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"monkey it up" racist or not?

It sounds like a clumsy derivative of statements I have heard many times before. I wasn't attempting to use it casually. I was simply relating what I heard had been said. It may be that he meant it as a racist statement (i don't know anything about this candidate} but it didn't sound like one to me. If he really was trying to talk to racist voters using some sort of secret code (which is actually not a secret at all to people from the South) then he is a bonehead of epic proportions.

It's not a secret code. There are millions upon millions of people, specially old people, who are, and have been, racist their entire lives. Racist mentality and lingo is part of their life. The other week, I went to Bear Lake with a friend. His mom, who's in her 70s, came along, and she kept whining about how Mexicans took over everything, even Bear Lake! She called Mexicans illegals, btw. She wasn't using code, and she didn't have an agenda. She's just a casual racist, like millions others.

I don't know if the guy meant it in a racist way. But I wouldn't just dismiss it so easily either.

I dunno guys, seems like he deserves the benefit of the doubt here.

With more context and learning more about the guy then what I knew before (just the clip) I have no problem calling him a racist where there is evidence of racism.

It's called consistency.

What do I know though, I'm just a white dude.
With more context and learning more about the guy then what I knew before (just the clip) I have no problem calling him a racist where there is evidence of racism.

It's called consistency.

What do I know though, I'm just a white dude.
Now you're catching on.
The Europeans (and their descendants everywhere) fancy themselves humanity's best/worst imperialists. Most of the world agrees. Funny how that works. The European scientific revolution utterly transformed the world. Not just through technological advancement and wide scale industrialization. But also through the collection and analysis of an overwhelming amount of information regarding the past and the present. Information that is available for all to see. And a channel for all to speak. And thus, we got to this point in history, where "whites" get to feel guilty.

The Arabs, under the banner of Islam, sprung forth from the desert, and invaded all of the Middle East, Northern Africa, Anatolia, parts of Europe, and all the way to Northern India. In most of those places, the Arabs utterly destroyed whatever culture originally existed, and imposed their own in its place. The destruction was so profound, that modern children in the fertile crescent, where human civilization was born, are taught history starting from the Arab "liberation". All that came before is simply "The Age of Ignorance". The Muslims then had their own enlightenment for a couple hundred years. For a time, their star shined brighter than any other. People the world over flocked to Muslim schools to study science and philosophy. But much like the Greeks, it didn't sustain. Had the Muslim Enlightenment sustained long enough to spread across and transform the world, the world would've pointed a finger at a different master. But it didn't. So here we are. :cool:
A free pass for calling out ****** white people for being ******.


Other races aren't flawed and can't be called out for their ******** though? Listen, I'm the first person to say white people suck. Our history speaks volumes. But let's not kid ourselves, it's really just people in general who suck.
So we've decided an appropriate reaction now to "hey, that sounds pretty racist" is to double down, claim there's nothing racist about it, and say anyone who thinks it's racist is the real racist?

No wonder we never get better at anything as a society if we're that allergic to self-improvement.

The best case scenario here, and I mean the literal best case, is that DeSantis is clueless about how a significant segment of society would perceive his words. Part of communication is not just managing what you want to say, but having an appreciation of what other people will hear. DeSantis is demonstrating he's bad at this skill in the literal first day of general election season.
Srs? Monkey with, monkey it up, etc. used to be pretty common. I've never heard it used with the slightest bit of racial undertone.

I've never heard monkey it up. And it doesn't seem like others here have. Archie had to google it.
I, a white guy, have never considered that a phrase may have racist underpinnings, therefore despite many POC pointing it out, I remain unconvinced.