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Game Thread Dec 25, 2021 08:30PM MT: Jazz vs. Mavericks

Added to Calendar: 12-25-21

These announcers are boring. Several high school crews are better.

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Brothers has no right being paid to officiate any game ever.

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Terrible officiating yet again.
Terrible effort all the way around. Can't hit a 3 to save our lives. Playing lifeless. Pathetic.
I don't like that they don't have individual stats anywhere in the arena.
Jazz playing like they didn't get the tickle me elmo they coveted for Christmas.

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We have a chance to get within 1 of the Dallas juco team. Somehow that is not inspiring.
Why does this team always play down to the competition? So frustrating.
Subconsciously these are the toughest games to win. Christmas Day, the whole world watching and you have to go against Brunson, Porzingus and a bunch of junk yard dogs with everything to gain and nothing to lose.