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Doesnt [MENTION=3002]Carbon13[/MENTION] live in Houston too? You alright man?

Hey man, thanks for checking in. I was actually at a bachelor party in denver when it started to rain. I have since been diverted to SLC as i wait to find out when the airports will reopen. My apartment was spared but the parking structure flooded and water was cut when the water pump went out - presumably due to flooding. My friends who are stuck in the city say it is like I Am Legend. The whole thing is a ghost town save for a few places. I believe the water shattered the old bayou record high by 15 feet. My work has canceled for the rest of the week and im not sure when it will reopen. I think this will fundamentally change the city. Thankfully no one I know has been hurt but there are many i know who have had a lot of flood damage at their homes and otger property.
Hey man, thanks for checking in. I was actually at a bachelor party in denver when it started to rain. I have since been diverted to SLC as i wait to find out when the airports will reopen. My apartment was spared but the parking structure flooded and water was cut when the water pump went out - presumably due to flooding. My friends who are stuck in the city say it is like I Am Legend. The whole thing is a ghost town save for a few places. I believe the water shattered the old bayou record high by 15 feet. My work has canceled for the rest of the week and im not sure when it will reopen. I think this will fundamentally change the city. Thankfully no one I know has been hurt but there are many i know who have had a lot of flood damage at their homes and otger property.

https://m.imgur.com/a/Draiq Some pics from snaps from my buddies.

That's insane. Glad you are alright. I agree this will fundamentally change the city. Bigly.
ITs ironic that those who voted against sending aid in response to Sandy are the first ones to the federal government trough. Ted Cruz is such an *** wipe.

Guess things change when it's your own state that's been wiped out.

It'd be hilarious if those "east coast elitists" held up funding to rebuild Texas. Every now and again people need a reminder of the good the federal government does. Like the police or fire Dept, some people whine and complain about them nonstop, until they need them. I'm guessing millions of houstonians right now are thrilled to hear the 9 most "terrifying words: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!"

We aren't islands folks! We all need each other.

Mike Pence and later ted Cruz and mike lee politicizing disasters was utterly deplorable
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ITs ironic that those who voted against sending aid in response to Sandy are the first ones to the federal government trough. Ted Cruz is such an *** wipe.

Guess things change when it's your own state that's been wiped out.

It'd be hilarious if those "east coast elitists" held up funding to rebuild Texas. Every now and again people need a reminder of the GOP's the federal government does. I'm guessing millions of houstonians rich now are thrilled to hear the 9 most "terrifying words: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!"

We aren't islands folks! We all need each other.

Mike Pence and later ted Cruz and mike led politcizing disasters was utterly deplorable

Cause it was 90% pork! You liberals can not resist using any an everthink to load up bills with pork.

Do not politicize it an load it with pork! Plane an simple.

Every republican would have voted in favour of aid it would have been 100% unanimous.

But no you have to load it up with billions in pork!
Central China Flood in 1913 flooded more area then England an they are claiming global warming is excellerating the outcome? I do not see 3.7 million dead people!
Straw man logic

Do ya know where the term originated from?

Back in the day of kings huntin parties used horses as the four hooves don't scare away big game like unnatural seemin humins do. The deer an elk an moose don't git scared off ya kin walts right inta them.

So the people started callin them horses straw men cause they was doin the opposite of what a straw man does. Ain't no threat under camouflage tactic.
Do ya know where the term originated from?

Back in the day of kings huntin parties used horses as the four hooves don't scare away big game like unnatural seemin humins do. The deer an elk an moose don't git scared off ya kin walts right inta them.

So the people started callin them horses straw men cause they was doin the opposite of what a straw man does. Ain't no threat under camouflage tactic.

The term, in regard to the logical fallacy is based on the idea that you build up a straw-man that represents your opponents argument, but in the way you see your opponents argument, not the actual argument your opponent is making, and then you tear the straw-man down and claim victory, as if, in your own mind, you actually just vested your real-life foe, when in reality all you did was beat up a dummy of your own creation.
The term, in regard to the logical fallacy is based on the idea that you build up a straw-man that represents your opponents argument, but in the way you see your opponents argument, not the actual argument your opponent is making, and then you tear the straw-man down and claim victory, as if, in your own mind, you actually just vested your real-life foe, when in reality all you did was beat up a dummy of your own creation.

You do not prefer historical tangents?
I also hope that all Humane Society members stopped helping animals to go to Texas. Also, those who support MS research should put that on hold and go help Texas. Really, if you want to ever claim you care about anything ever again you need to stop caring about what you're really passionate about and go help Texas...

Or maybe that's complete **** logic?

ahh Antifa is equivalent to a humanitarian or animal loving group ??? ok
ahh Antifa is equivalent to a humanitarian or animal loving group ??? ok

I'm gonna assume you're being sarcastic and didn't actually interpret that comment the way it looks like you did.
Cause it was 90% pork! You liberals can not resist using any an everthink to load up bills with pork.

Do not politicize it an load it with pork! Plane an simple.

Every republican would have voted in favour of aid it would have been 100% unanimous.

But no you have to load it up with billions in pork!

Nope. You're wrong again....


And don't give me the "Politifact,'nuff said" nonsense. Read the facts. This info can be independently verified...
the more i read and see about this, the more it seems like it could have been prevented, with simple flood management systems. 1 of the true jobs of government!

we can either blame it on this "mythical man made climate change" or you can start building for the next storm. whoch can be in 5 years in another place.

that is enough time to prepare and build infrastructure, but big government cannot have that.

the flooding should never happen at such a large scale.

How to sound smart talking about climate change and hurricanes:


"But it seems that some of the same people who have been denying climate change for years are also not interested in mitigating the damage. Donald Trump's executive order earlier this month, rolling back Obama-era provisions aimed at avoiding infrastructure damage from future climate-related calamities, was downright perverse. If the order is implemented successfully, Americans in future decades will be the ones who suffer materially from Harveys and Katrinas still to come. And there will definitely be more storms like this."