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Mitt Romney, Tax Returns, and the Idle Rich

So, why should I be forced to pay into a "retirement plan" where I am supposed to get ALL of that back someday, if I live long enough, when it is pretty much guaranteed that I won't ever see a dime?

Even under the more negative assessments, you'll still be getting 70% of the payouts otherwise earned, which is considerably more than "won't see a dime".

Before Social Security, the poorest group in the country were the elderly.
It's a good thing there are more jobs than people. Otherwise, your advice might sound callous and self-important.

Depending on your view. I don't cry myself to sleep every night worried that there is no opportunity so government should force someone else to create a job for me with the salary I deem appropriate. That's not healthy.

I also chose not to stay in a job appropriate for high schoolers and retirees for an entire career. And yes, that is a self-important thought but I call it a drive to excell. That is healthy.

And for the record, again, if there aren't enough jobs for labor to be in demand then I fully support government jobs programs that generally benefit everyone. I have absolutely no qualms with printing money and building useable stuff that we by-and-large decide is an appropriate area for governmental control. So you can take that no jobs you're cold hearted crying and blame it on someone else.

I prefered government putting people to work rather than giving these stupid and meaningless temporary tax breaks that do nothing but enrich the wealthy. I would rather see labor in demand so I would have been getting raises over the last couple of years rather than inflation caused by government transfer payment driven consumption growth and ongoing wage cuts.
Based on your extensive knowledge of the research process?

Nope. Because I'm a big fan of science and research, and I applaud those who have the drive and the brains to work in that industry. Before I realized that I was too damn dumb/lazy, I wanted to be a scientist.
Nope. Because I'm a big fan of science and research, and I applaud those who have the drive and the brains to work in that industry. Before I realized that I was too damn dumb/lazy, I wanted to be a scientist.

I am very pro scientific research. I just think that if it is going to be funded with tax payer dollars it should be on things like direct medical research.

@Green I think the taxing of Social Security should be stopped. Now for the wealthier it is taxed but for the poorer people it is not. Below is a link on how it works.

Nope. Because I'm a big fan of science and research, and I applaud those who have the drive and the brains to work in that industry. Before I realized that I was too damn dumb/lazy, I wanted to be a scientist.

For some reason, I saw the plus as a minus. Sorry for the misunderstanding, my fault entirely.
I am very pro scientific research. I just think that if it is going to be funded with tax payer dollars it should be on things like direct medical research.

That's not good enough. All the universe is connected, and less generally all living things are connected. Limiting ourselves to purely medical research will eventually lead down more and blind alleys.
Opening up oil exploration and loosening drilling regulations in the US would undoubtedly generate thousands of high paying jobs which would absolutely help our economy but unless you nationalize the oil industry the US will not necessarily "get off foreign oil". If China is willing to pay more for said oil why can Exxon not sell their wares to the highest bidder?

Yep yep!
Warren Buffet's secretary was at the State of the Union speech? Man, this is going to be a long year.

Did anyone happen to ask the daughter of the dirtiest democrat in America exactly how much her father stands to profit from the Keystone decision? It's not enough that his rail transport is much more environmentally hazardous than this pipeline would ever be, but he's raising the transportation costs charged to the middle class and poor.

I'm so glad Obama is looking out for the environment and us little guys. He has got to go.
Did anyone happen to ask the daughter of the dirtiest democrat in America exactly how much her father stands to profit from the Keystone decision? It's not enough that his rail transport is much more environmentally hazardous than this pipeline would ever be, but he's raising the transportation costs charged to the middle class and poor.

I'm so glad Obama is looking out for the environment and us little guys. He has got to go.

Yes... And be replaced by Newt?

Doctor to patient: Congrats! Your wart has gone away!
Patient: Yay!
Doctor: Yep! The wart has been eaten by the Cancer that has now taken over your entire leg!

If you thought things were bad under Obama and Bush.... Wait until Newt.

As Jon Stewart said... "Newt is now claiming he isn't part of the establishment.... HUH?????????? Newt is thee establishment! He's the insider to Washington's insides!"
Yes... And be replaced by Newt?

Doctor to patient: Congrats! Your wart has gone away!
Patient: Yay!
Doctor: Yep! The wart has been eaten by the Cancer that has now taken over your entire leg!

If you thought things were bad under Obama and Bush.... Wait until Newt.

As Jon Stewart said... "Newt is now claiming he isn't part of the establishment.... HUH?????????? Newt is thee establishment! He's the insider to Washington's insides!"

I've been saying these things about Newt for awhile.
He is NOT conservative, and he reminds me of a dictator type.
Someone that will just pass executive orders over congress all day.
Oh wait......
I've been saying these things about Newt for awhile.
He is NOT conservative, and he reminds me of a dictator type.
Someone that will just pass executive orders over congress all day.
Oh wait......

His desire to pull Judges before a panel has me concerned.
I think we should eliminate taxes on wealthy people and corporations. Raise taxes on the middle class. Give free rides to those who choose not to work. And start as many wars with as many countries as we can. This is the formula to a great country.
Which is embarrassing, especially for tea party people. It is funny watching those people run around and claim they are for free markets, lower taxes, capitalism then jump on Romney's back for doing everything they claim they want Americans to do. But then again, these are the same people that complain about taxes being too high as they stand in line to collect their welfare checks and food stamps.

Is this anger over the Newt win in SC when you thought Romney had a lock? because the bolded statement doesn't sound anything like your average tea partier.
I see different reasons behind his loss than his tax rates. Newt showed passion and strength while Romney showed fear and defensiveness in the 2 debates leading up to the primary. That is why things didn't go so well for Romney.

Heck, between welfare, cash assistance and food stamps, there are a lot of MEDICAL STUDENTS getting over $2,000 a month in assistance. You could easily save for retirement with that help from the government.

What? Don't they leave school with 100k+ in debt?

Here Mitt has gone above and beyond to help the poor, and he gave it to an organization that puts more of the donated $$$ into the poor's hands than any other,

Are you kidding?