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Jazz kinda sorta have to pay Hayward whatever he wants...

See, as much as I like Dirk as a player he always comes off passive aggressive and selfish to me.

That's just the Germans. They always seem mad. Hell if one says they love you it sounds like they are spitting at you.
Only my opinion that he's a weasel. And "DEMANDS" is a little strong. Hyperbole on my part. He made the statement Napier was his favorite player in the draft (wink, wink) so Riley felt compelled to trade up and draft Shabazz.

Google the rest. He opted out and then the three amigos met in private. That's not speculation; it's a fact. Shortly after the meeting, Bosh and Wade opted out of their contracts It's been reported by several sources that he wants the MAX.
From the article linked below:
"If this report is accurate what does that mean for Riley? What can he spend?

He has $12,918,609 in cap room below the projected cap of $63.2 million to spend, according to PBT’s own Dan Feldman who ran the numbers.
That accounts for LeBron at his max ($20.7 million, although he may take a little less), Wade at $12 million, Bosh at $11 million, Norris Cole who is on the books already, the rookie contract for Shabazz Napier and seven minimum-salary cap holds."

Is he demanding the MAX? he is if you believe ESPN or NBC sports.
You made up the part about LeBron getting them to opt out, and then surprising them by wanting a max contract. That's the key detail in your ridiculous story...

Especially since reports are that LeBron informed them that he was opting out AND seeking a max contract: Link

Not that you give two ****s about accuracy/integrity.
There is some evidence to support it, not the least of which is that we have never landed a tier 1 free agent, with Boozer and Big Al being the borderline exceptions. Of course, we don't really know how many we have gone after either.

But man we can get a lot of mileage with "you go play in Utah" types of comments.

There's only so many teams FAs can sign with. Not everyone can sign with LA, NY, Miami or Chicago. There are plenty of other NBA cities that score lower on the 'desirable meter,' such as Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Oklahoma City, Cleveland, Charlotte, etc. Utah, however, has the 'disadvantage' of the whole Mormon thing that it has to deal with. Still, while we try to dispel what we consider stereotypes about Salt Lake (Portland actually has, I think, a lower African American population than Salt Lake), we should also dispel stereotypes about players. Not every NBA player frequents strip bars or places top priority on night life. Among the NBA ranks are many married family men and/or devout Christians who actually practice their religion (yes, CJ, blacks aren't all hoppers, many are boring family men just like you, although not racist dimwits). In sum, Utah does have an image problem, but it's not the only NBA city to have one. While we are unlikely to attract 'top' FAs, I question the conventional wisdom that we can't attract any quality FAs.
You made up the part about LeBron getting them to opt out, and then surprising them by wanting a max contract. That's the key detail in your ridiculous story...

Especially since reports are that LeBron informed them that he was opting out AND seeking a max contract: Link

Not that you give two ****s about accuracy/integrity.


This story clearly states that Wade and Bosh were told Lebron wanted a max contract during the meeting the three of them had. Also from that article "James did not ask or suggest that Wade and Bosh opt out of their deals or take lesser salaries to allow the Heat to add other top players, according to the sources".

So looks like Core4 is wrong here.

Sorry buddy.
I just hate Core4.

LeBron ain't a douche at all.

feeling is mutual. I feel honored to be hated by you.

Lets say that Cleveland does sign Hayward to a bid contract. If the Jazz don't match, and he becomes an All-Star level player, then they end up with egg on their face. Jazz had the chance to match for Wesley Matthews, but didn't because of the money. I know this is a larger scale, but Matching a max offer for Hayward is much less devastating to the Jazz right now than matching Matthews would have been at the time due to the current cap situation, and having so many players on their rookie contracts.

You don't pay a player the MAX because he MIGHT do something, said player should have already done something worthy of a MAX deal. If Hayward becomes an all-star (tough to do with Lebron, Wade, Carmelo around) the Jazz will survive. See Millsap as an example.

This story clearly states that Wade and Bosh were told Lebron wanted a max contract during the meeting the three of them had. Also from that article "James did not ask or suggest that Wade and Bosh opt out of their deals or take lesser salaries to allow the Heat to add other top players, according to the sources".

So looks like Core4 is wrong here.

Sorry buddy.

I call BS.

He didn't have to ask them to opt out and take less. After the beating they were given by the ultra deep Spurs it is implied when he says... "Hey, I'm going to get paid max." Once he said that their options were clear get paid or chase another ring with King James.
No one seems to ever want to play for the Jazz, when was the last time a 1/2 decent free agent even considered the Jazz? (Boozer, Maybe Big Al) Because the Jazz aren't even in competition even when offering more money to free agents, they have no choice but to over pay current players and hope they stick it out for the extra cash. Then we have to keep tanking and hope for a draft day miracle. Sad time to be a Jazz fan...

This isn't even true but go ahead with your inferior complex theory. It still isn't a reason to pay the MAX. For the record, NO the Jazz do not have to over pay for any player, it is a CHOICE to do so.
Seriously. The whole "Oh no, free agents will never come to the Jazz" woe-is-me attitude is embarrassing. And pure myth.

I don't think it is entirely a myth however the only reason isn't because there are a lot of Mormons or Utah is a weird place. I just think people don't realize that there are many factors that keep players from coming to SLC. Money, roster spots or not enough talent, geography (players want to be closer to family), lack of media exposure are a few other reasons. These are some of the same reasons why Free agents turn down other cities. Every NBA team has been rejected by a FA. Look at Dwight Howard, he couldn't wait to get out of LA. To simply say no FA don't want to come to SLC is inaccurate and has little merit. Do the Lebrons of the world want to come to SLC, probably not but Lebron shunned other cities too. Do you think he considered Milwaukee? Portland? Orlando? NO.

It is time to get over the inferior complex and realize that while SLC is the top choice for FAs neither is it the bottom of the barrel. The Jazz organization has a lot to be desired if you are an NBA player. It is one of the best run franchises and many NBA players who come hear end up loving it. Heck MJ and Dr. J lived in Utah.
Playing for possibly the worst head coach in the NBA and on one of the worst teams in the NBA, Gordon averaged over 16 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists. He did this while posting career lows in shooting both from 3 and total fg%.

With an upgrade in coach that pushes the pace, is it not conceivable that Gordon will post the following numbers next year:

18 PPG

45% from the field and 38% from 3
(very close to his career averages).

I realize that this is pure speculation, but is a player that averages those number worth $14-$15 mil a year?
Playing for possibly the worst head coach in the NBA and on one of the worst teams in the NBA, Gordon averaged over 16 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists. He did this while posting career lows in shooting both from 3 and total fg%.

With an upgrade in coach that pushes the pace, is it not conceivable that Gordon will post the following numbers next year:

18 PPG

45% from the field and 38% from 3
(very close to his career averages).

I realize that this is pure speculation, but is a player that averages those number worth $14-$15 mil a year?

that's a big gamble. he could simply decline. and 18/4/6 is not enough. that's a perennial 'good but not good enough' number. i would say he would have to put up 22/5/6 to have a chance to be an all star. poorman's tmac number.