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bno as i stated, the huricane cnanot be stopped. but with katrina for example.

the govenrment decided to cut corners on the infrastructure, water levies dykes etc whatever the english name is. and then katrina got worse than it needed to be.

i have heard rumblings that texas also cut corners on the water infrastructure because it is usually dry(i have not confirmed this yet)

but i blame the government for not being adequately prepared
You hate it when government gets involved in things doe
the more i read and see about this, the more it seems like it could have been prevented, with simple flood management systems. 1 of the true jobs of government!

we can either blame it on this "mythical man made climate change" or you can start building for the next storm. whoch can be in 5 years in another place.

that is enough time to prepare and build infrastructure, but big government cannot have that.

the flooding should never happen at such a large scale.

or you can just sign the climate accord waste billions of dollars on it and watch flooding happen again and again and again and again! and then double down again and sign the alaska accord, triple down and sign the himilaya accord. you get the point

My wife's uncle who was a Merchant Marine lives there and said usually the deaths are avoidable. He said that many deaths end up being from people who try to drive through the water but it's too deep, they get stuck in their car, and drown, but that all of the underpasses where some of the worst roadway flooding occurs have rulers on the side of the road showing how deep the water is. People just ignore them.
You hate it when government gets involved in things doe

did i ever state i want NO GOVERNMENT?

i want small government. that meanS certain things government can do. and they should be held accountable!

but saying i don't want Hitler style healthcare(commonly known as Bismarck style),or no druglaws. means i want no government.

seriously bro you act like the only 2 options are totally no government. and SUPER BIG OVERARCHING WORLDWIDE government!!!
My wife's uncle who was a Merchant Marine lives there and said usually the deaths are avoidable. He said that many deaths end up being from people who try to drive through the water but it's too deep, they get stuck in their car, and drown, but that all of the underpasses where some of the worst roadway flooding occurs have rulers on the side of the road showing how deep the water is. People just ignore them.

yes, most damage property or lives come from the flooding, not the storm itself. their have been storms for ages. so we cannot change that.

floods in the Netherlands occurred pretty often, but after every flood. instead of blaming it on an "act of god" or in this case arguably the equal mythical man made climate change. they started looking for real solutions!

and the last great flood was in 1953 but before that, floods where way more frequent because of lack of flood control. we are due for another one.

but with every flood the dutch improved, and learned from their mistakes. that and technology advanced.

so what is gonna be done once the water is cleared? nothing people will collect their insurance checks. i will buy stocks in American SUV car companies. i will make some money. and it will be business as usual!

for those interested ofcourse, this system runs 24 hours a day.

but it could be adapted to the problem of storm flooding.

maybe it is too expensive after all it is what government does. decide when and if live are expendable.
for example speed limits. if we institute a speed limit of 5mph their would be virtually no deaths due to traffic. but economically it will cost the country. so some lives are expendable for the greater good.

maybe it is economically unfeasible as for a storm once every decade!
did i ever state i want NO GOVERNMENT?

i want small government. that meanS certain things government can do. and they should be held accountable!

but saying i don't want Hitler style healthcare(commonly known as Bismarck style),or no druglaws. means i want no government.

seriously bro you act like the only 2 options are totally no government. and SUPER BIG OVERARCHING WORLDWIDE government!!!
My wife's uncle who was a Merchant Marine lives there and said usually the deaths are avoidable. He said that many deaths end up being from people who try to drive through the water but it's too deep, they get stuck in their car, and drown, but that all of the underpasses where some of the worst roadway flooding occurs have rulers on the side of the road showing how deep the water is. People just ignore them.

Why can't they climb on there roofs an campout fer a couple days if they's to stupid to evacuate? Not like hurricanes happen when it's cold an they will freeze to death.

You tellin me people live in hurricane zone don't prepare fer this stuff? Pure stupidity plain an simple. Git some 72 hour bags at minimum buy a cheap aluminum boat er a raft, life jackets of course an live this mother effer out. Hell if it were me I'd be hopin tha fish swam inland an havin one hell of a time. Pole in one hand Jack Daniels in tha other.

Or get the hell outa town when they tell you hurricane is a comin!
i hope antifa, took time out from destroying monuments. and went to help the people in texas

I also hope that all Humane Society members stopped helping animals to go to Texas. Also, those who support MS research should put that on hold and go help Texas. Really, if you want to ever claim you care about anything ever again you need to stop caring about what you're really passionate about and go help Texas...

Or maybe that's complete **** logic?
Why can't they climb on there roofs an campout fer a couple days if they's to stupid to evacuate? Not like hurricanes happen when it's cold an they will freeze to death.

You tellin me people live in hurricane zone don't prepare fer this stuff? Pure stupidity plain an simple. Git some 72 hour bags at minimum buy a cheap aluminum boat er a raft, life jackets of course an live this mother effer out. Hell if it were me I'd be hopin tha fish swam inland an havin one hell of a time. Pole in one hand Jack Daniels in tha other.

Or get the hell outa town when they tell you hurricane is a comin!
Take your kids up on a slippery wet roof in super high speed wind and rains. Sounds safe
what lol,

there is a time and place for government.

jus tlike their is a time and place for macdonald. not because i am ok with eating macdonald once a month. means i should be eating it daily!

everything has a healthy dose, everything has a toxic dose!
Why can't they climb on there roofs an campout fer a couple days if they's to stupid to evacuate? Not like hurricanes happen when it's cold an they will freeze to death.

You tellin me people live in hurricane zone don't prepare fer this stuff? Pure stupidity plain an simple. Git some 72 hour bags at minimum buy a cheap aluminum boat er a raft, life jackets of course an live this mother effer out. Hell if it were me I'd be hopin tha fish swam inland an havin one hell of a time. Pole in one hand Jack Daniels in tha other.

Or get the hell outa town when they tell you hurricane is a comin!

Here's an argument for why people don't evacuate effectively.

For one thing, evacuating is expensive.

Factor in the weeks without work. Yes, weeks. Because even if you do manage to make it out of the path of the storm (which isn't a guarantee unless you travel hundreds of miles), there's no promise you'll be able to return home in a timely manner. Roads wash out, gas stations run out of gas and lose power, entire towns shut down.

The actual act of transporting yourself somewhere else is a challenge. Cars sit bumper to bumper, filling every highway and every lane. You've got to leave early enough to actually make progress, or else you'll be caught in the road when the storm hits. I was in Johnson Bayou days before Hurricane Gustav hit. I was driving from an EMT outpost to the corner store, a drive which normally took 20 minutes. It took me 8 hours, all because of evacuee traffic.

If you do decide to leave, there's no guarantee you'll still have a job to return to.
Then there's the sudden cost of a hotel room for weeks on end. Everywhere that's out of the direct path of the storm is full, I mean packed to the utter brim, no more rooms in Bethlehem and no more mangers either.
Everyone ELSE who's decided to evacuate is headed to the same spots, and these aren't luxurious destination locals. You go just far enough to get away, which sometimes puts you and your family in the middle of some podunk town that's totally not equipped to handle a massive influx of people.
So if you do find a room, which is tough, it's expensive.

If you go the shelter route, and you evacuate to a designated area, well buckle up. You're in for a few weeks of sharing cramped quarters with lord knows how many folks, all while you're unlikely to have access to things like showers or washing machines.

Then there's the drive itself. Timing an evacuation isn't just expensive, it's really tricky. Yes, for days and days we track the storm as it builds in the Atlantic and closes in on the shore. The people down south are probably more savvy at it than you realize, and for good reason! Their lives could depend on it every single summer.

But these storms are incredibly hard to predict with extreme accuracy.
The margin of land area that these storms could hit in storm projections is laughably huge at first. Then, as the week closes and the storm draws nearer, the land mass gradually narrows as possible outcomes are ruled out.

The last 4 days are where its most critical. You spend those days glued to your TV screen and your radio. Every waking minute you are on red alert, thinking about and prepping for this storm.
You have this small window of time in which you have to weigh the massive costs and stresses of evacuating against the actual level of threat posed to your life.

Actually getting on the road, if you do decide to evacuate, is STILL not a guarantee that you'll be out of danger. Once these storms make land fall, the amount of moisture they drop can cause severe flooding all the way up to Canada in the most extreme cases. So what if you run away, only to get caught in disaster somewhere else?

And then there's the tragic cases -- elderly folks too old to go through the arduous process of packing and leaving their homes in the face of a storm, and without a living relative to help them do it, or people who live hand to mouth, pay check to pay check, with not enough money to leave.

It's incredibly risky to stay, and incredibly difficult to run. And sometimes these storms come one year after another, so that if you end up evacuating one summer, you might not be in a position to do it the next, either because of finances or putting your job on the line. And then there's the ever present worry that you're going through all this hassle for no reason; for a storm that'll just fizzle out in the Gulf and veer off to hit somewhere else at the last second, which makes you less inclined to listen to the next warning, and the next.

source: https://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/6wcpt0/la_vita_bella_nursing_home_in_dickinson_texas/dm87jfk/
Actually getting on the road, if you do decide to evacuate, is STILL not a guarantee that you'll be out of danger. Once these storms make land fall, the amount of moisture they drop can cause severe flooding all the way up to Canada in the most extreme cases. So what if you run away, only to get caught in disaster somewhere else?

Yep, this is pretty much human nature - you'd rather take your chances in familiar surroundings rather than go out into the unknown and then, essentially, put your well being and subsistence into someone's hands.

I read somewhere that more people died in the evacuation of Houston during Hurricane Rita than people who died from the actual hurricane. That's just fuel for the fire for folks who think like this.
I hope [MENTION=260]AKistheFEARFACTOR[/MENTION] is OK. I'm pretty sure he lives in Houston. I know he went to a playoff game with Vinyl.
I also hope that all Humane Society members stopped helping animals to go to Texas. Also, those who support MS research should put that on hold and go help Texas. Really, if you want to ever claim you care about anything ever again you need to stop caring about what you're really passionate about and go help Texas...

Or maybe that's complete **** logic?

I agree with you, although I can't tell you how often I saw it on twitter yesterday in regards to the Nashville Statement (which is way off topic).

Would be nice to see some consistency.