I can't remember whether I've shared this story or not, but at one point I was talking to a guy who was with Campus Crusade for Christ. He believed the Bible was literally true in every respect. So I asked him how Methuselah could have lived to be 969 years old, as the Bible says. He immediately gave this explanation. When God created the world, he separated the waters above from the waters below (Genesis), meaning that the sky was actually a dome of water. When the flood of Noah came, that dome broke, and all the water above fell onto the earth, flooding the entire planet. And now that there's no dome of water protecting us, we can no longer live to be 1,000 years old, because the ultra-violet rays are killing us.
I wish I was making that one up, but I'm not. The dude really believed it. These folks just live in their own little happy place. There's just no reasoning with them.