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Official Jazz Awards?

Award idea:

Best Split Personality Disorder Award

Clear winner for '13 would be the NAOS / [size/HUGE] fixed [/size] duo.
How about a <Mod's>Poster of the week that's changed every week? Or even <Mod's> favorite poster?

Lets face it... the mods are watching us. They read our posts. If there was a button to just click on when they read someone's post and they like it a lot it's done.
UtahBoozer and UGLI are NOTHING alike. Two very different posters, legendary in their own rights. Funny how NAOS pins a board-decline on probably 3 of the only posters keeping it afloat tbh
UtahBoozer and UGLI are NOTHING alike. Two very different posters, legendary in their own rights. Funny how NAOS pins a board-decline on probably 3 of the only posters keeping it afloat tbh

I'd probably liken it to this scenario:

- Guy takes extra good care of Girl

- Girl feels good letting Guy help her with things

- Girl starts to depend on Guy for EVERYTHING

- Guy takes advantage of Girl's dependence & sucks her DRY

- Guy moves on to next Girl