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Evan McMullin

Traditionally the Republicans have been a mixture of conservatives and libertarian leaning voters. As of now it seems that the republicans(Trump supporters) are mostly xenophobic populists. As a conservative McMullin represents much of the old centrist position of the republican party and sadly what we might call the new "liberal" wing of the party.

Yep, this seems pretty accurate to me.
I swung by to see if people were thinking about voting for McMullin. I don't live in Utah so I won't really have an opportunity. That said, I believe a McMullin win in Utah could be significantly impactful.

My greatest fear out of this election is that the GOP is going to essentially decide amongst themselves that this election never happened, that the horrible xenophobic portions of the party didn't really demonstrate that they are a plurality of the base and continue on with business as normal. Trump merely losing allows that to happen. It puts the day of reckoning substantially off.

A McMullin Utah win signals something else entirely. It demonstrates that continued dog whistling at racists will inevitably lead to a split of the party and that the internal fissures in the party have to be addressed sooner rather than later. I'm honestly really excited for you Utah voters. Some of us live in Dem/GOP swing states. You guys may turn a state a whole other color and be the most interesting retrospective piece of the whole election. Further, you're getting to establish that Utah is the home for principled conservatism. Even though I'm very liberal, that's an exciting place to be and I'd want my home to be the incubator for good ideas. I'd probably pull the lever for McMullin. For justice.

Go forth and enjoy this unique moment in electoral history. Make it happen!
I've been thinking that a Trump win changes the GOP forever, and not for the better. If he loses, especially substantially, this signifies a rejection of these poor candidates, and hopefully, the ability to rebuild before the next election. I'm a registered republican who can't stand Hillary, Trump, and was never even huge a fan of Mitt Romney. The GOP lost their way a long time ago, and I've been tempted to drop that registration many times -- except that I want to vote in the primaries. In 2008 I supported Romney but have decided I'm more of a Ron Paul republican. There is much to like about Gary Johnson, except that he is pro-choice and a few other things I take issue with. McMullin, in my book, represents a great opportunity, like SirKicky said, to reject the mainstream choices in favor of principle. Although I HATE the thought of Hillary winning, I hate the thought of destroying the conservative movement with someone like Trump being allowed to win even more. At least if McMullin gets Utah, the message is strong and there's an outside chance of even more history being made.
Why do you call him a clown? Seems like a much more reasonable choice in many respects than either Trump or Clinton. As I've mentioned in another thread, I myself will very likely be voting for him.
Because I have been traumatized by this election cycle. I'm happy there is a way to vote against both Clinton and Trump without abstaining, and it would be many times better if the result was a 3rd party candidate winning in Utah. I'd be very proud of this state for doing that. I'm voting against the two major party candidates more than I am voting for someone else. I don't want to get my hopes up and then discover McMullin is as clueless as Gary Johnson.
I swung by to see if people were thinking about voting for McMullin. I don't live in Utah so I won't really have an opportunity. That said, I believe a McMullin win in Utah could be significantly impactful.

My greatest fear out of this election is that the GOP is going to essentially decide amongst themselves that this election never happened, that the horrible xenophobic portions of the party didn't really demonstrate that they are a plurality of the base and continue on with business as normal. Trump merely losing allows that to happen. It puts the day of reckoning substantially off.

A McMullin Utah win signals something else entirely. It demonstrates that continued dog whistling at racists will inevitably lead to a split of the party and that the internal fissures in the party have to be addressed sooner rather than later. I'm honestly really excited for you Utah voters. Some of us live in Dem/GOP swing states. You guys may turn a state a whole other color and be the most interesting retrospective piece of the whole election. Further, you're getting to establish that Utah is the home for principled conservatism. Even though I'm very liberal, that's an exciting place to be and I'd want my home to be the incubator for good ideas. I'd probably pull the lever for McMullin. For justice.

Go forth and enjoy this unique moment in electoral history. Make it happen!

I plan to use my vote this way. Normally I wouldn't vote for Mike Lee but because he never endorsed Trump I plan to. Goverrnor Herbert, having endorsed Trump at one point, will not get my vote. They will both win of course(some disgraceful gerrymandering has ensured Lee's seat) but I would like to see a measureable difference between how Lee and Herbert poll in SLC.
Senators are total state popular vote.

Lee would rather bring down the country than compromise on anything, so he wouldn't ever get my vote. Snow seems way too unqualified, though...
He has claimed all along that he doesn't support Trump. He's just outraged that people say mean things about Trump that he doesn't deserve. And he thinks people aren't saying enough about Clinton because Benghazi and private email server.
It's been bizarre how offended some people were when i disputed some unverifiable info about Trump. Clearly they hate him so much that they see no problem with making up reasons to hate him.

Clinton's emails got subpoenaed by Congress. After receiving a preservation order she permanently deleted more than 30K emails. Everything else aside, that one fact ought to be enough to disqualify her from the presidency. And btw GF, I would feel the same way about this if she had a penis.

The two major parties have embarrassed themselves and America with the candidates they have nominated.
Its super doubtful Evan gets anywhere close to winning. But I want as many people in Utah to vote for him. Most of his votes are from Republicans and Mormons. I think this might leave the window open for Clinton to be the first Democrat to win Utah in a long time, which is more likely than him actually winning the state.

Ill be happy to see Utah nominate the first woman president and good president that will probably be one of the most influential presidents based on the number of Supreme Justices she will get to nominated.
He opposes gay marriage personally, but views it as an individual's liberty to choose.

What the **** does that even mean? Opposes gay marriage for himself, but believe other people can get gay married? Isn't that just being straight and supporting gay marriage? I, too am opposed to the idea of marrying a guy(well, maybe not EVERY guy), but I'm okay with Elton John doing it.
What the **** does that even mean? Opposes gay marriage for himself, but believe other people can get gay married? Isn't that just being straight and supporting gay marriage? I, too am opposed to the idea of marrying a guy(well, maybe not EVERY guy), but I'm okay with Elton John doing it.

It means that he believes that it is morally wrong but his side lost the argument so he's accepting it.
If I can get more of the same I'll take it. Life is pretty good and I see no reason to throw our nation into chaos to get out from under our prosperity.

I see you have come around to liking Merica. Or do you always do your best Hillary impersonation?

Gameface? More like Changeface.
I see you have come around to liking Merica. Or do you always do your best Hillary impersonation?

Gameface? More like Changeface.

Why are you like this? You know that "liberals", and other people you refuse to try to understand, don't have to be your enemy, right?
Why are you like this? You know that "liberals", and other people you refuse to try to understand, don't have to be your enemy, right?

Oh please. You mean like how I try to have a discussion and instead I just get attacked with insults? If you are trying not to make enemies, thats not how you go about it. Im 100% sure thats how that goes.

My comments and myself may be abrasive sometimes. Sometimes Im just joking around even. But Ive never been like the crowd around here where people viciously attack someome over their thoughts. Ive been in self defense mode since I got here. Ive never went after anybody that didnt come after me first.

Wanna have conversations that dont turn into this? Just act like a mensch. Not a self righteous *******. Generalizing a group of people with the word liberal is not grounds to attack them.
I know, I just find this kind of a cop-out position both morally and politically dishonest.

People can personally be against things all the time for a myriad of reasons. Even as simple as just not liking it. But can be for it in a legal standpoint. Happens all the time on tons of issues. It is having an opinion and moral standpoint but realizing that not everyone has to live by your morals.

To call that morally dishonest is very foolish IMO.
Oh please. You mean like how I try to have a discussion?

I think you mixed up this message board with pretend one you post on in your head. You do like to state your opinions. You do not like having open respectful discussions with others. You like to assume other peoples stances and use straw mans arguments against them. You do like to use terms to lump people together like liberals and use that as an insult. You do like to start arguments and when anyone gives a thought out responsible response of any kind or real data you move on to a new argument. Hacks gonna hack no matter the name change.