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Didnt Ellen's old girlfriend Anne Heche reverse her homosexuality?

Don't we all know loads of people like that? In Japan, it was fairly common for me to meet such people. In Utah, it's a little bit more veiled but I can think 5 people that I know here off the top that have flipped fully to one side and the other and claim no attraction to the previous side. Many of them would go ape **** if you called them bi-sexual. Are they all nuts or can sexual appetites go from one extreme to the other? It's very easy for me to believe the latter.
I'm a little surprised to see a statement like this from One Brow. It's about the same as saying "heterosexuality" has no single cause. Well duh!

Just because something becomes a cause doesn't necessarily mean it has a cause.

Not having a single cause means only that there are multiple causes. I agree heterosexuality also has multiple causes. Some things are simple enough you can track down an origin to a single gene/development change/etc., but it seems unlike that sexual orientation will be one of them.
... but I can think 5 people that I know here off the top that have flipped fully to one side and the other and claim no attraction to the previous side. Many of them would go ape **** if you called them bi-sexual.

Many closeted homosexuals used to vehemently object to being called gay. I find it much more likely that they are simply suppressing some of their desires through an act of will.
That seems extreme. Why not just expect churches to respect the divide?

"The government should stay out if the business of the Saints and let us worship according to the dictates of our own conscience. If there ever comes a day when the Saints interfere with the rights of others to live as they see fit, you can know with assurance that the Church is no longer led by a Prophet, but a mere man."

--Brigham Young

The LDS church is not trying to outlaw homosexuality, it's practice, or partnerships. It is not trying to limit the rights of homosexuals. It is trying to protect something that it values on a different level than everyday society. It is trying to protect an important element of its doctrinal construct. It doesn't care if a homosexual couple has every right, privilege, and responsibility of any other couple. It isn't trying to force anyone to live differently than they see fit.

But some people are too wrapped up in DISAPPROVAL = HATE to take a deep breath and look at it calmly.

The HATE argument is an excuse.
It doesn't care if a homosexual couple has every right, privilege, and responsibility of any other couple.

That statement makes it sound as if the only important thing is that the word "marriage" not be used. In order to avoid the word "marriage" being used, the LDS chiurch is willing spend millions of dollars. Is that what you actually belive is going on? Do you support that position?
Thank you unlucky and franklin. Archie I'm not going to argue this with you. I've made myself clear. Other people seem to get it, yet you refuse to drop it..

OK, unlucky jumped the gun and defended you. It was clear he hadn't read either of the threads or the talk, so his opinion doesn't really matter. I'm still not sure why franklin (He said something like you were mistreated. I don't think that's the case. You posted your "hate" agenda and links with lies. I called you out for it multiple times and all you had to say was, I stand by what I said. If you have a beef that's one thing, but to rub lies in the face of LDS people and post anti-LDS hate agenda links is another.

Also, I do think there are posters in this thread now, that are mistreating you, and for that I apologize.
How does this make you feel?




If you want to have a discussion, speak like an adult. If you want attention, do this kind of thing on an innernat msg board.
It's Hurting The Kids!!

This seems to be the most recent battle cry of the gay movement. I've heard Skellington/Katie say it several times here on the boards and just today I was reading a movie review by a gay critic saying how we're hurting kids,

"I was sitting in a movie theater over the weekend and there was a preview of a movie, and in it, the actor said, 'That's so gay,' and I was shocked that not only that they put it in the movie, but that they put that in the preview. They thought that it was okay to put that in a preview for the movie to get people to go and see it... We've got to do something to make those words unacceptable cause those words are hurting kids.

"Someone else I talked to recently," Anderson continued, "said that the words people use and the things people say about other kids online, it enters into their internal dialogue. And when you're a kid, it can change the way you see yourself and the way you think about yourself, and the worth that you give to yourself. I think we need to really focus on what language we're using and how we're treating these kids."

I'm hearing it more and more. You're hurting the kids with your hateful language. Good grief, it's the rallying cry against the LDS church and Packer's speech last Sunday.

So liberals laugh when conservatives use the argument, "It's for the kids" to define subjects such as the war on drugs, fighting pornography and other moral issues but it's OK to use the term when fighting for gay rights?
There's plenty of hot girls in my singles ward. Maybe I should go sleep with them all and then get drunk and run somebody over like a certain NFL player. But I shouldn't be held accountable to anything or anyone because Katie doesn't want religions or societies to have rules, standards, or values.

Wow, wow, wow, settle down a little bit. Take some mustard off. Even if those girls put out, which sounds highly unlikely, I'm not so sure you could convince even one of them to let you marinate the dude piston. This is a non-sequiter.
So liberals laugh when conservatives use the argument, "It's for the kids" to define subjects such as the war on drugs, fighting pornography and other moral issues but it's OK to use the term when fighting for gay rights?

Thank you, and please make the argument for both sides being hypocritical.
Hey bro, I've flagged your post for inappropriate language. If you want to have a discussion, speak like an adult. If you want attention, do this kind of thing on an innernat msg board.

“A good example is the best sermon.” -Benjamin Franklin
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