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Pos and Neg Rep

What the....Archie gave me neg rep for pointing out that his post in the Steinbrenner thread was beyond stupid.

As my reputation is all I have and all that I live for, I'm counting on all of you to give me positive rep in order to counter this unfortunate mishap. Thanks in advance.
What the....Archie gave me neg rep for pointing out that his post in the Steinbrenner thread was beyond stupid.

As my reputation is all I have and all that I live for, I'm counting on all of you to give me positive rep in order to counter this unfortunate mishap. Thanks in advance.

Done and done. Be sure to return the favor, *** face.
What the....Archie gave me neg rep for pointing out that his post in the Steinbrenner thread was beyond stupid.

As my reputation is all I have and all that I live for, I'm counting on all of you to give me positive rep in order to counter this unfortunate mishap. Thanks in advance.

I gave you a neg rep for being a little too desperate. Then a positive rep because your sheep is so damn cute.
What the....Archie gave me neg rep for pointing out that his post in the Steinbrenner thread was beyond stupid.

As my reputation is all I have and all that I live for, I'm counting on all of you to give me positive rep in order to counter this unfortunate mishap. Thanks in advance.

In any case, I feel awkward having gone off-topic here. Back to your mom.

You bet I gave you negative rep. Your rep better watch it's back.
In any case, I feel awkward having gone off-topic here. Back to your mom.

You gave him neg rep for that comment? That line was great. Go back and read it with the previous posts and you'll see the context and why it was a brilliant line. I'd give him positive rep for that line alone, but bordy sucks.
You gave him neg rep for that comment? That line was great. Go back and read it with the previous posts and you'll see the context and why it was a brilliant line. I'd give him positive rep for that line alone, but bordy sucks.

Who are you, like my negative rep approval dad? :D Dude, I promise I get a lot worse rep for much less.
If your name is always tied to the rep you give then anytime you give somebody negative rep they will just give it back. Pretty much making the rep system worthless. I rarely give negative rep but always sign the positive ones.
I give out about 20-30 rep hits a day, probably about half positive and half negative. In either case, I always politely add "You suck, d00d." So, if ya sees that, well, then.....
If your name is always tied to the rep you give then anytime you give somebody negative rep they will just give it back. Pretty much making the rep system worthless. I rarely give negative rep but always sign the positive ones.

Funny that I get negative rep for this.
Don't know about that, Moe.

Well, at least I'm not one to make public who reps me in either fashion. I mark mine "-DW" for those who don't know, but often don't comment, and even when I do, they're often unremarkable.

I'll mention getting neg repped, but I'll never mention who (as I said, the poster giving rep is documented at another site I post at) did it. Seems kind of childish to do so. I have no problem mocking the neg rep, because in the case of the other site, it's often because I criticize Montana's football team.

And yes, that was just two (now three, well, four) paragraphs of me really not saying much.
LOL. No actually. They called me an elitest and signed it...Dutch.

I've gotten elitist neg rep for this thread as well. Signed differently, however.

Funny thing is, I got pos repped an hour later signed with the same name for a different thread.

I did get the "hack" neg rep for my post as well. I'm surprised that post merited any rep at all.