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Hood ain't that good


Well-Known Member
I need to make it clear I am a Jazz fan through and through, but all this talk of Hood on jazzfanz and in the media and among my friends (yes I have Friends) being good enough and making a jump on the offensive side of the ball and making up the difference we will need to stay relevant is strait ludicracy!

At this point I am not sure that I have even been watching the same player as you for the last few years... The way I hear people talk about him being a "creator" of offense or even more laughable a "above average" defender.

IMO... Hood is a guy you put in and give him 3 shots, if he misses all 3 you take him out and let him mull it over till half time than give him a 2nd go in the 2nd half. Hood is a "shooter" nothing more. and he experiences ebbs and flows in his efficiency like all shooters. Hood is not capable of creating his own shot on a regular bases, his offensive approach is predictable and poorly executed. He is one dimensional just like he can only use his left hand and only chooses to go left. (He dose not posses an elite skill, he is average at best)

Dot't get me wrong I like hood just fine, I am glad he is a JazzMan... However, putting pressure/expectations on a role player will never pan out.

Hood will average about where he was last year, with a few more shot attempts per game. (someone has to shoot it) And he will have a nights where he shoots 11-14 and 5-6 from 3pt. And for everyone of those games he will have 2 where he will shoot 1-8, 2-12, 2-14... he is a shooter and will suffer as shooters suffer. This is the main reason I have always been very supportive of him as a 6th man role. He is too inconsistent to be a starter.

For those of you that read my long spiel on Hood I welcome rebuttals. I even welcome you to bump this thread next year if I am wrong about Hood.
The biggest thing on Hood is him improving his health and ability to get to the free throw line. He does those 2 things and he is a 20 ppg scorer.
I think he can average 16 or 17 ppg. He's a triple-threat player who can create with the ball in his hands. He's a guy you can give the ball to towards the end of the shot clock. The primary offensive action will be with Rubio and Gobert, and Hood is likely to be a kick-out option and secondary creator. He's one of the few volume 3-pt shooters the Jazz have, and he's going to get a lot of touches.
The biggest thing on Hood is him improving his health and ability to get to the free throw line. He does those 2 things and he is a 20 ppg scorer.

Hood would have to change his whole play style to get to the line more. Hood takes almost 50% of his shots from 3pt land and about 70% of his total attempts are from 10 feet out... the boy spends very little time in foul territory. not many and 1s happening out there. Only about 30% of his shots are in the 0-10 feet range. This is where the drawing fouls occurs and his percentage is pretty average in this area about 40%... And he would have to adapt and become a bit of a driver or a cutter to get to those spots. he hasn't show proficiency or desire to do this in the last 3 years... I don't see this changing now. I see his 3pa going up. that's about it.
I disagree. Hood does a nice job of creating his own shot. He drives the lane well to finish at the basket, or will pull up and shoot over the almost-always-shorter-than-him player guarding him. He also uses screens really well.

Health is his key.

Nice troll attempt though.
I think he can average 16 or 17 ppg. He's a triple-threat player who can create with the ball in his hands. He's a guy you can give the ball to towards the end of the shot clock. The primary offensive action will be with Rubio and Gobert, and Hood is likely to be a kick-out option and secondary creator. He's one of the few volume 3-pt shooters the Jazz have, and he's going to get a lot of touches.

Hood can not create... Hood is a great person as you said to give the ball to at the last second. Hood has never seen a shot behind the arch that he didn't like, He is not in the least bit afraid to shoot. That he has shown time and time again.

And I agree that he is a "volume shooter" who is greatly effected/benefited be the "law of large numbers" you shoot enough you get points, but he is not efficient.
Hood can not create... Hood is a great person as you said to give the ball to at the last second. Hood has never seen a shot behind the arch that he didn't like, He is not in the least bit afraid to shoot. That he has shown time and time again.

And I agree that he is a "volume shooter" who is greatly effected/benefited be the "law of large numbers" you shoot enough you get points, but he is not efficient.

He can create his own shot... even if it is not a very efficient one. There will be value there for us because of where we are offensively.

He won't get to the line more because of how he plays but he can make more 3s and become a better playmaker for others.

He is flawed but he isn't bad... and his flaws are ones that we can live with.
Hood is the biggest xfactor for the Jazz next year. You have to look at his past experience but it comes down to what he works on this offseason. Like catchall said he must get to the free throw line more. That will be key to him becoming more effecient scorer.

Defense I have to admit I didnt not watch his defense a lot so for me the jury is still out. He has the length and dexterity to be a an average to above average. I have said this is the past and will say it again a lot of defense is desire.

I will agree with you gold that he might be better suited to a 6th man role. we will see.
I disagree. Hood does a nice job of creating his own shot. He drives the lane well to finish at the basket, or will pull up and shoot over the almost-always-shorter-than-him player guarding him. He also uses screens really well.

Health is his key.

Nice troll attempt though.

The numbers and stats don't lie my friend. No troll here. At least not today.

Hood has 2 moves for getting into the paint. Dribble hard left and hope he is a bit quicker and longer then the D. or come of a screen and put his man on his back and do a little floater... That's it. And these are rare occurrences, usually he is a spot up/pull up 3 man. He is the epitome of a Shooter.
Hood would have to change his whole play style to get to the line more. Hood takes almost 50% of his shots from 3pt land and about 70% of his total attempts are from 10 feet out... the boy spends very little time in foul territory. not many and 1s happening out there. Only about 30% of his shots are in the 0-10 feet range. This is where the drawing fouls occurs and his percentage is pretty average in this area about 40%... And he would have to adapt and become a bit of a driver or a cutter to get to those spots. he hasn't show proficiency or desire to do this in the last 3 years... I don't see this changing now. I see his 3pa going up. that's about it.

I never said it was going to be easy.
I never said it was going to be easy.

You are asking a player to change the way he has played since we first heard of his name in college. If that's the expectation jazz fans have its not improbable... but impossible.

As players age they change their games. Old guys go from crashing the boards to developing a shot. Drivers like carter and T-mac become for proficient 3pt threats. However, you never hear of a shooter Turning aggressive for some reason, and driving more.

I want what you all hope for... I truly do, but hood will not deliver. I hope you all make me eat crow next year, but I doubt it.
The numbers and stats don't lie my friend. No troll here. At least not today.

Hood has 2 moves for getting into the paint. Dribble hard left and hope he is a bit quicker and longer then the D. or come of a screen and put his man on his back and do a little floater... That's it. And these are rare occurrences, usually he is a spot up/pull up 3 man. He is the epitome of a Shooter.

He also has a dribble drive, penetrate, pivot move. In basketball terms, I don't know what you would call it.
I agree with the sentiment that Hood isn't ready, & may never be, to step up as a true focal point of the offense. I view him as a solid starter, likely best suited as a 6th man mainly due to his inconcistencies/health.

He's a valuable piece, for sure, but not a building block IMO. To avoid potentially being forced to overpay in order to retain him, I believe we should look to package him with any assets aside from Gobert/Mitchell in an attempt to acquire a potential impact player.

I don't expect it to happen as it would likely lessen our ability to compete in the immediate future but IMO finding that 3rd piece to pair with Gobert/Mitchell will ultimately determine whether or not we eventually become legitimate contenders (assuming Mitchell develops).

Personally, I don't think Hood is that 3rd piece. Exum has an outside shot of developing into that caliber of player but he hasn't shown enough to count on that happening. Hood is good, but not good enough to be a key member of a championship caliber starting lineup.
You are asking a player to change the way he has played since we first heard of his name in college. If that's the expectation jazz fans have its not improbable... but impossible.

As players age they change their games. Old guys go from crashing the boards to developing a shot. Drivers like carter and T-mac become for proficient 3pt threats. However, you never hear of a shooter Turning aggressive for some reason, and driving more.

I want what you all hope for... I truly do, but hood will not deliver. I hope you all make me eat crow next year, but I doubt it.

Hood averaged 4 FTA's a game in college....
Hood undeniably took a step back last season, likely due to health. But two years ago he really showed a fearlessness and killer instinct in late game situations that has me hopeful that he's going to be capable of taking on a heavier offensive load this season.
I need to make it clear I am a Jazz fan through and through, but all this talk of Hood on jazzfanz and in the media and among my friends (yes I have Friends) being good enough and making a jump on the offensive side of the ball and making up the difference we will need to stay relevant is strait ludicracy!

At this point I am not sure that I have even been watching the same player as you for the last few years... The way I hear people talk about him being a "creator" of offense or even more laughable a "above average" defender.

IMO... Hood is a guy you put in and give him 3 shots, if he misses all 3 you take him out and let him mull it over till half time than give him a 2nd go in the 2nd half. Hood is a "shooter" nothing more. and he experiences ebbs and flows in his efficiency like all shooters. Hood is not capable of creating his own shot on a regular bases, his offensive approach is predictable and poorly executed. He is one dimensional just like he can only use his left hand and only chooses to go left. (He dose not posses an elite skill, he is average at best)

Dot't get me wrong I like hood just fine, I am glad he is a JazzMan... However, putting pressure/expectations on a role player will never pan out.

Hood will average about where he was last year, with a few more shot attempts per game. (someone has to shoot it) And he will have a nights where he shoots 11-14 and 5-6 from 3pt. And for everyone of those games he will have 2 where he will shoot 1-8, 2-12, 2-14... he is a shooter and will suffer as shooters suffer. This is the main reason I have always been very supportive of him as a 6th man role. He is too inconsistent to be a starter.

For those of you that read my long spiel on Hood I welcome rebuttals. I even welcome you to bump this thread next year if I am wrong about Hood.

I think that your reservations are valid. To this point he's been a bit too streaky. What I'm more concerned with however is his durability. Anybody remember the plantar fasciitis recurring episode two years ago?
He may be more valuable to us because he can get his shot most of the time. We are a system offense and he can get his within the system but if you are end of clock or late game when you need someone that can just get a shot he can do that. Similar to JJ I expect Hood to make many game winners or game sealing shots if he remains healthy.