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Free Assange

Wikileaks got the information from Seth Rich; that's why he was murdered.

Read. The. Report.


Wikileaks always claims to take pride in never publishing anything "false." This **** is false. The implication that the Democrats murdered a staffer in cold blood is a lie.

Assange is not a journalist.
Yes, Assange has been fighting autocracy. Doesn't it make you wonder why Russia gave Snowden, the guy who revealed that our own government is spying on us asylum? If Snowden, who sacrificed his life to tell the truth -- and you know the government is still doing what he exposed -- is getting asylum from Russia, what does that say about Russia?
Are you kidding? It says that they are clearly interested in dunking on the US in any way they can. If you can’t acknowledge that the Russian government is a festering pile of autocratic **** then you should do everyone a favor and not speak.

I am generally supportive of Snowden, but absolutely not of Assange or Russia.
So honest question. Why are people like @Jazzta and @Eenie-Meenie so susceptible to Russian disinformation? Like what’s the attraction to figures like Assange? What’s the draw of reading deeply into the disinformation campaigns that RT and WikiLeaks spin?

They’re clearly not alone.

Are they finding a community in these counter culture propaganda sites and the online forums they produce?

Is it feeding some need to rebel or go against the grain of mainstream news sources?

Does it make them feel smarter?

I just don’t get it. I’ve watched RT from time to time. It’s unbearably dumb and ridiculously biased. I find its propaganda and spin to be interesting in much the same way I find Tucker’s White Nationalist Hour. It’s more shocking that educational. Shocking in that the hosts and producers think so little of their audience that they put such fact free **** on the air while their viewers slurp it up as doctrine.
So honest question. Why are people like @Jazzta and @Eenie-Meenie so susceptible to Russian disinformation? Like what’s the attraction to figures like Assange? What’s the draw of reading deeply into the disinformation campaigns that RT and WikiLeaks spin?

They’re clearly not alone.

Are they finding a community in these counter culture propaganda sites and the online forums they produce?

Is it feeding some need to rebel or go against the grain of mainstream news sources?

Does it make them feel smarter?

I just don’t get it. I’ve watched RT from time to time. It’s unbearably dumb and ridiculously biased. I find its propaganda and spin to be interesting in much the same way I find Tucker’s White Nationalist Hour. It’s more shocking that educational. Shocking in that the hosts and producers think so little of their audience that they put such fact free **** on the air while their viewers slurp it up as doctrine.

I've always guessed hero worship and sense of community. Someone they looked up to held beliefs, and they try to mimic. They see a whole community of common ideas and just melt into the group.
How does the source of the information change the substance of the allegations? Do i give a **** if the Rusaians are behind exposing my governments criminality? Not in the slightest.

To use the whorey old line dragged out every time they impose another draconian law limiting personal and press freedom. If our governments had done nothing wrong they'd have nothing to fear. The real difference is that unlike the rest of us these people have committed crimes and atrocities and will never face consequences for them.

Im not a fan of the Russians but are they substantially worse than the US? Ask the Kurds.
So honest question. Why are people like @Jazzta and @Eenie-Meenie so susceptible to Russian disinformation? Like what’s the attraction to figures like Assange? What’s the draw of reading deeply into the disinformation campaigns that RT and WikiLeaks spin?

They’re clearly not alone.

Are they finding a community in these counter culture propaganda sites and the online forums they produce?

Is it feeding some need to rebel or go against the grain of mainstream news sources?

Does it make them feel smarter?

I just don’t get it. I’ve watched RT from time to time. It’s unbearably dumb and ridiculously biased. I find its propaganda and spin to be interesting in much the same way I find Tucker’s White Nationalist Hour. It’s more shocking that educational. Shocking in that the hosts and producers think so little of their audience that they put such fact free **** on the air while their viewers slurp it up as doctrine.

Is it disinformation? The overwhelming majority of the allegations released by wikileaks and various newspapers are true. Assange isn't being charged with lying he's being charged with espionage.

At the moment Australian journalists and newsrooms are being investigated and homes raided because they dared to break a story on war crimes committed by Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan. Will the government ever get a conviction? Almost certainly not but that is not the goal, they are trying to intimidated the press into silence. Idiots are trying to make this about a bill of rights, the reality is that a bunch of these antiterrorism laws are likely unconstitutional, who wants to go to the high court to find out tho?
Read. The. Report.

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Wikileaks always claims to take pride in never publishing anything "false." This **** is false. The implication that the Democrats murdered a staffer in cold blood is a lie.

Assange is not a journalist.

You sure you trust your sources? In an interview with Dutch TV shortly after the Rich murder which is or was available online, he strongly suggested Rich was the source. But there have been others associated with Wikileaks who actually identified Rich as the source. Not a journalist -- the greatest journalist of our time because he has given up his life to tell the truth, defying the most powerful nation in the world. Not many journalists like him.
So honest question. Why are people like @Jazzta and @Eenie-Meenie so susceptible to Russian disinformation? Like what’s the attraction to figures like Assange? What’s the draw of reading deeply into the disinformation campaigns that RT and WikiLeaks spin?

They’re clearly not alone.

Are they finding a community in these counter culture propaganda sites and the online forums they produce? And you know, Redacted Tonight, is a satire, so it's meant to be humorous but it is more truthful than anything you will find on MSM.

Is it feeding some need to rebel or go against the grain of mainstream news sources?

Does it make them feel smarter?

I just don’t get it. I’ve watched RT from time to time. It’s unbearably dumb and ridiculously biased. I find its propaganda and spin to be interesting in much the same way I find Tucker’s White Nationalist Hour. It’s more shocking that educational. Shocking in that the hosts and producers think so little of their audience that they put such fact free **** on the air while their viewers slurp it up as doctrine.
Why are you susceptible to the disinformation that has been going on in the U.S. since 1963? You know, you need to cite exactly what is so unbearably dumb and ridiculously biased, so I can rebut your butt.
Are you kidding? It says that they are clearly interested in dunking on the US in any way they can. If you can’t acknowledge that the Russian government is a festering pile of autocratic **** then you should do everyone a favor and not speak.

I am generally supportive of Snowden, but absolutely not of Assange or Russia.

You know who was responsible for gaining asylum for Snowden, don't you? Assange. Yes, Wikileaks was clearly interested in exposing the corruption of Clinton in the 2016 election, but let's face it, the U.S. government has been totally corrupted since 1963 when a couple detat occurred. The best President we've had since then was Carter, who did try to implement some positive reforms like the shift away from fossil fuel energy and demilitarizing economy, but the recession killed his Presidency and the right wingers took over and we got Reagan and the conservatives haven't looked back. Both Clinton and Obama were centrists who went along with the Deep State.
Is it disinformation? The overwhelming majority of the allegations released by wikileaks and various newspapers are true. Assange isn't being charged with lying he's being charged with espionage.

At the moment Australian journalists and newsrooms are being investigated and homes raided because they dared to break a story on war crimes committed by Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan. Will the government ever get a conviction? Almost certainly not but that is not the goal, they are trying to intimidated the press into silence. Idiots are trying to make this about a bill of rights, the reality is that a bunch of these antiterrorism laws are likely unconstitutional, who wants to go to the high court to find out tho?

Yes, it’s disinformation when you’re using stolen or hacked information to hurt western democracy, fuel conspiracies (like Seth rich), and lie in order to defend Russian authoritarianism. Do you call that... Journalism?
Why are you susceptible to the disinformation that has been going on in the U.S. since 1963? You know, you need to cite exactly what is so unbearably dumb and ridiculously biased, so I can rebut your butt.

You just had your *** handed to you by sirkickyass in post 21. And you want to talk about credibility?
Yes, it’s disinformation when you’re using stolen or hacked information to hurt western democracy, fuel conspiracies (like Seth rich), and lie in order to defend Russian authoritarianism. Do you call that... Journalism?
It's not disinformation; it's the truth. What do you call the two Iraq wars but the result of authoritarianism. What do you call 70 years of CIA covert operations? Authoritarianism. What do you call the assassination of a democratically-elected President -- Fugging tyranny!

You call the Manning video disinformation? Sirkicky, my butt. He has nothing to support his allegations, nothing.
You know that joke you used when you were younger, and said, “What? Did you hit your head when you were a child?” Yeah, @Eenie-Meenie had to have heard that a few dozen times.
You sure you trust your sources? In an interview with Dutch TV shortly after the Rich murder which is or was available online, he strongly suggested Rich was the source. But there have been others associated with Wikileaks who actually identified Rich as the source. Not a journalist -- the greatest journalist of our time because he has given up his life to tell the truth, defying the most powerful nation in the world. Not many journalists like him.

Yes, I listened to Yahoo’s Conspiracyland podcast about this, you could learn something. The Dutch TV Interviewer was shocked by Assange spewing such rhetoric on his show. In fact, he felt bad because he felt like he was being used by Assange to promote disinformation. So clearly, this interviewer didn’t feel confident about Rich being Assange’s source. So why did you bring this up? You think this... builds your case?

Not only is there zero evidence to support that Rich was Assange’s source, there’s plenty of evidence to show that the hacked emails came from Russian attackers. These teams in Russian intelligence were called Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear. We don’t need to speculate. Like we know it was them due to tactics and malware that Russian intelligence uses.

For those who want to learn about Russian intelligence:

for those wanting to learn about the Seth Rich story (I don’t have the time to debunk all the crap Ernie has in his head):


And of course there’s the Mueller report that dunks on Eenie too. I could tell you which pages to look up on the Mueller report but I see kicky already posted a page and it hasn’t stopped these imbeciles from posting their garbage.
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Yes, it’s disinformation when you’re using stolen or hacked information to hurt western democracy, fuel conspiracies (like Seth rich), and lie in order to defend Russian authoritarianism. Do you call that... Journalism?

The truth is the truth. You surprise me by being so wedded to your failing institutions.
Yes, I listened to Yahoo’s Conspiracyland podcast about this, you could learn something. The Dutch TV Interviewer was shocked by Assange spewing such rhetoric on his show. In fact, he felt bad because he felt like he was being used by Assange to promote disinformation. So clearly, this interviewer didn’t feel confident about Rich being Assange’s source. So why did you bring this up? You think this... builds your case?

Not only is there zero evidence to support that Rich was Assange’s source, there’s plenty of evidence to show that the hacked emails came from Russian attackers. These teams in Russian intelligence were called Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear. We don’t need to speculate. Like we know it was them due to tactics and malware that Russian intelligence uses.

For those who want to learn about Russian intelligence:

for those wanting to learn about the Seth Rich story (I don’t have the time to debunk all the crap Ernie has in his head):


And of course there’s the Mueller report that dunks on Eenie too. I could tell you which pages to look up on the Mueller report but I see kicky already posted a page and it hasn’t stopped these imbeciles from posting their garbage.

You fall for the disinformation fed by our Deep State. For one, while I hate Trump as much as you do, the Muellar Report is Deep State motivated. As I said before, it's all a cover for the DNC fraud. By the way, did you see who is the Chairperson of the board of FP, the periodical that casts apersions on Assange, Penny Pritzler, a billionaire who's also on the board of the Council of Foreign Relations, a notoriously Deep State organization going back decades. Are you familiar with the work of C. Wright Mills, whose Power Elite written in the late 1950s was the first to delineate the how the branches of government were infiltrated by corporate leaders which dictated U.S. Policy, or perhaps we should call it, The American Empire, whose military has dominated the World with the justification of keeping the world safe for democracy.

There was a hacker, Guccifer, who actually made these files public if you were paying attention. I was, and downloaded them circa April 2016. You want me to send them to you and prove it. I believe Guccifer who claimed to be Romanian was actually Seth Rich. So, can you tell me who or why Seth Rich was murdered, shot in the back with nothing stolen from him? Who wanted him dead and for what reason? Can you explain that? Of course his parents are going to deny everything. They're probably too frightened to tell the truth.

The disinformation is coming from the Deep State, just as it sometimes comes from MSM, which is controlled by the Deep State. Read C. Wright Mills, and you will get a good idea who comprises the Deep State, though of course there have been changes since then. And the Deep State does not approve of Trump. They favor Globalism and continued warfare.

Another question you've ignored is, do you believe Assange should not have released that Iraq War video of the psychotic U.S. Army helicopter pilots shooting down civilians?

If you don't, then you're a party to the Deep State and its tyrannical control of the U.S. and the rest of the world.
I just scanned the supposed debunking of the murder of Rich.

First of all you need to explain the reason for his murder. It was not a botched robbery. He was shot in the back with no attempt to rob him.

Second, I received the Guccifer files months before July 2016. They were available for anyone who wanted to download them, and I did. I just looked at the date I received them; it was April 26.

So, I guess you believe U.S. Intelligence agencies whose MO has for 60 years been disinformation and outright lying. Your sources cite heinous people like Mike Pompeo who while a Senator was a shill for Monsanto and led the fight to prevent the mandatory labeling of products that contained GMOs in the U.S.

Can you tell me what Assange's motives have been? Are the Russians paying him, and if he were a Russian agent, then why didn't he seek asylum in Russia like Snowden? You can cite all the b.s. American sources you want and I won't believe them because to the Deep State Americans (the Deep State is international), he is their enemy. They continue to lie to us about JFK, about 9-11, about WMDs, about Jessica Lynch, about Pat Tillman, about Benghazi, about Guantanamo, about Global Warming, and about Russia. The whole anti-communist threat was more bluff and bravado than truth. The Cold War was a sham to feed the military and the industrial complex that supported it. Read the books written by disillusioned CIA agents -- I have. America could be a great country but it's run by a bunch thieves and thugs who want to dominate the world. It's not a pretty picture but it's the truth and that's what Assange has been fighting and trying to expose.

How about listening to some real journalists like John Pilger, the Australian who has been reporting on wars since Vietnam and a truth teller:

I should tell you that there is a cautionary message shown when you go to the link for this film. It has the clip from the famous video that Chelsea Manning linked to Wikileaks which caused her to be arrested and which got Assange in hot water, the one with the psychotic Army helicopters. The U.S. doesn't want us to know the truth about their wars, about all the "collateral damage" they cause. You know what that is, I hope. Stop listening to the disinformation and get the real truth, not that presented by the Deep State. Why do you think they oppose Bernie, even a mild Progressive like Elizabeth Warren, and of course they hate AOC. These are the politicians we need to support, to fight the oppression, and the lies they feed us. Assange is a hero and their enemy, but he is fighting for us. We need to open our eyes.
Yes, I listened to Yahoo’s Conspiracyland podcast about this, you could learn something. The Dutch TV Interviewer was shocked by Assange spewing such rhetoric on his show. In fact, he felt bad because he felt like he was being used by Assange to promote disinformation. So clearly, this interviewer didn’t feel confident about Rich being Assange’s source. So why did you bring this up? You think this... builds your case?

Not only is there zero evidence to support that Rich was Assange’s source, there’s plenty of evidence to show that the hacked emails came from Russian attackers. These teams in Russian intelligence were called Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear. We don’t need to speculate. Like we know it was them due to tactics and malware that Russian intelligence uses.

For those who want to learn about Russian intelligence:

for those wanting to learn about the Seth Rich story (I don’t have the time to debunk all the crap Ernie has in his head):


And of course there’s the Mueller report that dunks on Eenie too. I could tell you which pages to look up on the Mueller report but I see kicky already posted a page and it hasn’t stopped these imbeciles from posting their garbage.

By the way Wikipedia has been shown to have been affected by disinformation. You need to carefully examine its sources, and then you need to examine the objectivity of the sources, who might be funding them, etc. The Internet is great for getting information but you need to parse it carefully. If someone / some organization has a profit-making agenda, then you need to question them.
You know that joke you used when you were younger, and said, “What? Did you hit your head when you were a child?” Yeah, @Eenie-Meenie had to have heard that a few dozen times.
Actually, when I was about 3 years old I tumbled down a flight of stairs and sustained a cut above my eye and had to be taken to the hospital. Apparently, then, that is when I became a genius. But you know when you see things most people don't, it can be difficult.