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Police Power and Racial Tensions in Ferguson, Missouri

again not talking about peaceful protestors.
but people who loot and burn stuff down should be shot.
you might disagree. but those guys thrive on the indulgence of society's understanding.

if i was looting your store, or burning down your property you may gun me down.

If I had a clear shot on you I'd take it even if you were sipping tea and reading the newspaper.
If I had a clear shot on you I'd take it even if you were sipping tea and reading the newspaper.
you are a hatefull person.
voicing my opinion would get me shot.

cant u just disagree. and leave it at that.

because unlike those protesters i do no damage whatsoever.

you want me shot for voicing an opinion. and what about looters and firestarters? want to give them a medal for bravery?
at best looting is breaking and entering in some states you could be justifiable be shot by civilians.
what they are doing is stealing, calling it looting is wrong
they are endangering human lives by starting ire(s)

at worst this is an act of civil war.
People looting stores and setting cars/buildings on fire over this are stupider than ****. Are you being held back in life because of your race? Maybe it's really your lack of intelligence, you ****-brains.
People looting stores and setting cars/buildings on fire over this are stupider than ****. Are you being held back in life because of your race? Maybe it's really your lack of intelligence, you ****-brains.

durr, noo they should get a medal durrr.

shame on you for speaking against "looting" and arson dur herp derp
People looting stores and setting cars/buildings on fire over this are stupider than ****. Are you being held back in life because of your race? Maybe it's really your lack of intelligence, you ****-brains.

Wow.. I had to look twice to see which nightmare version authored this..

---- new post ------

Sad that people (of all races) have tendencies to stop listening to reason, logic, and evidence once it supports their agenda. Even sadder to use that agenda to fuel completely selfish agendae.
just saw some retards throw a rocks at a cnn reporter, we should nominate them for nobel peace price!

seriously the restraint cops are showing is amazing
Wow.. I had to look twice to see which nightmare version authored this..

This made me laugh. But on a serious matter, racial tension and racism is frustrating. It's frustrating that racism exists at all, frustrating that people face difficulties and challenges because of their race, and above all, I hate that situations like the one in Ferguson lead to looting and vandalism.
The management of this whole thing appears awful.

Why roll the info out after dark? Hold it for the next morning and let it out at like 8 am. It's an emergency situation.
Why allow protesters to assemble with masks and weapons (clubs, etc)?
Why not block off the street, completely, that was known to be the hot area?

Just strange. Thanks Obama.
so let me get this straight a criminal got shot(doesnt matter to me wtf the criminals skin color is) by a cop(also doesnt matter what the **** his skin color is to me).

there are risk in the type of live you chose.
a criminals tlive has the risk of getting killed.

so now some people think it is worth ruining and burning down a community, for some street thug who took to a live of crime and got shot for his live of crime.

lets protest around america(seatle new york etc) for a ****ing low live criminal

lets not forget what this lowlife did.

a video of a convenience store robbery that occurred only minutes before the shooting. It showed Brown taking cigarillos and shoving a store employee who tried to prevent him from leaving.

bra-****ing-vo america


thats what the guy got killed for.

now a community destroyed. hard working business owners their lifelyhood in shambles(i know insurance probably will cover it),
this is not about black vs white.
this is about criminals vs law abiding citizens.

this culture needs to change.

but it wont if even the president is a criminal/traitor.

and now i will wait to get shot by gameface
If I had a clear shot on you I'd take it even if you were sipping tea and reading the newspaper.

That could be a potentially dangerous situation. He could throw the tea in your face and scald you, then set the paper on fire and shove it down your pants. Better empty your clip, just to be safe.
Yeah but what kind of shoes was he wearing cuz that's also completely irrelevant.

it is relevant. as shows what kinda criminal he is. simple as that.

i get if you are hungry and desperate you steal bread or milk. or baby formula for your hungry baby. which might show he was forced/driven to a live of crime/

but to steal friggin tabaco product, a product for pleasure that destroys your lungs. the punching police officer twice. shows me you are a THUG.

this has nothing to do with race.

it is truly sad what is happening to the city/town of Ferguson. why isnt whatever the thugs name is being held responsible by the same community that riots?
it is relevant. as shows what kinda criminal he is. simple as that.

i get if you are hungry and desperate you steal bread or milk. or baby formula for your hungry baby. which might show he was forced/driven to a live of crime/

but to steal friggin tabaco product, a product for pleasure that destroys your lungs. the punching police officer twice. shows me you are a THUG.

this has nothing to do with race.

it is truly sad what is happening to the city/town of Ferguson. why isnt whatever the thugs name is being held responsible by the same community that riots?

Some of your posts are stupider than others and this one is no exception.
That could be a potentially dangerous situation. He could throw the tea in your face and scald you, then set the paper on fire and shove it down your pants. Better empty your magazine, just to be safe.

you are a hatefull person.
voicing my opinion would get me shot.

cant u just disagree. and leave it at that.

because unlike those protesters i do no damage whatsoever.

you want me shot for voicing an opinion. and what about looters and firestarters? want to give them a medal for bravery?

I would shoot you out of a sense of duty to humanity...because of your low IQ.
It is sad that a minority of protestors tried to ruin any potential for change that could come out of this. Hopefully the cooler heads prevail and don't let the idiots that are looting and rioting stop any momentum they might have.

Many peaceful protests all around the country. In fact, the only violence I have heard of was in St. Louis, MO.