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Moderator opening

I am surprised to see Harrison Ford here rejecting his crowd's moderation fit. I believed PKM wanted to be a mod but now he says no. I don't understand. Is it "no thanks (put it in my back pocket)" type of thing? Come on man you would be a good mod. You are a mod in the hearts of JFC just not an official one.
I'm sure there are some people who would make a great mod but I can't remember.

I'm also down with kkk.

Also stitches. He is an active Jazz fan forum poster in also Real GM. Activeness is also importanto.
My final candidate.

Sweet Jesus.

Make Troutbum a mod. He has political experience. He grapples at a high level. There you go. Great qualities for a mod. He can use words and tackling techniques to make things work.
I am surprised to see Harrison Ford here rejecting his crowd's moderation fit. I believed PKM wanted to be a mod but now he says no. I don't understand. Is it "no thanks (put it in my back pocket)" type of thing? Come on man you would be a good mod. You are a mod in the hearts of JFC just not an official one.

I would have no desire at all.
I would make a poor mod (abuse power).
Jason would say no even if I did want to be one.
I wouldn't want to have to be held to any higher standard (can't believe I just intimated that the mods post at a higher standard, haha).
I'm down with Howard
pls no Hantlers. Mods, I know you're looking for experience with hermeneutics, but can we get a little more diversity, please?