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**** Donald Trump Tweets Thread

He did. Does a forced "thank you" feel as good as a genuine one? I don't think he cares about the emotions behind something, though. He just needs the words.
A genuine thank you? Just like having sex with a woman who is actually attracted to you, this is something Donald will never experience.
bulletproof does not understand women!


sometimes women are genuinely attracted to powerful people!

women think different. he does not know the "sexual market value" & marriage market vallue" theories. he is looking at it like a man.

women's sexual market value is determined by: "The SMV of a woman is solely determined by her physical beauty and age."
men's sexual market value is determined by: "The SMV of a man is primarily determined by his income, status, physical fitness and personality. All alpha males have high SMV. A beta can also achieve high SMV by learning game. "

when a man looks at a woman, it doesn't matter if she is powerful or rich or educated or not. because men look at different things to asses sexual market vallue.
women on the other hand due to thousands of years of evolution look at it differently. because women due to how it was throughout history need other things than men do.
a roof over their head, protection for her and her offspring by masculinity, etc etc.

so you are the biggest fool if you ever think a woman cannot be attracted to trump or other men! or just some young naive boy. because when i was 18 and started to loose my hair i thought no woman would ever ever ever ever be attracted to me!

so please stop your stupidity,

ooh wait you disagree so i am just trolling and i am on ignore!

you are diagnosed with just another diagnosis of trump derangement syndrome!
People who lost money when the Stock Market went down 350 points based on the False and Dishonest reporting of Brian Ross of @ABC News (he has been suspended), should consider hiring a lawyer and suing ABC for the damages this bad reporting has caused - many millions of dollars!
i lost some money. becuase everything suddenly went down. way down. and my stoplosses hit, some in the green others did not!
Trump tweets...

"After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters - worst in History! But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness,"

The FBI didn't enjoy Trump's take... Poke that bear, Trump. Poke it hard!
North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
Ladies and gents, the president of the US.
ah what times we live in.... of all the ways to go i don't think nuclear holocaust would be too bad...
Nukes can kill you in several different ways. The light from the fireball can give you third degree burns even if the blast doesn't reach you. The concussion will hit you before the fire. If you were in a shelter and survived the blast you would likely suffocate as the fire consumes all the oxygen in a very large area and creates a vacuum as the fireball ends.

Then, of course, if you survive that you have radiation sickness to enjoy.
Nukes can kill you in several different ways. The light from the fireball can give you third degree burns even if the blast doesn't reach you. The concussion will hit you before the fire. If you were in a shelter and survived the blast you would likely suffocate as the fire consumes all the oxygen in a very large area and creates a vacuum as the fireball ends.

Then, of course, if you survive that you have radiation sickness to enjoy.

Sounds like it will be warm, so its going to be 41 here on Saturday, you know that's pretty hot so by way of comparison how much hotter will a several mega tonne blast be? I remember it was 47 once, damn that was hot, would it be that hot? maybe hotter...
Nukes can kill you in several different ways. The light from the fireball can give you third degree burns even if the blast doesn't reach you. The concussion will hit you before the fire. If you were in a shelter and survived the blast you would likely suffocate as the fire consumes all the oxygen in a very large area and creates a vacuum as the fireball ends.

Then, of course, if you survive that you have radiation sickness to enjoy.

Okay but would I still have access to porn? I’d lose my family, my friends, my belongings, hell, all I pretty much know would be adieu in that sucker. But porn. If I have my porn, I have hope.
Nukes can kill you in several different ways. The light from the fireball can give you third degree burns even if the blast doesn't reach you. The concussion will hit you before the fire. If you were in a shelter and survived the blast you would likely suffocate as the fire consumes all the oxygen in a very large area and creates a vacuum as the fireball ends.

Then, of course, if you survive that you have radiation sickness to enjoy.

If nukes are launched then I hope one hits my house. Take me out fast and early.
Daily Kos

Dear F*cking Lunatic: An open letter to Donald Trump
Dec 29, 2017 5:22pm MST by Aldous J Pennyfarthing

Like most of you, I read Donald Trump’s recent New York Times interview with mouth immutably agape. Then I read this part:

“Yeah, China. … China’s been. … I like very much President Xi. He treated me better than anybody’s ever been treated in the history of China. You know that.”

And **** me sideways with John Holmes’ fossilized dick, that was quite enough. I'd long since surpassed my recommended yearly allowance of crazy, and as if prodded by some divine imprimatur, this open letter to our “president” poured like incandescent dung from a Chernobyl reindeer’s *******:

Dear ****ing Lunatic,

I read with interest your recent interview with The New York Times. I couldn’t get past the bit about your being the most popular visitor in the history of ****ing China — a country that’s only 2,238 years old, give or take.

Do you know how ****ing insane you sound, you off-brand butt plug? That's like the geopolitical equivalent of “that stripper really likes me” — only 10,000 times crazier and less self aware.

You are ****ing exhausting. Every day is a natural experiment in determining how long 300 million people can resist coring out their own assholes with an ice auger. Every time I hear a snippet of your Queens-tinged banshee larynx farts, I want to crawl up my own *** with a Union Jack and claim my sigmoid colon for HRH Queen Elizabeth II.

We are ****ing tired. As bad as we all thought your presidency would be when Putin got you elected, it’s been inestimably worse.

You called a hostile, nuclear-armed head of state “short and fat.” How the **** does that help?

You accused a woman — a former friend, no less — of showing up at your resort bleeding from the face and begging to get in. You, you, YOU — the guy who looks like a Christmas haggis inexplicably brought to life by Frosty’s magic hat — yes, you of all people said that.

You attempted — with evident ****ing glee — to get 24 million people thrown off their health insurance.

You gave billions away to corporations and the already wealthy while simultaneously telling struggling poor people that you were doing exactly the opposite.

You endorsed a pedophile, praised brutal dictators, and defended LITERAL ****ING NAZIS!

Ninety-nine percent of everything you say is either false, crazy, incoherent, just plain cruel, or a rancid paella of all four.

Oh, by the way, Puerto Rico is still FUBAR. You got yourself and your family billions in tax breaks for Christmas. What do they get? More paper towels?

Enough, enough, enough, enough! For the love of God and all that is holy, good, and pure, would you please, finally and forever, shut your feculent KFC-hole until you have something valuable — or even marginally civil — to say?

You are a fried dick sandwich with a side of schlongs. If chlamydia and gonorrhea had a son, you’d appoint him HHS secretary. You are a disgraceful, pustulant hot stew full of casuistry, godawful ideas, unintelligible non sequiturs, and malignant rage.

You are the perfect circus orangutan diaper from Plato’s World of Forms.

So happy new year, Mr. Pr*sident. And **** you forever.

Oh, and Pence, you oleaginous house ferret. **** you, too.


So that's where Trutbum has been? Writing for the Daily Kos?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">....to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!</p>&mdash; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">January 6, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Can someone explain to me how you embed tweets so they post correctly on this forum?