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Donald Fires FBI Director who's investigating Russian Election Hacking

Obstruction, which appears to have happened, is not a concern. The POTUS can't obstruct justice, after all. The President IS the law.

um, that's exactly what President Nixon was impeached for - obstruction of justice - that, and abuse of power. He wasn't officially found guilty however, because he resigned before the final vote was taken.
More fake news from the totally corrupt and liberal senate intelligence committee, right MAGAs?

Water is wet and brainless Donald and his zombie MAGA cult still won’t believe in our intelligence offices.

So, he ended the nuclear threat on the Korean Peninsula. No, wait, he just claimed to end it, as evidence that his foreign policy of personal chemistry was winning big. In actuality, the threat is still there and he made a fool out of himself. But at least he can commiserate with his favorite fellow authoritarian.

Might as well call in the first person off the street and ask them if they would like to be president.


But, first things first. Before Mr. Trump buddies up to his very most favorite murderous dictator, he will need to spend a little time kicking in the teeth of our allies for the last 70 years:


"U.S. AMBASSADOR to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison says “the overall theme” of this week’s summit meeting in Brussels “is going to be NATO’s strength and unity,” which is what it ought to be. There is considerable good news to celebrate: The alliance has substantially beefed up defenses of its eastern flank, facing Russia; it is recommitting to vital missions in Afghanistan and Iraq; and every one of its members is increasing defense spending — the biggest buildup by U.S. allies in 25 years. The summit is due to adopt an ambitious new plan that would allow NATO to deploy 30 battalions, 30 squadrons of planes and 30 ships within 30 days — a resource that could considerably bolster the ability of the United States to respond to crises.

Unfortunately, Ms. Hutchison cannot predict the potential behavior of the commander in chief, President Trump, who has kept security officials across Europe sleepless in anticipation of a possible blowup like he initiated at last month’s Group of Seven meeting. Behind closed doors in Quebec, Mr. Trump berated the alliance as “as bad as NAFTA” and defended Russia’s annexation of Crimea. He also dispatched letters to the leaders of Germany, Canada and several other nations, scolding them for failing to spend still more on defense.

The fear is not only that Mr. Trump will spoil the “unity” of the summit with harangues before flying to Helsinki for a far friendlier meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is that, having shrugged off the strong support for NATO among his national security team, he is bent on wrecking a multilateral organization he regards as obsolete and a means for European nations to freeload at the expense of the United States.....

......What the president ought to avoid is making a show of discord with the European allies as a prelude to a relations-mending summit with Mr. Putin. That would be not just unseemly but dangerous: It could cause the Russian leader to conclude that he might get away with a new round of aggression in Europe. Mr. Trump seems not to understand that maligning America’s allies while embracing its adversaries is more than a political game; it could have catastrophic consequences."
Proof of collusion.

For example, if (hypothetically) his son, son-in-law and campaign manager met with Russian officials in Trump Tower order to help Trump win the election. And then they said the meeting was about adoptions. Then POTUS45 dictates a press release that further lies about the meeting.

But I'm sure nothing that crazy would ever happen.
What are the odds this whole kerfuffle ends in an impeachment?
What are the odds this whole kerfuffle ends in an impeachment?

I also think it's extremely unlikely. Impeachment might occur if the Democrats win back the House in November, and if a subsequent Mueller report supports such an action. Any trial, however, takes place in the Senate, and a 2/3 vote is required to convict. Even should the Democrats win the Senate, itself an unlikely prospect, the odds of getting enough GOP votes to reach 2/3 seems highly unlikely. So overall I very much doubt Mr. Trump will leave his office as a result of impeachment. And, at this point, I think he has a good chance of reelection in 2020. That's not what I would want, but I just would not be surprised, and I feel I need to at least be prepared for such an eventuality.
A great read. Unrolling the obscene trump contact with Russians really makes the handful of trump defenders on this website look like bigger morons than they already are:


We don't all see things through a lens clearly. One of my closest friends is a firm Trump supporter, and he's no moron. A highly intelligent man, in fact. The fact is it is just extraordinarily difficult for the two sides of the political chasm in this country to understand one another. I would much rather work to understand why that is the case, since these two sides are going to continue to exist whether Trump is president or not. I mean, we have antifa members battling far right supporters in armed combat. It's serious, and while I have found it well nigh impossible to engage in respectful dialog with die hard Trump supporters, and have at times lost it myself, I do recognize that the divisiveness in America is extremely unhealthy to our body politic.

I'm not holier then thou. I falter all the time in this present day climate. I would just suggest it never helps.

With all that said, I really thank you for posting this. I have read it and fwd it to several friends to read. And it describes how I have felt, what I have suspected, for awhile now. Ever since reading "Collusion", by The Guardian reporter Luke Harding, which is a close look at Christopher Steele and his dossier, I have suspected that if and when the truth finally emerges, this whole matter will reveal a truly worst case scenario. Just as the article you posted suggests. So thanks for bringing it to my attention.
We don't all see things through a lens clearly. One of my closest friends is a firm Trump supporter, and he's no moron. A highly intelligent man, in fact. The fact is it is just extraordinarily difficult for the two sides of the political chasm in this country to understand one another. I would much rather work to understand why that is the case, since these two sides are going to continue to exist whether Trump is president or not. I mean, we have antifa members battling far right supporters in armed combat. It's serious, and while I have found it well nigh impossible to engage in respectful dialog with die hard Trump supporters, and have at times lost it myself, I do recognize that the divisiveness in America is extremely unhealthy to our body politic.

I'm not holier then thou. I falter all the time in this present day climate. I would just suggest it never helps.

With all that said, I really thank you for posting this. I have read it and fwd it to several friends to read. And it describes how I have felt, what I have suspected, for awhile now. Ever since reading "Collusion", by The Guardian reporter Luke Harding, which is a close look at Christopher Steele and his dossier, I have suspected that if and when the truth finally emerges, this whole matter will reveal a truly worst case scenario. Just as the article you posted suggests. So thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Does your friend listen to am radio? Does he/she watch Fox News? I don’t think it’s very complicated. When you get the majority of your “facts” from propaganda, there’s going to be a huge gulf between those living in reality and those living in the right wing fantasy world.
Does your friend listen to am radio? Does he/she watch Fox News? I don’t think it’s very complicated. When you get the majority of your “facts” from propaganda, there’s going to be a huge gulf between those living in reality and those living in the right wing fantasy world.
You realize conservatives are saying the same thing about liberal media, right?

Whose reality is real?
Does your friend listen to am radio? Does he/she watch Fox News? I don’t think it’s very complicated. When you get the majority of your “facts” from propaganda, there’s going to be a huge gulf between those living in reality and those living in the right wing fantasy world.

You have to be careful in separating Fox News segments that are news (relatively unbiased) vs. opinion (strongly biased).
You realize conservatives are saying the same thing about liberal media, right?

Whose reality is real?

The one with facts and evidence.

Conservatives deny climate change Science, promote tinkle down (supply side) economics, and claim that there’s no evidence of Russian collusion. Yet, the facts from scientists, economists, and our own intelligence agencies, say otherwise.

There has always existed a gulf of separation between the two parties. I’m currently reading the new book “Nixon: The Life.” Even then there were people who disagreed with new deal policies and were eager to empower a “normal guy” like Tricky Dick to #ownthelibs. Even then there was a “us” vs “them” mentality between rural America and urban America. The Nixon Duke grad (a relatively unknown school) against elitists from Ivy League schools (Alger Hiss).

But eventually, facts caught up to him.

The problem today is that trump literally kiss Putin’s *** and the Fox fantasy world would lie, block, and spin the evidence and facts to support their fantasy.

That’s the problem.

One large group of people still believe in scientists, economists, and our intelligence agency while the other small group for cultural and religious reasons refuse to believe in those trusted institutions and instead rely on the safe confines of Fox News to tell them how to think and what to believe in.
You have to be careful in separating Fox News segments that are news (relatively unbiased) vs. opinion (strongly biased).

When most people reference Fox News they’re referencing their most watched products, Hannity, Tucker, and Laura. We aren’t referencing Shep Smith. Which, interestingly enough, he’s seen a huge backlash lately over his (honest) reporting of this administration.

That should tell you something about Fox News and it’s viewers when one of its only honest reporters is blasted for telling the news instead of spinning fantasy.
We don't all see things through a lens clearly. One of my closest friends is a firm Trump supporter, and he's no moron. A highly intelligent man, in fact. The fact is it is just extraordinarily difficult for the two sides of the political chasm in this country to understand one another. I would much rather work to understand why that is the case, since these two sides are going to continue to exist whether Trump is president or not. I mean, we have antifa members battling far right supporters in armed combat. It's serious, and while I have found it well nigh impossible to engage in respectful dialog with die hard Trump supporters, and have at times lost it myself, I do recognize that the divisiveness in America is extremely unhealthy to our body politic.

I'm not holier then thou. I falter all the time in this present day climate. I would just suggest it never helps.

With all that said, I really thank you for posting this. I have read it and fwd it to several friends to read. And it describes how I have felt, what I have suspected, for awhile now. Ever since reading "Collusion", by The Guardian reporter Luke Harding, which is a close look at Christopher Steele and his dossier, I have suspected that if and when the truth finally emerges, this whole matter will reveal a truly worst case scenario. Just as the article you posted suggests. So thanks for bringing it to my attention.

You should remember the book “Escape from Freedom” (didn’t we talk about this before?) as to why Fox News viewers are seeking a 1950s cultural refuge to their 2018 reality. The requirements of giving civil rights to minorities, respecting women, respecting LGBT, and requiring a college education has thrown many through a loop. In their cultural and/or economic frustration, they’ve given up trying to live in a fact filled reality and have decided to throw away freedom, throw away decency, throw away democratic advancements in hopes of returning their country to the culture that they most reminisce about.

Escape from Freedom relies heavily on the rise of hitler in Germany. In it the author Fromm explains that even if Nazism didn’t benefit the lower class, they felt better about themselves since they were able to beat up minorities (literally and figuratively).

So it’s pretty safe to say that republicans today don’t give a damn about policy. They don’t understand the ins and outs of Obamacare or Trumpcare. But what they do understand is that his rallies beat up on women and minorities. The talking box playing fox teaches them that trump rallies really piss off liberals, women and minorities, and that makes them feel good.
The notion that the mainstream media (CBS, NBC, ABC, NYTimes, etc.) are liberal is unreal. They all have an establishment bias.

The notion that CBS, NBC, The NY Times are liberal is hilarious too. When everything to the left of “The New American” is “liberal” then everything is liberal. For those who don’t get that reference, just google “John Birch Society.” Some of the biggest funders of the tea baggers and the GOP have ties to the JBS (Kochs). Even some former prominent Mormon leaders too (Ezra Taft Benson).

Mother Jones is definitely liberal. But CBS, NPR, NY Times? Cmon.

I think many could benefit by visiting other countries and seeing what “liberal” really means. Today in America we have one fascist party and one moderate party. Even in decades past the Democratic Party was far more liberal than today.

So to accuse the DNC as being liberal or to accuse CBS or The NY Times as being liberal, is just laughable.
One large group of people still believe in scientists, economists, and our intelligence agency while the other small group for cultural and religious reasons refuse to believe in those trusted institutions and instead rely on the safe confines of Fox News to tell them how to think and what to believe in.

Let's not go overboard here. Liberals are much more likely to be anti-vaccine, anti-GMO, pro-woo, apt to spend generally as opposed to targeted spending on what we know works, and only very recently have more trust in the intelligence agencies. We don't have a rational party versus an irrational party, we have two irrational parties, each of which tends to be on the factual side in some areas.