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Israel-Hamas War

I support both sides coming together and figuring out a peaceful equitable solution.
I must have missed how those infants were violating human rights by having heads attached. Those of your same apparent ideology who set up the equitable peace camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Treblinka also went on and on about figuring out solutions.
Gazans live in an Israeli created hell
Gazans live in a Hamas created Hell. Hamas has had total control over the strip for nearly two decades. The Gaza Strip was a much better place for the Arabs who lived there before Israel pulled out.
Gazans live in a Hamas created Hell. Hamas has had total control over the strip for nearly two decades. The Gaza Strip was a much better place for the Arabs who lived there before Israel pulled out.

Nice Hasbara talking point. Israel funded Hamas for a reason.

Israel has murdered tens of thousands of Palestinians, and they continue to murder hundreds more each year. 96% of casualties in the past 15 years of this "conflict" have been Palestinians. Palestinian children are murdered on weekly basis. Palestinians in the West Bank, which does not have any Hamas presence, continue to be brutalized and have their lands stolen from them every day. Hamas continues to flourish in Gaza because of the hell Israel has created there.

So yeah, of course the Palestinians will strike against that colonizer ethnostate. Or should they just bend over and accept the boot on their neck until they're all either displaced or dead?
Nice Hasbara talking point. Israel funded Hamas for a reason.

Israel has murdered tens of thousands of Palestinians, and they continue to murder hundreds more each year. 96% of casualties in the past 15 years of this "conflict" have been Palestinians. Palestinian children are murdered on weekly basis. Palestinians in the West Bank, which does not have any Hamas presence, continue to be brutalized and have their lands stolen from them every day. Hamas continues to flourish in Gaza because of the hell Israel has created there.

So yeah, of course the Palestinians will strike against that colonizer ethnostate. Or should they just bend over and accept the boot on their neck until they're all either displaced or dead?
Where in this chart does it show tens of thousands and murders daily?


Violence was especially high in 2014 when Israel conducted Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in response to the kidnapping and murder of three teenagers.
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I dont support anyone. I support both sides coming together and figuring out a peaceful equitable solution.

Im just not going to feel bad for the leaders of Israel as their treatment of Palestinians is the root cause of all of this. I feel terrible for the average everyday Palestinian/Israeli who wants none of this to be reality but their racist leaders have brought them here. But you can only push people so far. If you were in the same situation, if you were raised for your entire life under that kind of human rights abuse's, you would be surprised what you could do to fight for your freedom.

Too simplistic a view unfortunately
Where in this chart does it show tens of thousands and murders daily?


Violence was especially high in 2014 when Israel conducted Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in response to the kidnapping and murder of three teenagers.

The chart shows that 96% of casualties in the past 15 years have been Palestinians. The official number of Palestinians killed since 1948 is well over 30000. The real number is much higher.
I think excusing the murder of children, the rape of children, the rape of teenagers, the execution of all 3 including innocent Americans that have nothing to do with this conflict is pretty messed up. Basically saying innocent people deserved slaughter because of attrocities they had nothing to do with. Then you make Palestine out to be the victim when they are terrible humans.

That would be like me taking that person who locked me into a room and killing innocent their children, beheading them, raping them even though they had nothing to do with it. I can't believe you do not understand this simple logic.
Do you realize that Russia has intentionally fired missiles at civilian apartment buildings and shopping centers? Their soldiers have raped and killed civilians, including children. They have an active operation to remove children from occupied territory in Ukraine and send them to Russia to Russify them and eliminate their Uranian heritage?

Yet you like to play "both sides" in regard to Ukraine and advocate for Ukraine giving up huge chunks of their country in order to temporarily pacify Russia.

And now here you are being all holier than thou in regard to Hamas and Israel. Unreal.
So you think targeting civilians and killing them in the most brutal way possible is typical?

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No, I think regardless of you accidentally killing civilians vs purposefully is the same. It's a dumb distinction to try and justify one.

If a foreign country killed your family in an a bombing but they were "like ah **** bro, our bad, just a bit of a miscalculation on the coordinates" you'd feel the same.
they continue to murder hundreds more each year. 96% of casualties in the past 15 years of this "conflict" have been Palestinians. Palestinian children are murdered on weekly basis.
Nearly all Palestinian casualties in the Gaza Strip are Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence due to Israel not having a presence there. I see that you conveniently gloss over the fact that Israel doesn't control the Gaza Strip's west border at all. There are Hamas border guards on the Gaza Strip side and Egyptian border guards on the Sinai side. Egypt doesn't want to deal with the Arabs living in the Gaza Strip either because they're terrorists. As for the West Bank, they don't want to deal with the Gaza Strip Palestinians either. There was a poll a few years ago and Arab women in the West Bank would rather marry an Israeli Jew than a Gaza Strip Arab. The Gaza Strip Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are terrorists who repeatedly elect a terrorist government. If the Gaza Strip is a hell, it is one created by the government the Gaza Strip Arabs voted into power over the past 20 years.
Nearly all Palestinian casualties in the Gaza Strip are Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence due to Israel not having a presence there. I see that you conveniently gloss over the fact that Israel doesn't control the Gaza Strip's west border at all. There are Hamas border guards on the Gaza Strip side and Egyptian border guards on the Sinai side. Egypt doesn't want to deal with the Arabs living in the Gaza Strip either because they're terrorists. As for the West Bank, they don't want to deal with the Gaza Strip Palestinians either. There was a poll a few years ago and Arab women in the West Bank would rather marry an Israeli Jew than a Gaza Strip Arab. The Gaza Strip Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are terrorists who repeatedly elect a terrorist government. If the Gaza Strip is a hell, it is one created by the government the Gaza Strip Arabs voted into power over the past 20 years.

Thanks for not making me waste any more of my time.
No, I think regardless of you accidentally killing civilians vs purposefully is the same. It's a dumb distinction to try and justify one.

If a foreign country killed your family in an a bombing but they were "like ah **** bro, our bad, just a bit of a miscalculation on the coordinates" you'd feel the same.
So should we stop separating involuntary manslaughters from first degree murders as well then?
The chart shows that 96% of casualties in the past 15 years have been Palestinians. The official number of Palestinians killed since 1948 is well over 30000. The real number is much higher.
Where does it say they are killing children daily?
Do you realize that Russia has intentionally fired missiles at civilian apartment buildings and shopping centers? Their soldiers have raped and killed civilians, including children. They have an active operation to remove children from occupied territory in Ukraine and send them to Russia to Russify them and eliminate their Uranian heritage?

Yet you like to play "both sides" in regard to Ukraine and advocate for Ukraine giving up huge chunks of their country in order to temporarily pacify Russia.

And now here you are being all holier than thou in regard to Hamas and Israel. Unreal.
I'm not advocating for blood shed like others(fixed). I advocated for Diplomacy and was openly mocked, never once did I say they had to give up huge chunks. You are flat out lying and putting words in my mouth AGAIN dude. I said nothing of the sort. What Russia is doing is ****ed up, I've never said otherwise but are they cutting kids heads off? Are they raping little children? Raping teenage girls and driving around with them dead as trophies? You can't even admit thats wrong. Ukraine is pos country that has historically been racist, fascist and corrupt. Israel is not a shining light either. Palestine, specifically Hamas will straight up kill you for being gay, not wearing a hijab, listening to certain music, or talking bad about authority.

My entire stance is that we do not belong in these needless wars as both Ukraine and Russia are garbage. You are flat out lying and making stuff up sardine. Flat...out...lying....

I don't want us in neither of these conflicts. You even got angry at me when I called the way Palestine treated is people like Russia. Right? Remember that? Remember when I asked if you supported American intervention saying I didn't? I want nothing to do with any of these wars. Ukraine is garbage, Palestine is garbage, Israel is garbage, Russia is garbage. I'm just simply pointing out that Palestine cut babies heads off and some seem completely complacent in that, hell even say they F' around and found out. Cy is openly supporting the actions of Hamas(i don't think hes supporting decapitating babies but their vile actions, he's openly supporting).
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I'm not advocating for blood shed like others(fixed). I advocated for Diplomacy and was openly mocked, never once did I say they had to give up huge chunks. You are flat out lying and putting words in my mouth dude. I said nothing of the sort. What Russia is doing is ****ed up, I've never said otherwise but are they cutting kids heads off? Are they raping little children? Raping teenage girls and driving around with them dead as trophies? You can't even admit that wrong. Ukraine is pos country that has historically been racist, fascist and corrupt. Israel is not shining light either. Palestine, specifically Hamas will straight up kill you for being gay, not wearing a hijab, listening to certain music, or talking bad about authority.

I don't want us in neither of these conflicts. You even got angry at me when I called the way Palestine treated it's people like Russia. Right? Remember that? Remember when I asked if you supported American intervention saying I didn't? I want nothing to do with any of these wars. Ukraine is garbage, Palestine is garbage, Israel is garbage, Russia is garbage. I'm just simply pointing out that Palestine but babies heads off and some seem completely complacent in that. Cy is openly supporting the actions of Hamas(i don't think hes supporting decapitating babies but their vile actions, he's openly supporting).
You play the stupidest word games I've ever seen. Your position is like vapor.

How big a chunk should Ukraine give up to Russia for being the victim of Russia invading them? If they don't have to give a part of their country away as a consequence of being a victim then there's no purpose of peace negotiations because all that has to happen is Russia leaving. So you want to throw a fit because I said "huge chunks" and you claim you never supported huge chunks. And you accuse me of putting words in your mouth. So let's have it straight from the horses mouth then. How many square miles of Ukraine does Russia deserve for invading them? What portion? The Luhansk Region? Crimea? What part does Russia deserve if they agree to stop (for now) their invasion of Ukraine.

I only read up to the point that you accused me of putting words in your mouth, so let's get that part nailed down nice and tight before we move on since you like to play word games.
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You play the stupidest word games I've ever seen. Your position is like vapor.

How big a chunk should Ukraine give up to Russia for being the victim of Russia invading them? If they don't have to give a part of their country away as a consequence of being a victim then there's no purpose of peace negotiations because all that has to happen is Russia leaving. So you want to throw a fit because I said "huge chunks" and you claim you never supported huge chunks. And you accuse me of putting words in your mouth. So let's have it straight from the horses mouth then. How many square miles of Ukraine does Russia deserve for invading them? What portion? The Luhansk Region? Crimea? What part does Russia deserve if they agree to stop (for now) their invasion of Ukraine.

I only read up to the point that you accused me of putting words in your mouth, so let's get that part nailed down nice and tight before we move on since you like to play word games.
No you show me where I said any of this. The proof is on you being a liar not me. You show me where I said Ukraine has to give up chunks of land. Don't you pin your lies on me. Let's see it if you didn't put words in my mouth. Show me. I guarantee you that you can't because I never said anything of the sort. I simply said diplomacy is the action US should take not getting involved.

And the audacity of you guys to blame me when this type of violence did not happen under my President. These wars would've never happened under Trump as it was rather peaceful under him. One of the most peaceful presidencies in history. Trump was making peace treaties while Obama and BIden give billions to terrorist countries. You voted for this, not me. You voted for a president that gives 6 billion to terrorist. That surrendered Afghanistan. That bombed 7 innocent children for show.
I' What Russia is doing is ****ed up, I've never said otherwise but are they cutting kids heads off? Are they raping little children? Raping teenage girls and driving around with them dead as trophies? You can't even admit thats wrong. Ukraine is pos country that has historically been racist, fascist and corrupt.
You are really not well educated on the subject, aren't you? Russia is way more racist, fascist and corrupt than Ukraine and yes it is well documented of atrocities they committed in Ukraine war like rape of underage Ukrainian girls, castrating male captive soldiers and killing innocent civilians.
No you show me where I said any of this. The proof is on you being a liar not me. You show me where I said Ukrain has to give up chunks of land. Don't you pin your lies on me.
I will only ever respond with one thing to you until you answer the question. If you can't we have nothing to talk about.

Here it is:

You play the stupidest word games I've ever seen. Your position is like vapor.

How big a chunk should Ukraine give up to Russia for being the victim of Russia invading them? If they don't have to give a part of their country away as a consequence of being a victim then there's no purpose of peace negotiations because all that has to happen is Russia leaving. So you want to throw a fit because I said "huge chunks" and you claim you never supported huge chunks. And you accuse me of putting words in your mouth. So let's have it straight from the horses mouth then. How many square miles of Ukraine does Russia deserve for invading them? What portion? The Luhansk Region? Crimea? What part does Russia deserve if they agree to stop (for now) their invasion of Ukraine.

I only read up to the point that you accused me of putting words in your mouth, so let's get that part nailed down nice and tight before we move on since you like to play word games.