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Max Hall named starting QB against New Orleans Sunday

So I guess "clearly" is now BYU speak for "I have been owned."

LOL, nice job making a huge argument that you can't win a championship without playing in a championship game. Only to later find out that BYU never played in a championship game, and I never claimed Utah won a championship.

I guess that's what happens when you live over 25 years in the past. If you were even born then, you're certainly too young to remember it accurately. But BYU played a crappy team, in a low level bowl game the year they won their 1 and only "championship."
That Max Hall pic is da bomb. Well done Archie.

But seriously, all Utah-BYU smack talk aside, doesn't it look like Max is a product of years and years of inbreeding? Dude is seriously one ugly ****!
So I guess "clearly" is now BYU speak for "I have been owned."

LOL, nice job making a huge argument that you can't win a championship without playing in a championship game. Only to later find out that BYU never played in a championship game, and I never claimed Utah won a championship.

I guess that's what happens when you live over 25 years in the past. If you were even born then, you're certainly too young to remember it accurately. But BYU played a crappy team, in a low level bowl game the year they won their 1 and only "championship."

Granted, I blew myself on that one -- I have nothing to say about that.

Nice original line, Archie.
Not that it matters but how many of the BYU homers are old enough to have watched and remember that Michigan game? Besides Marcus.
Not that it matters but how many of the BYU homers are old enough to have watched and remember that Michigan game? Besides Marcus.

Technically, I would fall into that category, but I don't actually remember it. Can I claim 50%?
The real U has actually won multiple national titles. How many has your fake U won?
Several in sports other than football (including basketball). And if the system was fair in football like it is for the other sports, then the Utes would have multiple football titles too (have went undefeated 8 times now, but haven't been voted #1 yet).

They were the real U before your fake U was even a school- let alone calling themselves the U.
Max Hall being a true class act. "I hate'em" Anyone else hear how his family received a beer dunking when they played Arizona in the bowl game? I guess Arizona fans must be classless too.





And to think, morons like Salty still have faith in this guy:


When do the cards blow out I mean play the niners?
If Max Hall can avoid holding onto the ball for too long he might be able to stick as a starter. I'm not sure why the Cardinals aren't emphasizing what made their offense so potent, a quick passing game. Kurt Warner rarely held onto the ball for more than 2 seconds. I think his background in arena football helped teach him that. He'd unload the ball quickly to guys like Marshall Faulk, Issac Bruce, and Larry Fitz and let them make plays. From what I've seen, the Arizona offense is trying too much for the big play.

Some of the most successful QBs in the league right now don't necessarily have the strongest arms, but unload the ball before they get sacked. Hopefully Max does well and avoid turning the ball over (which is he extremely prone to do since he tends to wait longer for a big play to develop).
BYU didn't win the national championship and Utah did? Twice??? What the hell? Says who?

Other than crazed Utah homer(s), who says this?

While we're busy making up facts, can we say that the Utah Jazz were NBA champions last year and not the Lakers? Can we also pretend that a recession never happened and that our country is in economic boom? Sweet! This opens so many doors of opportunity!

I understand that Utah did all they could. They finished the season(s) great. But we live in a non-playoff system elitist, something that Utah hypocritically is now going to support by joining the PAC-12. After all they did, they still weren't crowned national champion. BYU those 20-30 years ago, did all they could in their respective season and was crowned national champion. Those are the facts. You can deem your team national champion while taking away BYU's championship all you want. But it doesn't change a damn thing. BYU still has a national championship trophy and banner while Utah doesn't from Urban's last year and from 2008.

If "U" wanted to change it, then they could have taken all the PAC-10's dirty money and shoved it in their mouths saying that because of the elitist BCS that they wouldn't join. Instead, after all the ranting these past few years about an unfair system, they at first chance jumped that ship and joined the very forces they were fighting. The PAC-10 knew this, and poached one of the best BCS busters.

I don't blame the U or anyone else from jumping ship. I think you gotta go when you have the chance. But the whole stink they made along w/Orrin Hatch about the BCS and now joining an elite BCS conference all seems rather hypocritical to me.
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