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Netflix recs?

I've had Adblock Plus for quite some time, and for those who don't have it: you're seriously missing out. In my experience it's absolutely no-hassle. It just silently blocks ads in your browser and that's it. Really no set-up at all.

As for Noscript, that one I didn't know about, but I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

It turns off all scripts so you're probably better off running it in reverse to start, there is an option but I don't remember where it is. Forbid the scripts that are a problem. Once you have figured that out(and have a decent blacklist of urls) then turn it back to normal and you will have to allow scripts.( work on your white list)

The best thing about Noscript is that you don't have to run intense antivirus software that drains resources.
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It's definitely not for everyone. I loved it enough to watch all 8 seasons and two movies in about two weeks. I never watch tv like that.

It's a bit slow starting IIRC.

I... Im sucked in dude. Why would you do this to me?
Can someone please explain to me why some cartoons are called Annamae and other cartoons aren't? I don't get it. Isn't anime just short for animation, which is what all cartoons are. Sorry if this is a really dumb question.

I'll explain it to you. The differences are really quite technical, so please be careful to follow along:

Cartoons = Awesome

Anime = Crap.
Can someone please explain to me why some cartoons are called Annamae and other cartoons aren't? I don't get it. Isn't anime just short for animation, which is what all cartoons are. Sorry if this is a really dumb question.

Hmm, I thought this was common knowledge.

"Anime" is a term used for animation made in Japan. "Cartoon" is a general term for animation. The latter term is supposed to encompass all animation, but in practice no one refers to Japanese animation as "cartoons," unless they're trying to be insulting (don't ask why, I dunno). So "anime" becomes the term for animation from Japan, while "cartoon" refers to animation from anywhere else. There's a similar thing with comics. Japanese comics are called "manga."
I'll explain it to you. The differences are really quite technical, so please be careful to follow along:

Cartoons = Awesome

Anime = Crap.

Ladies and gentlemen, fallenchicken, your very own expert in all things art.

For the layman's out there, can you explain the prices you went through to come to this conclusion?
Netflix is way better for TV shows than for movies.

That's probably one of my big problems then. I'm not fan of TV series at all. All I watch on TV these days are sports and the Lone Target type shows or documentaries. Though, An Idiot Abroad was definitely a good Netflix TV find for me, but it's kind of in the documentary mode too. So there's that. I'll check out the documentaries some mentioned in this thread and call it good.

Oh well. I'm just using a free trial so it's all good. I just thought since I really don't watch movies that often, I was about to be entering a huge honey hole of good unseen movies. So wrong.
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That's probably one of my big problems then. I'm not fan of TV series at all. All I watch on TV these days are sports and the Lone Target type shows or documentaries. Though, An Idiot Abroad was definitely a good Netflix TV find for me, but it's kind of in the documentary mode too. So there's that. I'll check out the documentaries some mentioned in this thread and call it good.

Oh well. I'm just using a free trial so it's all good. I just thought since I really don't watch movies that often, I was about to be entering a huge honey hole of good unseen movies. So wrong.

Agreed that Netflix online is all about the TV shows. I'm not a fan of watching TV shows live... but TV shows without commercials? Yes, I dig that. There's only a few great movies I've watched via Netflix online.

But you might want to check out Netflix by mail. They have a huge selection of movies through that route, in fact I think you'd be hard pressed to find a movie they DON'T have. (There are some I've found, but not many.) Iirc it's about the same price as the online version, i.e. $10-ish per month. The downside is that you have to plan ahead what movie you want to watch because, well, you get the movies by mail. I think the basic scheme allows you to have 3 checked out at once, but if you pay more you can have more checked out. Something like that.
Ladies and gentlemen, fallenchicken, your very own expert in all things art.

For the layman's out there, can you explain the prices you went through to come to this conclusion?

Well, it's quite complicated. In order to truly understand, one must be well-studied in critical theory. An expensive liberal arts education would help.

But, to try to reduce it to the "layman": my carefully crafted logic works like this:

I don't like anime, usually.

To put that in the form of a logical hypothesis:

1. I like good things.

2. The things I like are good.

3. I don't like anime.

4. Therefore, anime is not good.
Well, it's quite complicated. In order to truly understand, one must be well-studied in critical theory. An expensive liberal arts education would help.

But, to try to reduce it to the "layman": my carefully crafted logic works like this:

I don't like anime, usually.

To put that in the form of a logical hypothesis:

1. I like good things.

2. The things I like are good.

3. I don't like anime.

4. Therefore, anime is not good.


Must be that pricey liberal arts education
Well, it's quite complicated. In order to truly understand, one must be well-studied in critical theory. An expensive liberal arts education would help.

But, to try to reduce it to the "layman": my carefully crafted logic works like this:

I don't like anime, usually.

To put that in the form of a logical hypothesis:

1. I like good things.

2. The things I like are good.

3. I don't like anime.

4. Therefore, anime is not good.

I have learned so much from this post alone.

Ahoy, masters in modern interpretive dance!
I think many of you are underrating some of the movies on Netflix. If you like well-done, highly reviewed movies there are many, it's just that most of them are of the independent variety. But yeah, if you like blockbusters, you're pretty much out of luck.
Netflix has some great documentaries. I usually watch one a week..

Just got Murikan Netflix, and I need to review an environment-themed documentary for one of my classes.

Do you, or anyone else have recommends for a good environmental-documentary on Netflix? TIA!

EDIT: I suppose it doesn't have to be on Netflix, but I'd prefer a relatively newer one, and it being on Netflix is most convenient.
One thing I'll give Netflix is if you rate the shows you watch, their recommendations are spot on. I don't really look at titles too much anymore, but instead look at star ratings.
Just got Murikan Netflix, and I need to review an environment-themed documentary for one of my classes.

Do you, or anyone else have recommends for a good environmental-documentary on Netflix? TIA!

EDIT: I suppose it doesn't have to be on Netflix, but I'd prefer a relatively newer one, and it being on Netflix is most convenient.
