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Free Assange

The truth is the truth. You surprise me by being so wedded to your failing institutions.

Thriller’s the kind of guy that would vote for a turd just to get Trump out of office. Either way we’ ****ed. I still think he’s got something in it, the way he posts a dozen mainstream news pieces a day, taking them for undeniable truth.
The truth is the truth. You surprise me by being so wedded to your failing institutions.

Sure, he released truths. And then it took some time to expose that he purposefully withheld, maybe even hid other truths that are probably more damming.

Doesn't that sound awfully like living long enough to become the villain?
Thriller’s the kind of guy that would vote for a turd just to get Trump out of office. Either way we’ ****ed. I still think he’s got something in it, the way he posts a dozen mainstream news pieces a day, taking them for undeniable truth.

I mean... Didn't you do the same? Vote for a piece of **** to keep Hillary out of office?
By the way Wikipedia has been shown to have been affected by disinformation. You need to carefully examine its sources, and then you need to examine the objectivity of the sources, who might be funding them, etc. The Internet is great for getting information but you need to parse it carefully. If someone / some organization has a profit-making agenda, then you need to question them.

You don't get to soap box about sources after citing a guy that believes alzheimers is just type 3 diabetes.
I mean... Didn't you do the same? Vote for a piece of **** to keep Hillary out of office?

Yes, I voted for him because he was going to drain the swamp, lock her up etc... regretted voting for him a couple months into office. He hasn’t done ****. I will have no problem not voting at all next time if the candidates aren’t good enough.
Thriller’s the kind of guy that would vote for a turd just to get Trump out of office. Either way we’ ****ed. I still think he’s got something in it, the way he posts a dozen mainstream news pieces a day, taking them for undeniable truth.

First of all, would a turd sell our country out the same way Donald has?
Secondly, why would Hillary have “****ed” us? Why would a Biden/Warren/Mayor Pete/Sanders presidency “****” us? I love how those who know the least about history and are the most informed by Russia Today are the ones who most fearful of a Democratic presidency.
Sure, he released truths. And then it took some time to expose that he purposefully withheld, maybe even hid other truths that are probably more damming.

Doesn't that sound awfully like living long enough to become the villain?

Except, he hasn’t released truths. Yes, he has released hacked material against the west. How do we know they haven’t been tampered with? Why doesn’t he release material from Russia? Why does he suppress some hacked material from countries that amplifies his platform?

He lies incessantly. Assange has a decade long history of aiding authoritarian Russia. He lied about Seth Rich. He has promoted anti-western conspiracies and has aided Russia in its disinformation campaign to destroy liberal and free democracies. He lies today about helping Russia. I’m sorry, but Assange isn’t Daniel Ellsberg
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Except, he hasn’t released truths. Yes, he has released hacked material against the west. Why doesn’t he release material from Russia?

He lies incessantly. Assange has a decade long history of aiding authoritarian Russia. He lied about Seth Rich. He has promoted anti-western conspiracies and has aided Russia in its disinformation campaign to destroy liberal and free democracies. He lies today about helping Russia. I’m sorry, but Assange isn’t Daniel Ellsberg

Hacked materials are by definition truths. Until its released that he hacked faked materials.

Assange has a lot to answer for, and in my opinion his choice of what to release and not to release is at the top of the list.

Hence my suggestion; a fully transparent trial. Give him a chance to share his side of the story. It's not like he trapped someone.

Oh wait...
Yes, I voted for him because he was going to drain the swamp, lock her up etc... regretted voting for him a couple months into office. He hasn’t done ****. I will have no problem not voting at all next time if the candidates aren’t good enough.

I'm very proud of you for admitting you did the same thing you accused thriller of.

You should probably incorporate how much you've learned from that experience to get more sympathy points, and further push the divide between yourself and that dasterdly super villain @The Thriller
Except, he hasn’t released truths. Yes, he has released hacked material against the west. How do we know they haven’t been tampered with? Why doesn’t he release material from Russia? Why does he suppress some hacked material from countries that amplifies his platform?

He lies incessantly. Assange has a decade long history of aiding authoritarian Russia. He lied about Seth Rich. He has promoted anti-western conspiracies and has aided Russia in its disinformation campaign to destroy liberal and free democracies. He lies today about helping Russia. I’m sorry, but Assange isn’t Daniel Ellsberg

You haven't answered my question. If Assange were a Russian agent, then why hasn't he sought asylum in Russia? I think the fact that he hasn't, reveals that he isn't. In fact, the article Sirkicky posted said that Assange has published information from Russia, but according to it, he stopped targeting Russia. Now, considering that publication is a Deep State publication and they are enemies of Assange, I can't trust everything that is in that article.

I did find an interesting article, however, about Clinton's attack on Tulsi Gabbard. Sure, it's a socialist publication but Foreign Policy is a capitalist publication. So *** for tat.

Yes, it’s disinformation when you’re using stolen or hacked information to hurt western democracy, fuel conspiracies (like Seth rich), and lie in order to defend Russian authoritarianism. Do you call that... Journalism?

How is it disinformation if it's true? It doesn't matter whether it's stolen or not. And who has proven that Seth Rich wasn't killed by the DNC thugs? The murder is unsolved. So, for you to say it's a conspiracy theory when it is unsolved is no different than if I say it was the DNC. And they're the only ones who had a motive because he did have access to the information released to Wikileaks. And it was reported by others, not Assange, that Rich was the one who supplied it. But I guess it's okay to defend American authoritarianism, the unjust wars in Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan. Assange shouldn't have released that film showing that there were psychotic American soldiers killing innocent people in the street like they were at a carnival shooting ducks and laughing about it.
Except, he hasn’t released truths. Yes, he has released hacked material against the west. How do we know they haven’t been tampered with? Why doesn’t he release material from Russia? Why does he suppress some hacked material from countries that amplifies his platform?

He lies incessantly. Assange has a decade long history of aiding authoritarian Russia. He lied about Seth Rich. He has promoted anti-western conspiracies and has aided Russia in its disinformation campaign to destroy liberal and free democracies. He lies today about helping Russia. I’m sorry, but Assange isn’t Daniel Ellsberg

Still haven't answered my two questions:

1. If Assange is a Russian agent, then why didn't seek asylum in Russia?
2 How is the truth disinformation?
Disinformation is untruth
Truth is not untruth
Therefore Truth is not disinformation

What you are doing is equating or conflating the revelation of "secret" information with disinformation. But if you do that, then you are supporting authoritarianism, which is what you accuse Assange of doing. In reality, Assange is fighting authoritarianism by releasing information that shows its criminal activity.
Still haven't answered my two questions:

1. If Assange is a Russian agent, then why didn't seek asylum in Russia?
2 How is the truth disinformation?
Disinformation is untruth
Truth is not untruth
Therefore Truth is not disinformation

What you are doing is equating or conflating the revelation of "secret" information with disinformation. But if you do that, then you are supporting authoritarianism, which is what you accuse Assange of doing. In reality, Assange is fighting authoritarianism by releasing information that shows its criminal activity.

You’ve been refuted enough. I’ll let someone else waste time arguing with you over ridiculously obvious things. Arguing about seth rich and Assange’s bias towards Russia at this point is like arguing about gravity or whether the earth is round.
You’ve been refuted enough. I’ll let someone else waste time arguing with you over ridiculously obvious things. Arguing about seth rich and Assange’s bias towards Russia at this point is like arguing about gravity or whether the earth is round.

A denial of facts is not an argument. You need to supply some substance. So, tell me, why didn't Assange seek asylum in Russia? If you can't give me a reasonable rebuttal, then you have been defeated. Not on to the playoffs ...
I'm not a fan of Julian Assange think he's a colossal douchebag but i also don't think he's committed a crime.
I am 100% for Assange.

Looks like authoritarianism in the Trump administration to be going after him. Military elements particularly.
I didn't see the link, so I have posted my response. You believe our government. You rail against Trump, but while he is a noxious POS, our government is still very heinous and despicable. That is why I'm against Biden because he will be another stooge like Obama turned out to be. Just representatives of Wall Street and the Military-Industrial Complex. They put a nice face on it, in contrast to Trump. And that's the reason Trump is in trouble. He doesn't know how to be diplomatic and play the role of a politician. That's why he's attractive to the uneducated members of our electorate because he is so ignorant.

While I try to go to the foundational principles of the American Revolution as the way to restrict government run amok, and I agree that we have deeply-interested money being thrown into the system in such massive amounts no little people have any influence. I'm not a marxist, or any kind of supporter of ideology. I don't look for organized "solutions". I just want the human right to act for my own interests.

I'm not a naturalist, but I recognize that success is success. All of nature is based on every living thing having the privilege of acting in its own interest. Survival is the ultimate morality.

Anyone claiming moral authority to manage the world their way is the ultimate sort of evil.
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You have a link that documents this?

Assange was fighting autocracy and corruption wherever it might be. The U.S. wants him because he revealed the truth about our heinous military and intelligence operations. I think he's one of the heroes of our age. You know someone else who would sacrifice everything to tell the truth? The only one comparable I can think of is Mandela.

While I have no direct information on Mandela..... public rhetoric/news...... I take it he was a communist who would kill anyone for the cause.

It is an obvious argument for fascists or authoritarians in the crush for being the top dog in the world to try to diss partisans for their competition. Putin has put on a Russian identity rather than being a Brit puppet, for sure. So all the high-brow Brit authoritarians wanna put him down. Pots and kettles, I say. Black is black. Authoritarian governance is authoritarian governance.

I think a person like Assange, who will out crap on any side, is doing a public service. If he didn't publish Putin crap, he still gave us stuff we need to try to take back our own government.

Some people think free speech is chaos, a Russian plot or a Chinese plot or a globalist plot, whatever. What we need is free speech and the right to think for ourselves.

Pretty sure "management" doesn't want free speech anywhere.
While I have no direct information on Mandela..... public rhetoric/news...... I take it he was a communist who would kill anyone for the cause.

It is an obvious argument for fascists or authoritarians in the crush for being the top dog in the world to try to diss partisans for their competition. Putin has put on a Russian identity rather than being a Brit puppet, for sure. So all the high-brow Brit authoritarians wanna put him down. Pots and kettles, I say. Black is black. Authoritarian governance is authoritarian governance.

I think a person like Assange, who will out crap on any side, is doing a public service. If he didn't publish Putin crap, he still gave us stuff we need to try to take back our own government.

Some people think free speech is chaos, a Russian plot or a Chinese plot or a globalist plot, whatever. What we need is free speech and the right to think for ourselves.

Pretty sure "management" doesn't want free speech anywhere.
Where did you get the info that he would kill for the cause and that he was a communist? He was fighting to end apartheid and spent many years in prison for the cause. He didn't kill or have anyone killed, so far as I know.
You haven't answered my question. If Assange were a Russian agent, then why hasn't he sought asylum in Russia? I think the fact that he hasn't, reveals that he isn't.

Just now seeing this, and really you are not as well informed about these issues as you believe.

Assange ended up in the Ecuadorian embassy out of practical necessity. There are specific traditions of South American law that made it the best safe haven for many years. If you watch older movies it is a frequent plot device that people want to escape to Ecuador, Brazil, and Argentina due to the lack of extradition procedures in those countries.

In fact, Assange has attempted to get asylum in Russia - and there was even a proposed exfiltration process to remove him from the embassy for that purpose. One thing to keep in mind is that while countries have a right of exfiltration of their own nationals from Western soil, they do not have the right to exfiltrate foreign citizens. That means any movement from London to Moscow would have to have been conducted secretly.

Two sources:



Does this make you change your assessment of Assange as an agent of Russian intelligence.