being the point you stopped coming around.

Yeah, lots of people were pissing me off back then too, so that was my passive aggressive way of getting my revenge. I think I did like, 85% of the tallying before I got fed up with people and disappeared.
I did the JazzFanz awards, yeah.

I released most of the results, but I had gotten fed up with this place and removed myself from JazzFanz before I tallied up the All JazzFanz teams.

Spoilers, UGLY Baby was by far the most popular, and everyone else was just kinda here and there.

What was this?? Voting for best poster ever??

I remember you living in the Geezy, kinda close to George's Corner, but you never made it out with the STG crew.
What was this?? Voting for best poster ever??

I remember you living in the Geezy, kinda close to George's Corner, but you never made it out with the STG crew.


We're referring to the last bit. People sent in ballots of who they'd vote for All JazzFanz 1st, 2nd, and 3rd teams, and I think I remember you leading the pack. I might be wrong about you leading it, but you were pretty high up there. I feel like it was mostly you and PKM.

And yeah, I still live by George's. You guys somehow only managed to organize stuff on nights that I worked.
You guys play ball? I'm all signed up for the city league, I'm always open for pick up games too!
Glad Xsy is responding to stupid posts by calling them out. It's nice having you here, and I mean that seriously. You post some thought-provoking content on this board, and David Locke even mentioned one of your threads in a podcast of his once (it was the one about trends to teams that hit the 8th seed from a few years ago-- it was hilarious seeing Locke avoid naming jazzfanz.com by name. Such a clown).
People who complained were right in one way because it's a low blow if you make fun of a player's injury, health related issues.

But the way the reactions grew were also overreactions.

But the way people in here are backing Rev like crazy are also overreacting.

The thing is, Rev felt it was a funny line and posted it. It happens. In a lazy moment, a crude line comes to your mind and you say it, even if you actually wouldn't say when you gave it a thought but in that sudden moment it feels funny, so you shoot it straight away.

I figure not all of you people are sinless nuns so let's not make it last any longer. I know it's so low to make fun of injuries and health related issues, but this here we're talking about is a guy that roots for your team and wouldn't mean harm to any of his team's players, instead he would be just pulling your legs.
People who complained were right in one way because it's a low blow if you make fun of a player's injury, health related issues.

But the way the reactions grew were also overreactions.

But the way people in here are backing Rev like crazy are also overreacting.

The thing is, Rev felt it was a funny line and posted it. It happens. In a lazy moment, a crude line comes to your mind and you say it, even if you actually wouldn't say when you gave it a thought but in that sudden moment it feels funny, so you shoot it straight away.

I figure not all of you people are sinless nuns so let's not make it last any longer. I know it's so low to make fun of injuries and health related issues, but this here we're talking about is a guy that roots for your team and wouldn't mean harm to any of his team's players, instead he would be just pulling your legs.

Catch up with the drama, bro. We're over Rev, and I started hating on everyone again, and then just TroutBum.

I'm over it, though.
Catch up with the drama, bro. We're over Rev, and I started hating on everyone again, and then just TroutBum.

I'm over it, though.

No need, thanks. I was just waiting for Trout to start a thread so I can finally say may thoughts about the issue that I didn't have a chance to say.
I'm pretty sure he knows I'm gay, as that's really the only bit of personal information I've really let out around here. I've had people on other basketball websites call me "that gay Jazz fan", so the reputation definitely spread outside of here. At one point, I feel like I was a pretty well respected poster around here as well, so I feel like he for sure knows about me. Like I said, it's one thing to make fun of someone's college team, but it pisses me off when someone makes fun of who I am as a person.

At any rate, I wouldn't say "that's just who he is" is a good excuse to allow him to make a new thread, specifically to make fun of a handful of users who were part of drama that happened days ago. But what do I know?


You're being way too sensitive about this. He didn't mention any posters names in his initial post and I don't even recall you posting more than maybe once in the Exum/Rev thread. Seriously brotha, relax. We all know Raspberry Delight's a douchenozzle of epic proportions. He was not toward you in this case.
I did the JazzFanz awards, yeah.

I released most of the results, but I had gotten fed up with this place and removed myself from JazzFanz before I tallied up the All JazzFanz teams.

Spoilers, UGLY Baby was by far the most popular, and everyone else was just kinda here and there.

Only 'cause he had God on his side.
In most cases, I can like ... abandon bad forums for a better one. This is such a niche forum, since there aren't many Utah Jazz fans out there to begin with, so I sort of just have to deal with it. I think you do have a point, though. The state of Utah itself is already so divisive with things like college sports, and even religion, it doesn't surprise me to see it happening on a Utah forums well.

Like I said, I've had people on Reddit and RealGM comment on my homosexuality, which I really only talked about on JazzFanz, so I assumed it was pretty well known. I felt like he added "and/or gay" specifically to target me, since I was one of the loudest voices against Rev's post. If it wasn't specifically targeted at me, I still think that's still a pretty low blow.

So because this isn't the worst thing TroutBum has done, then it isn't such a big deal. Got it. Sound logic you've got there.

But your logic about the fact that people on RealGM and Reddit know you're gay must mean Trout does (you say people, but your issue is with Trout here) and that's why he attacked you is simply flawless. Give me a break. You're being ultra-sensitive about this, seemingly because some dip****s on those other sites treated you like crap there and/or you came back here to Jazzfanz with a preconceived notion that the place sucks.
Yall read the OP and think Trout doesn't know Xsy is gay?


He never mentions XSY and he must call people gay in threads once a week when he's throwing shade so I'm not remotely sure he knows he's gay. He was simply flaming (no pun I swear) all those who were giving Rev a hard time, no just XSY.
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