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Houston, New Orleans, and possibly Chicago clearing cap room

For a guy on an expiring deal? I doubt it.
Now if he were to re-sign next season, yes.

I imagine the knock-off shops in downtown LA will be busy making jerseys, though.
Even on an expiring deal, there's room for them to hype him. I lived in New York City during Linsanity 1.0. If the Lakers can tap into that type of excitement at all, they will easily cover the extra cost of his contract. Especially since Lakers fans aren't that smart. A lot of it will depend on who they hire as a coach. Lin was a better fit in New York with all the P&R stuff (before Anthony and Stoudemire came back healthy) than he did playing 3rd fiddle in Houston's up-tempo offense.
Even on an expiring deal, there's room for them to hype him. I lived in New York City during Linsanity 1.0. If the Lakers can tap into that type of excitement at all, they will easily cover the extra cost of his contract. Especially since Lakers fans aren't that smart. A lot of it will depend on who they hire as a coach. Lin was a better fit in New York with all the P&R stuff (before Anthony and Stoudemire came back healthy) than he did playing 3rd fiddle in Houston's up-tempo offense.

Linsanity worked because he was an unknown, seemingly overlooked talent who just exploded onto the scene. He was also a novelty because of his ethnicity. He's not the highly-regarded prospect he was back in NYC. There's no hype in LA. He's a serviceable, but overpaid PG who will be here one year. And you dismiss LA fans to easily. They may not be smart. But they are front-runners. You hardly see a Laker banner anywhere right now. There are no car flags displayed. No kids are even wearing Kobe jerseys to school. If LA isn't winning (and they won't be), there is very little interest from fans.
Linsanity worked because he was an unknown, seemingly overlooked talent who just exploded onto the scene. He was also a novelty because of his ethnicity. He's not the highly-regarded prospect he was back in NYC. There's no hype in LA. He's a serviceable, but overpaid PG who will be here one year. And you dismiss LA fans to easily. They may not be smart. But they are front-runners. You hardly see a Laker banner anywhere right now. There are no car flags displayed. No kids are even wearing Kobe jerseys to school. If LA isn't winning (and they won't be), there is very little interest from fans.

That was hilarious... I thought you were going to say they are smarter than you think... And then you added another insult... Well played.
That was hilarious... I thought you were going to say they are smarter than you think... And then you added another insult... Well played.

I live in the LA area. My daughter is in elementary school. I used to have a schedule which allowed me to volunteer in her class. The first year I did, I'd see a ton of kids wearing purple and gold. And she would try to embarrass me by telling everyone I was a Jazz fan (gotta love my daughter!). Last year, no one was wearing Laker colors. And all the kids were saying they hated the Lakers. And it really is true about those car flags and banners. Those used to be everywhere. Now you see them for the Dodgers during the summer, but nothing during the winter.
I live in the LA area. My daughter is in elementary school. I used to have a schedule which allowed me to volunteer in her class. The first year I did, I'd see a ton of kids wearing purple and gold. And she would try to embarrass me by telling everyone I was a Jazz fan (gotta love my daughter!). Last year, no one was wearing Laker colors. And all the kids were saying they hated the Lakers. And it really is true about those car flags and banners. Those used to be everywhere. Now you see them for the Dodgers during the summer, but nothing during the winter.
Warms my heart.
So would anyone try to get Terrence Jones and then trade Kanter for say a SF to replace Hayward?
So if Bosh and Wade stay and with what Heat acquired would Miami still be a contender?
I could see them offering Monroe max.

Maybe. But I think they're operating under a hard cap of $81 million this year. I have a feeling they're going to resign Bosh and Wade and then add pieces without giving up cap flexibility next year.
I think its kind of funny that Houston missed out on James, Melo, and Bosh. Declined the option on Parsons. They got rid of their backup center(Asik) and backup PG(Lin). Gave away a first round pick. And now is going to sign Parson on a bad contract...lol
I think its kind of funny that Houston missed out on James, Melo, and Bosh. Declined the option on Parsons. They got rid of their backup center(Asik) and backup PG(Lin). Gave away a first round pick. And now is going to sign Parson on a bad contract...lol
Awesome breakdown of their situation. They chased the sun and it melted their wings. Watching them self destruct today has been as much fun as watching them lose in the playoffs. Guess Parsons becomes the last member of their Big 3.

They'd have been better off keeping Lin and the draft pick, and then started building assets for a run at somebody next year. Now they'll have $50+ million invested in Howard, Harden and Parsons. I wonder if they just decide to not match that contract and let him leave. They'd preserve the room for another max slot next year if they do that (especially with a cap bump next offseason.)
So if Bosh and Wade stay and with what Heat acquired would Miami still be a contender?

And don't forget Granger.
They should be able to dominate the shuffleboard board and bingo game tournaments at the South Beach Assisted Living Center.