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Pretty good write up on Rodney Hood

Hood has been much better than expected, and is certainly showing star potential. Still would rather have had Kawhi (over Burks) or Giannis (over Burke) to pair with Hayward, but Hood has been a steal from that draft. Excited to see his development.
In the off season a bunch of you numb-skulls were pissing yourselves about Gobert's reported 15 foot jumper. I told y'all I didn't care cuz I would rather he put pressure on the rim, dragged a defender under the basket, and opened that shot up for our wings. Some of you freaked out and swore that I didn't understand bball. Go read that article

You frame thus question very oddly, as if it were a choice between pressuring the rim OR reliably knocking down a jumper. It is AND not OR. You seem to think that developing and employing a jumper would detract from his game, which is truly numb-skull territory.