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General Mattis To Resign

What's this? CNN offering another side to the story? One where Mattis is not the hero and Trump is the villain? No way! CNN is just anti-Trump propaganda. They don't report facts, they just brainwash us into hating Trump.


But Mattis is the same person he has always been, the officials said, none of whom are Trump supporters. They portray the secretary as driven by his own views and determination to stay on the job while trying to keep from angering Trump, and they add that the very public orchestration of his departure is not going down well in some military circles.
I especially love the part of this story when Turkish President Erdogan was taken aback on how easy it was to persuade Trump to cave. For years Erdogan has wanted to squash Kurdish militants over fear of them carving out their own country and taking a big chunk of Turkey with them. So when he brought this up with Trump, Donald quickly told him that he was withdrawing American support from the region and abandoning our Kurdish allies. It was just so easy and happened so quick that even Erdogan became alarmed.

We are winning so much in the global arena by giving up all of our power to the world's worst dictators! #Ownthelibs #MAGA