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Mitchell injury

Donovan has no track record of getting overly-emotional though right?
I guess you are someone who will accept an opinion and not an explanation. I need an explanation. I don't defer to someone just because they know more about something than I do. I want an explanation that makes sense, not they saw "something." WTF is something? I want a detailed explanation not only of what they saw but why they believe they mistakenly cleared him then decided against it. That's one of the problems in our society; we defer to someone because they have an advanced degree or because they are an expert, or because they're privy to secrets we aren't (like our government). No one is infallible and because of the fallout this caused, they should give an explanation of why they changed their minds.
I guess you are someone who will accept an opinion and not an explanation. I need an explanation. I don't defer to someone just because they know more about something than I do. I want an explanation that makes sense, not they saw "something." WTF is something? I want a detailed explanation not only of what they saw but why they believe they mistakenly cleared him then decided against it. That's one of the problems in our society; we defer to someone because they have an advanced degree or because they are an expert, or because they're privy to secrets we aren't (like our government). No one is infallible and because of the fallout this caused, they should give an explanation of why they changed their minds.
I mean, deferring to an expert is generally the most practical thing to do, but given the facts in this case, the medical staff objectively screwed up - either by mistakenly clearing him or failing to communicate the possibility that he wouldn't play.
I posted this in the other NBA playoff thread, but it sure fits here really well. Didn't want it to get lost in the mix.

Nope, CP3 back in, being a warrior.

Makes the Jazz response with Mitchell look even worse. Miller just said "he's going to play, and even if I was playing with a sore ankle or whatever, guys like that playing at 80 or 90% still probably better than any replacement". Not sure if that's a dig but still sums it all up pretty well.
Monson speculating bad bad juju behind the scenes here. Doesn't sound good.

Another train I’ve been on since last offseason is the fire Dennis Lindsey one. Donovan’s a diva, Dennis also doesn’t know how to handle a star player properly. The Jazz need a more modern approach at GM/President.
The Utah Jazz medical staff won an NBA award for being the best not long ago. The Utah Jazz medical staff have kept the Jazz as one of the healthiest teams in the league this crazy/condensed season. The Jazz have had some of the least amount of injuries this season. Donovan has missed very few games throughout his career, and yet he decides 2 weeks ago to bring in his own staff and question the Jazz staff at every turn. It's Mr. Diva.....not the medical staff sorry. Communication could have and should have been better. The Utah Jazz medical staff's work speaks for itself.
Never said anything about the Jazz staff now did I? Reading is fundamental. Jazz have had a stellar staff for decades. It's still Mitchell's ankle and he has the right to make his own choice.
Never said anything about the Jazz staff now did I? Reading is fundamental. Jazz have had a stellar staff for decades. It's still Mitchell's ankle and he has the right to make his own choice.
Not when the Jazz are the ones paying and investing $200 million dollars in that ankle. They do get a say, especially when they’re being cautious.
No one thought Don looked funny last night after that fall? Sat A LOT. Lots of standing around, very slow jogging with what appeared to be some favoring/limping to me. Yes, I know he looked explosive a couple of plays and fine at those moments...but he didn’t appear right to me.

Really hoping we win next game and close them out at home so he can get 5-7 days of rest and rehabbing.
No one thought Don looked funny last night after that fall? Sat A LOT. Lots of standing around, very slow jogging with what appeared to be some favoring/limping to me. Yes, I know he looked explosive a couple of plays and fine at those moments...but he didn’t appear right to me.

Really hoping we win next game and close them out at home so he can get 5-7 days of rest and rehabbing.
I think he hit harder than we see it there but I don't think it's anything that will bother him much more than a day. His lateral motion looked great, and that's what would suffer the most if he re-aggravated his injury.
I think he hit harder than we see it there but I don't think it's anything that will bother him much more than a day. His lateral motion looked great, and that's what would suffer the most if he re-aggravated his injury.
Think someone said he got hit in the head... he also took one in the eye. I think he is good... he looked out of rythymn last night and the ball was sticking right before he went bonkers and won us the game. I think he’s good.
Not when the Jazz are the ones paying and investing $200 million dollars in that ankle. They do get a say, especially when they’re being cautious.
Reading really is fundamental. Pretty sure I said that as well. The team should have input and Mitchell should absolutely listen. End of the day it's still his decision. There could even be stipulations in his contract that carry consequences if he doesn't follow them...... Still his choice.
The team should have input and Mitchell should absolutely listen. End of the day it's still his decision. There could even be stipulations in his contract that carry consequences if he doesn't follow them...... Still his choice.
I'm mean, that's factually incorrect. I could be wrong but I doubt a contract has ever said that. Obviously based on reports Mitchell doesn't though.

I'm curious how you far you think this should go. Do you think that should be the case only when it comes to health? Should the player get to say how many minutes? Should it be other things as well besides health? Should be get a say over the team only or the league as well?
I see a lot of other players like AD and CP3 playing whose injuries are worse than Donovan. Are they divas too? Were Stockton and Malone divas because they often played injured? This is the playoffs and without Donovan, the Jazz could easily lose this series and forfeit the best chance they've had to win the title in more than 20 years. Donovan has an ankle sprain not an injury that could derail his career. All he wants is to play and how can you fault him for that? OneGonad is just a hater pure and simple.
Geez guys stop with all this Diva nonsense. Sorry I am the biggest K. Malone fan but he acted like a diva during the offseason plenty of times. Not that he did not have a right to do so but the reaction by DM is a normal reaction. He was upset about being pulled from Game 1 and he expressed his opinion about it. Times are different than they were 30 years ago. You have social media and everyone voices their opinion now and then. Gordon Monson isn't the best reporter to trust consider his history of anti-Jazz articles. Maybe he is stirring up trouble so DM can go to his beloved Lakers. LOL.. If DM played during the S&M years they would have allowed him to play, the difference is the money so much more that it makes an organization more cautious.