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Israel-Hamas War


Well-Known Member
2019 Award Winner
Needs its own thread.

Israel will obviously win but what will their war aims be and what will the cost be in Palestinian blood?
Too awful. No idea what the solution should be, but it is sad that it hasn't been figured out in all these decades. I can't imagine what it must be like, and I hope this latest war ends soon.
Hamas doesn't expect to "win."

They expect to provoke Israel into an overstep where they respond in an overly brutal way which will provide the next generation of anti-Israel fighters and people sympathetic to the Palestinian plight.

So Hamas has already basically achieved their goal.
Too awful. No idea what the solution should be, but it is sad that it hasn't been figured out in all these decades. I can't imagine what it must be like, and I hope this latest war ends soon.

never going to. Hamas believes Israel has no right to exist and has vowed to never give in until all Jews have been killed or expelled from what they perceive is their land, and Israel believe they are God's chosen people and have the means and will to never give the Palestinians "their" land and aren't too fussed about the collateral damage cause by enforcing their will and what they feel is their security requirements.

And like Sardines said Hamas are ok with using their people as sacrificial pawns, not to mention Israeli civilians to get Israel to retaliate in a ruthless manner such that the cycle of violence and sympathies perpetuates the war indefinitely
never going to. Hamas believes Israel has no right to exist and has vowed to never give in until all Jews have been killed or expelled from what they perceive is their land, and Israel believe they are God's chosen people and have the means and will to never give the Palestinians "their" land and aren't too fussed about the collateral damage cause by enforcing their will and what they feel is their security requirements.

And like Sardines said Hamas are ok with using their people as sacrificial pawns, not to mention Israeli civilians to get Israel to retaliate in a ruthless manner such that the cycle of violence and sympathies perpetuates the war indefinitely

They came so close to peace with Yitzhak Rabin, murdered by a far right Zionist, the very people who've dictated the agenda in Israel for the last 25 years.
Israel needs to be stopped. Tons of human rights violations. You imprison a group of people for 20 years and you are going to breed young people who have only known hate their whole life and they are going to lash out.

Figure something out where both sides share the land and leave each other alone.

Less than four months into his term, the coup-attempting former president was bragging to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Sergei Kislyak during their Oval Office visit about the quality of the briefings he was receiving, and as proof offered details about a secret Israeli intelligence operation into Syria.

Israeli intelligence officials were incensed upon learning of the leak because, given Russia’s close ties to Iran and Syria, they had to assume that their local source for the information had been compromised and possibly killed, according to Israeli press accounts at the time.

“If indeed Trump, out of innocence or ignorance, leaked information to the Russians, then there is a real danger to sources that it took years to acquire, and to our working methods,” an Israeli intelligence source told journalist Ronen Bergman.

The May 10, 2017, White House meeting was covered by Russian media, but not American media, and began with Trump telling Lavrov and Kislayak that he had just fired FBI Director James Comey over the agency’s investigation into his contacts with their country ahead of his 2016 election. The Washington Post, which first reported on the incident, quoted an administration official who said that Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”

U.S. intelligence officials just before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 warned their Israeli colleagues that they may want to be careful about what intelligence they chose to share in the coming administration, given Trump’s fondness for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and Russia’s ties to Iran and Syria.

Israeli officials reportedly were skeptical about that warning ― until the Oval Office meeting four months later proved it correct.

Republicans try to link President Joe Biden’s release of $6 billion of frozen Iranian money as part of a prisoner swap to the weekend terrorist attack on Israel.

It’s unclear how the agreement to release money to Iran for humanitarian purposes ― not a dollar of which has yet been spent ― less than a month ago could have “funded” Hamas’ attack, which involved thousands of rockets that must have been stockpiled over a period of many months.

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Israel needs to be stopped.
By beheading babies?

Figure something out where both sides share the land and leave each other alone.
Israel did that. Israel pulled all Jews out of the Gaza Strip almost 20 years ago and gave everything to the Palestinians for them to run on their own. What the Gaza Strip Palestinians did was elect a government whose only plank was the elimination of Jews. Israel is still engaged in the West Bank, and the West Bank Palestinians didn't just attack Israel. Nincompoop Know-nothings like to pretend that Palestinians are a cohesive group but they aren't. West Bank Palestinians don't like Gaza Strip Palestinians, and even Palestinians in the north of the West Bank don't get along great with Palestinians in the south of the West Bank. The point is that what you claim you want to see just lead to militants sawing the heads off infants.
By beheading babies?

Israel did that. Israel pulled all Jews out of the Gaza Strip almost 20 years ago and gave everything to the Palestinians for them to run on their own. What the Gaza Strip Palestinians did was elect a government whose only plank was the elimination of Jews. Israel is still engaged in the West Bank, and the West Bank Palestinians didn't just attack Israel. Nincompoop Know-nothings like to pretend that Palestinians are a cohesive group but they aren't. West Bank Palestinians don't like Gaza Strip Palestinians, and even Palestinians in the north of the West Bank don't get along great with Palestinians in the south of the West Bank. The point is that what you claim you want to see just lead to militants sawing the heads off infants.
You imprison people and treat them like subhumans any treatment you get back is on you.

Lmao do you know anything about how Israel treats Gaza? They control everything that comes and goes, and goes on. They stuffed 2 million people into a tiny strip and gave them 95% polluted water, on top of many other horrendous things. I see you fall for any Israeli propaganda.
You imprison people and treat them like subhumans any treatment you get back is on you.

Lmao do you know anything about how Israel treats Gaza? They control everything that comes and goes, and goes on. They stuffed 2 million people into a tiny strip and gave them 95% polluted water, on top of many other horrendous things. I see you fall for any Israeli propaganda.
So Hamas didn't behead babies, rape children, slaughter teenagers in cold blood?
This is not war. War has rules and despite the horrors that are done to civilians in all wars, the primary target is the other goverment and/or its military, not the race.

This is something much more sinister.

I'm afraid the last attack by Hamas, the horrors they performed and even more importantly the grotesk and disturbing videos they have posted on all social medias might have pushed Israel too far this time.

I'm very worried of what happens next.
So they did... This is who you support? We(not me) are now to the point of being ok with slaughter and rape of children.

There is no reasonable excuse to behead children Cy. Kill and rape innocent teenagers at a peace concert.
I dont support anyone. I support both sides coming together and figuring out a peaceful equitable solution.

Im just not going to feel bad for the leaders of Israel as their treatment of Palestinians is the root cause of all of this. I feel terrible for the average everyday Palestinian/Israeli who wants none of this to be reality but their racist leaders have brought them here. But you can only push people so far. If you were in the same situation, if you were raised for your entire life under that kind of human rights abuse's, you would be surprised what you could do to fight for your freedom.
I dont support anyone. I support both sides coming together and figuring out a peaceful equitable solution.

Im just not going to feel bad for the leaders of Israel as their treatment of Palestinians is the root cause of all of this. I feel terrible for the average everyday Palestinian/Israeli who wants none of this to be reality but their racist leaders have brought them here. But you can only push people so far. If you were in the same situation, if you were raised for your entire life under that kind of human rights abuse's, you would be surprised what you could do to fight for your freedom.
They attacked babies, children and elderly Cy not soldiers. There is absolutely NO justification for this. And Palestine is not some victim either. Pedophilia, rape, hatred towards gays and women run rampant. Specifically Hamas.
They attacked babies, children and elderly Cy not soldiers. There is absolutely NO justification for this. And Palestine is not some victim either. Pedophilia, rape, hatred towards gays and women run rampant. Specifically Hamas.
Maybe they shouldnt have committed human rights violations on an entire population and expected no pushback. Just a crazy thought. They got the energy they put out. ****ed around and found out.
This is not war. War has rules and despite the horrors that are done to civilians in all wars, the primary target is the other goverment and/or its military, not the race.

This is something much more sinister.

I'm afraid the last attack by Hamas, the horrors they performed and even more importantly the grotesk and disturbing videos they have posted on all social medias might have pushed Israel too far this time.

I'm very worried of what happens next.
What year do you live in? War has not had rules in a long long time. Do you know how many innocent middle easterners have had drone strikes done against them by America?