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Most bad *** woman in America today

Uh no.


You apparently dont understand what that means. "Soft bigotry of low expectations" is exactly what the Democrats are guilty of. This woman and conservatives are the exact opposite.

Her speech in the video from the 3 to 9 minute mark is just awful and lazy. All she did was string together a bunch tired old right wing talking points. Not one compelling idea or fresh point of view - just a bunch of stuff we've all heard a thousand times from a thousand places.

And yet this almost all white crowd is cheering her like she finished third at the Special Olympics - is it because they have such low expectations of minorities that to hear one of them to confirm their biases is enough to put them on a stage - no matter how mediocre they really are? Isn't that a form of soft bigotry? Ironic, I know - it's like right wing affirmative action.

That's really the only explanation as to why Candace Owens exists in the public realm - even for a regurgitator of right wing nonsense, she sucks.
Her speech in the video from the 3 to 9 minute mark is just awful and lazy. All she did was string together a bunch tired old right wing talking points. Not one compelling idea or fresh point of view - just a bunch of stuff we've all heard a thousand times from a thousand places.

And yet this almost all white crowd is cheering her like she finished third at the Special Olympics - is it because they have such low expectations of minorities that to hear one of them to confirm their biases is enough to put them on a stage - no matter how mediocre they really are? Isn't that a form of soft bigotry? Ironic, I know - it's like right wing affirmative action.

That's really the only explanation as to why Candace Owens exists in the public realm - even for a regurgitator of right wing nonsense, she sucks.
It is so telling that liberals react to her in this way. It is very impressive that she has not been bullied into shutting up by people like you. It must be very difficult for a 30 year old to deal with such pressure. Personally, I'm even more impressed with her as a result of your attack.
Uh no.


You apparently dont understand what that means. "Soft bigotry of low expectations" is exactly what the Democrats are guilty of. This woman and conservatives are the exact opposite.
Hard bigotry of high expectations?
I'm just gonna put this out there (not a neccesarily a reflection of this thread) - so many hacks on this forum draw the line at everything but when someone has a different way of seeing something, like one love, you resort to making fun of his mental health and superior thought process and fake outrage.

You guys bully rather than educate OL.
I'm just gonna put this out there (not a neccesarily a reflection of this thread) - so many hacks on this forum draw the line at everything but when someone has a different way of seeing something, like one love, you resort to making fun of his mental health and superior thought process and fake outrage.

You guys bully rather than educate OL.
I would say that it is visible outside of USA, too. Like some alien power trying very hard since … 2010-2014 to divide those have been united before. Our country would not been either originally independent or not got their independence back in 1991 had the people been as divided as they are now. Maybe the life is too nice now than in 1991? IMHO even this forum had less rant and "you did! No, You did it" behavior around 2005-2007.
It is so telling that liberals react to her in this way. It is very impressive that she has not been bullied into shutting up by people like you. It must be very difficult for a 30 year old to deal with such pressure. Personally, I'm even more impressed with her as a result of your attack.

I think (not sure) that candrew is a conservative.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
Her speech in the video from the 3 to 9 minute mark is just awful and lazy. All she did was string together a bunch tired old right wing talking points. Not one compelling idea or fresh point of view - just a bunch of stuff we've all heard a thousand times from a thousand places.

And yet this almost all white crowd is cheering her like she finished third at the Special Olympics - is it because they have such low expectations of minorities that to hear one of them to confirm their biases is enough to put them on a stage - no matter how mediocre they really are? Isn't that a form of soft bigotry? Ironic, I know - it's like right wing affirmative action.

That's really the only explanation as to why Candace Owens exists in the public realm - even for a regurgitator of right wing nonsense, she sucks.

Nice try. You still missed.

Soft bigotry of low expectations is when liberals lower the needed score for black people to get into college. In fact, that is the exact definition and the whole reason why the phrase was coined in the first place.

AOC is a great example too. Liberals give her a pass on her stupidity because they dont believe latinos can get any smarter than that.

Or how about all the other societal boosts liberals seek to give minorities? Here is one of my favorites. Its racist to expect minorities to be able to obtain an ID. Therefor they shouldnt need one to vote. As if minorities are too stupid to figure that out.

Lmao at you trying to flip this. I could go on for days with examples.
I'm just gonna put this out there (not a neccesarily a reflection of this thread) - so many hacks on this forum draw the line at everything but when someone has a different way of seeing something, like one love, you resort to making fun of his mental health and superior thought process and fake outrage.

You guys bully rather than educate OL.

Liberal Jazzfanz in a nutshell. ^^^
Liberal Jazzfanz in a nutshell. ^^^
I'm just gonna put this out there (not a neccesarily a reflection of this thread) - so many hacks on this forum draw the line at everything but when someone has a different way of seeing something, like one love, you resort to making fun of his mental health and superior thought process and fake outrage.

You guys bully rather than educate OL.

I think that bullying really is more of liberal thing. Before I even got into politics on this forum, there has always been a certain group of people who would say all sorts of nasty things to people just because they dont agree with their basketball take. Now that I know who the liberals are, it turns out they are the same people who attack others and throw around the insults for just a basketball take. Its the same people. They do the same thing whether its basketball or politics. Its who they are. Which is a big reason why Ive become even more turned off by liberalism ever since discussing things with these people. There is something definitely wrong with the liberal mind. They pretend to be morally superior but are actually some of the most rude people you will ever meet.
Except that the majority of jazz fanz are conservatives.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app

Except that is a lie. You know it. The problem is 90% of liberals are afraid to call themselves liberal. So you dont count them. Like yourself. You can pretend you arent, but you are. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc..
I think that bullying really is more of liberal thing. Before I even got into politics on this forum, there has always been a certain group of people who would say all sorts of nasty things to people just because they dont agree with their basketball take. Now that I know who the liberals are, it turns out they are the same people who attack others and throw around the insults for just a basketball take. Its the same people. They do the same thing whether its basketball or politics. Its who they are. Which is a big reason why Ive become even more turned off by liberalism ever since discussing things with these people. There is something definitely wrong with the liberal mind. They pretend to be morally superior but are actually some of the most rude people you will ever meet.

Except that is a lie. You know it. The problem is 90% of liberals are afraid to call themselves liberal. So you dont count them. Like yourself. You can pretend you arent, but you are. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc..
You lie though

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I think that bullying really is more of liberal thing. Before I even got into politics on this forum, there has always been a certain group of people who would say all sorts of nasty things to people just because they dont agree with their basketball take. Now that I know who the liberals are, it turns out they are the same people who attack others and throw around the insults for just a basketball take. Its the same people. They do the same thing whether its basketball or politics. Its who they are. Which is a big reason why Ive become even more turned off by liberalism ever since discussing things with these people. There is something definitely wrong with the liberal mind. They pretend to be morally superior but are actually some of the most rude people you will ever meet.
Remember when you threatened to ruin my life with some big secret dirt you had on me? All because of some disagreement about boozer or something dumb.
Good times

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Candace freaking Owens!!

I love this woman. I predict she will be the first woman president. I pray she runs right after Trump. She is exactly what the country needs.

I listened to the first 5 minutes. I heard a lot outrage, but few real ideas. What actual policy proposals of hers do you support?
You are so wrong. I want all are leaders to be great. But I have to point out when they are not. The left isnt great. More like turd sandwiches.
You are too funny. Nixon, Reagan, Bushes and now the Dumpster. A nice lineup of criminals if I say so myself.