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I would imagine you do quite a bit of drinking socially due to the type of work that you do, the people you meet, etc?

When I was working in one of the big 4 accounting firm there were lots of drinking socially, after work drinks, going out with workmates, boss shouting us drinks after a big milestone, meeting clients, etc. And, there was this 1 ED who I worked with quite closely, he doesn't drink due to religious reasons, and he would have 1 'go to drink' that he would order when everyone else order a Stella or a Heineken. No harm done, once he's ordered and served that drink it became a non-issue.

So I think you should come up with a 'go to drink' that you can order when you go out socially, so you don't always feel tempted to order what everyone else is ordering..... I dunno, just a thought.... :)

Good advice. My problem is most of my entertaining is done at my home. And people just don't ****ing leave.
Oh ok.. if you've got it in the house then there's always going to be that temptation...

Yeah.. I will just take a nice long break and then start back heavy. Not really.

I just wanna go several months and then evaluate.

And I would also like clarification about the thank button. Wtf is that?

Tapatalk added it in unilaterally. Not really sure what the point is, if we have to leave it in, or if we can take it out. Jason is investigating. If he can't take it out he might add it to the website as well so there is uniformity between app and website.
My 13 and 9 year old daughters come back tomorrow morning. Then I am doing school shopping for those two and my wife and 18 year old daughter. All 4 will be in school this fall.

My bank account is about to get crushed lol.
My 13 and 9 year old daughters come back tomorrow morning. Then I am doing school shopping for those two and my wife and 18 year old daughter. All 4 will be in school this fall.

My bank account is about to get crushed lol.

It's amazing how much these little ****ers cost.
But we love'm.
I'm seriously considering a hiatus from marijuana. There will still be a list of other drugs I'll happily consume, so this isn't a journey toward sobriety (although I'll undoubtedly spend more hours sober as a result).

36 hours into this. No biggie.
What's the purpose of the hiatus? Just to shake things up?
Do you feel like you'll be more productive?

Curious if there's a reason.

mainly to shake things up. I realized that I had been consuming mj more regularly and in higher doses than at any other time in my life, and that, for the first time, I didn't think it was helpful or instructive in anyway. Just mildly palliative and routine. I don't like that.
mainly to shake things up. I realized that I had been consuming mj more regularly and in higher doses than at any other time in my life, and that, for the first time, I didn't think it was helpful or instructive in anyway. Just mildly palliative and routine. I don't like that.
