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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

What the hell???

How do you “fall in love” with one of the worst dictators in the world?

Watching any Trump rally, and listening to him, is to see and hear a dolt. It can be deceiving though. Put him in front of a group of leaders from around the planet Earth, and they will recognize a dolt when they see and hear one. And guffaw in his face. Put him in front of his cult, and he soaks up the cheers, and leaves thinking he's quite the guy. He sure loves to wing it, knowing if he says something outrageous, and he always will winging it, he's a dolt after all, the crowds that like to stick it to elites and people who are actually thoughtful and rational, will carry on in ecstasy.
But @babe, you did not answer a single one of the questions I asked. What did Manafort offer in his required sit down with Mueller's team that caused Mueller to offer generous terms to a man he had by the balls, and therefore Mueller could not possibly lose in a second trial? A prosecutor does not offer such deals out of the goodness of his heart or because he is thinking "poor Manafort, he has suffered enough". At any rate, I posed a series of reasonable questions based on what we know regarding the plea deal. You answered not a single one.

Because there's no point arguing lies.

Manafort's association with the Trump campaign was short. The FBI had been monitoring ("spying") on the Trump team and had 100% of every email and phone call from long before the Hillary/Obama-financed dossier was even dreamed of. But someone noticed the activity, and it was shut down. Yes, someone in the FBI did care about the illegal spying. The pipeline to the Dems was shut down by an FBI official......

After that, the "Hillary/Obama team" had to get the dossier made up and submitted to the FISA court to get the communications on tap once again.

Knowing that..... absolutely knowing that..... means for me that Manafort is inconsequential in regard to any information. Sure they can tell him what they want him to say or testify, but he is just irrelevant. He did nothing. He knows nothing that is not known already. Oh, maybe the Mueller team thinks he's gonna lie for them. But the defense for Trump is already on to it all, and any "lie" will be proven a lie..... so it's inconsequential.

Like I said. Mueller knows the hammer is fallin' on him next, and if he doesn't close up shop quick and get outta the country, he's headed for jail.

So the "blue wave" might save him, sure. Except unless OB and thousands like him can really get out the vote, there's no blue wave.

Dems have overplayed their hand.
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What the hell???

How do you “fall in love” with one of the worst dictators in the world?

ha ha.

First of all, NK is being actively "managed" or manipulated by both Russia and China.... and is apparently resorting to even more significant peace talks with SK. If Trump isn't promising "Love" as well as more help than others, he's losing touch and control.

nah, there's a better way forward that will fundamentally take NK/SK outta the British foreign office stooge list. NK is no longer going to be the geopolitical divisor the Brits made it in the fifties.... and, well, in the 1930s too.

The only loser here is the Brits, because there will be a peaceful resolution, even a multi-decadal path towards unification if not something like Germany's reunification.

Japan will like it. China will like it. Russian will like it. We will like it. The Koreans will like it.

No.... "LOVE IT".

I don't think Xi or Putin are really great lights for human rights. I think the Koreans will do better.

Funny how you dumpTrump dolts still can't see the Brit intelligence and FO involvement in the H/O "dossier" for what it is...….. massive Brit meddling in American politics..... actual "ownership" of the progressive "Left"/national Socialist globalism cause.

Chumps are worse dolts than Trump. Brit puppets are even less credible than Trumpsters.
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The Whitewater investigation was longer, more populated, broader-reaching, and beset by leaks unlike anything in the Mueller investigation. How old are you again?

"your team" has been actively rewriting "History" in the media. Wilkow's "History of Now" phenomena. I actually do remember "Whitewater" as it was run out with weak coverage in mostly derided alternative media, and largely ignored by establishment media and politicians and lost in legal maneuverings.

Or were you thinking of "Watergate".

An attack on the sitting President and his efforts to appoint federal officers..... to dislodge Obama's partisan team.... and other actions...... including the illegal (according to previous rules in the JD's policies..... requiring a specified subject based on evidence) witch-hunt is all unprecedented.

Having a little clutch of congressional figures just big enough to derail the Trump-desired legislative agenda.....turncoat globalists.....is perhaps not unprecedented, but still part of the fight.

MAGA is anathema to a levelled global system.
"your team" has been actively rewriting "History" in the media. Wilkow's "History of Now" phenomena. I actually do remember "Whitewater" as it was run out with weak coverage in mostly derided alternative media, and largely ignored by establishment media and politicians and lost in legal maneuverings.

Or were you thinking of "Watergate".

An attack on the sitting President and his efforts to appoint federal officers..... to dislodge Obama's partisan team.... and other actions...... including the illegal (according to previous rules in the JD's policies..... requiring a specified subject based on evidence) witch-hunt is all unprecedented.

Having a little clutch of congressional figures just big enough to derail the Trump-desired legislative agenda.....turncoat globalists.....is perhaps not unprecedented, but still part of the fight.

MAGA is anathema to a levelled global system.

Unprecedented?!?? Wtf. Does Gorsuch not mean anything to you???!!!!

Jesus ****, am I the only one without their head firmly and irrevocably lodged up the R or D parties ***???!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, just for you, OB...….

The leveled global system you're working for is Cecil Rhodes' racist system designed to "level" all the players just so the Brit FO group can play everyone against each other just enough to give the old, white gentry the final say. Racism to the core.
Unprecedented?!?? Wtf. Does Gorsuch not mean anything to you???!!!!

Jesus ****, am I the only one without their head firmly and irrevocably lodged up the R or D parties ***???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, the Rs didn't bother with all the theatrics..... it was enough to just say he was Obama's pick.

The Rs will get Kavanaugh seated.....the "unprecedented" term related to the wider anti-Trump efforts, of which K is but a part.
And, just for you, OB...….

The leveled global system you're working for is Cecil Rhodes' racist system designed to "level" all the players just so the Brit FO group can play everyone against each other just enough to give the old, white gentry the final say. Racism to the core.

Yeah, because Trumps *** isn’t playing the wish’s washy cowards trump card. “Rapists” and what not to describe “illegals”

Jesus H almighty. Wtf is going on.
well, the Rs didn't bother with all the theatrics..... it was enough to just say he was Obama's pick.

Like hell they didn’t.

“Birther” and “Muslim” outrage not ring a bell?!!!???!?!?! **** the Rs.

Worthless, no good, rotten, self righteous, fake Christian, worthless(again) hateful *** hats.
Are you actually lumping rape victims in with social justice warriors?

Dude, you're slippin...

what rape victims you talkin' 'bout.???? Stupid to interpret whatever anyone says with actually unrelated and unmentioned rhetorical terms.

so far as I'm concerned rape victims and folks accused without evidence alike are entitled to be "social justice warriors".

A drunk fallin' on another drunk with no sober witness or corroboration? nah.... goes nowhere. Nobody knows what happened or why.

don't get drunk. don't go to an upstairs bedroom and get in bed drunk with drunks staggering around. male female whatevers.

nah. I'd figure by that standard we're calling all sex "criminal". Libs today are the freakin' SNL "Church ladies".

tell you what. You can have your values. Just don't impose them on everyone else.
Unprecedented?!?? Wtf. Does Gorsuch not mean anything to you???!!!!

Jesus ****, am I the only one without their head firmly and irrevocably lodged up the R or D parties ***???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think im there with ya, but i dont even know anymore.
And btw @Stoked you realize that you are responding to someone who isnt sane right?
Because there's no point arguing lies.

Manafort's association with the Trump campaign was short. The FBI had been monitoring ("spying") on the Trump team and had 100% of every email and phone call from long before the Hillary/Obama-financed dossier was even dreamed of. But someone noticed the activity, and it was shut down. Yes, someone in the FBI did care about the illegal spying. The pipeline to the Dems was shut down by an FBI official......

After that, the "Hillary/Obama team" had to get the dossier made up and submitted to the FISA court to get the communications on tap once again.

Knowing that..... absolutely knowing that..... means for me that Manafort is inconsequential in regard to any information. Sure they can tell him what they want him to say or testify, but he is just irrelevant. He did nothing. He knows nothing that is not known already. Oh, maybe the Mueller team thinks he's gonna lie for them. But the defense for Trump is already on to it all, and any "lie" will be proven a lie..... so it's inconsequential.

Like I said. Mueller knows the hammer is fallin' on him next, and if he doesn't close up shop quick and get outta the country, he's headed for jail.

So the "blue wave" might save him, sure. Except unless OB and thousands like him can really get out the vote, there's no blue wave.

Dems have overplayed their hand.

God, @babe, it's simple. Mueller has Manafort by the balls. Manafort and his attorney sits down with Mueller's team and says "this is what we can offer by way of information you may find useful in your investigation". Mueller then agrees to drop 6 of 8 charges against Manafort, and also argue for a more lenient sentence. The question then becomes what information would Manafort offer that would cause Mueller to be that generous?

Normally, a prosecutor is using smaller fish to get at bigger fish. It does not have to be the case that that bigger fish is Trump. Could be his son Don Jr. Might be Kushner. Might be both. I don't know. There is no way I can know. But the terms of the plea deal, apparently worded as well in a manner making a Trump pardon more problematic, simply suggests Manafort offered information considered highly valuable by Mueller.

Yet, you cannot admit what is obvious. As for Mueller headed for jail, of course that's absurd. You have one of the most honorable public servants fleeing the country? I wish you would not talk like a crazy man, you make it all but impossible to take you seriously. I'm not even saying Trump will be nailed for anything by Mueller. But for certain Robert Mueller is not going to be charged with anything and he will never be fleeing the United States for any reason.

Well, I guess on that last note, I'm speechless. You're enveloped in the world of conspiracy theories. You are simply not rational. By my own admission, I am overly rational. That can be a problem at times as well. Maybe it makes it harder for me to lighten up at times. But, for sure I can't be expected to discuss any subject with somebody as irrational as yourself. I accept that I can never expect a straight answer from you. I can only expect paranoid delusions. Sorry that's the case, but without a doubt it is the case.