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Protestors storm capital

I believe Mrs. Thomas falls into this school of thought:

Typical authoritarian mindset. In Russia at the moment, Putin agents are painting things like “enemy of the motherland” on the doors of peace activists and others labeled as “anti-Russian”. We have a similar mindset here among some, as to who is a “true American”, and who is not. Mrs. Thomas made clear in her texts where she stands.
I haven't lost hope that tomorrow, when(if) you roll outta bed, the curtains will be up and you'll see the sunshine again.

I see conservatives whom I consider the top ranked thinkers of the group (Sonnie Johnson for example), out there talking about how the new Trump control group is cutting the feticide/infanticide protestors out of the inner circles. Matt Schlappies, lets say. The Cuban refugees who are focused on just ripping Biden and other personalities, using that term very loosely.

I agree with the general concern about "authoritarianism" but find it incredible that you claim to object to authoritarianism. You're the true prototype, imo. Well, no. Actually I blame the people who write the stuff you read, and you blind patriotism for it all.

It's human nature, I suppose, when a worm crawls out from a hole and gets scared of cooking in the sun, and needs to go back under some dirt. It's as hard for people to get out of a rut.

Wanting government to solve problems is the root of all authoritarianism A few lexicographical transformations gives us "Money is the root of all evil."

I suppose Trump could become an authoritarian, but Biden is. Well, whoever is.

think about all those mammoth tusks being pulled out of the Arctic muck. Think of all the grass it took to feed all those mammoths, up there where that muck is. It used to be grassland, in a world that was warmer than now.

Then ask yourself if you want authoritarians who will lie to like they now do about Climate running global socialism.

If you can't track that to a "Hell No, I won't Go" for the global war, you really just can't stand the sunlight.
Washington is the place to go when your moral fiber dies (or is on life support).

Amazing amounts of shadiness for decades on end regardless of the letter by your name.
Who buys this, other than the same dumb 2-3 posters on here that'll defend Donald no matter what?
That Trump himself doesn't understand that phones bought to be used and discarded are called "burner" phones? I find that easy to believe. That's he was so out-of-touch that he didn't realize his aides were handing him an unauthorized phone? Still somewhat believable.
That Trump himself doesn't understand that phones bought to be used and discarded are called "burner" phones? I find that easy to believe. That's he was so out-of-touch that he didn't realize his aides were handing him an unauthorized phone? Still somewhat believable.
I don’t. The article itself has John Bolton telling that trump knew what burner phones were. Trump just hopes that we all think he’s too stupid to crime. I mean, it worked right? It worked with Mueller and with the first impeachment. “He’s just too stupid to be held accountable for anything”, was essentially the argument.

And then there’s this:
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I guess Ginni Thomas could really get Trump worked up….

“Years before she became one of then-President Donald Trump’s most prominent coup supporters, Ginni Thomas was already notorious in his West Wing for, among other things, ruining staffers’ afternoons by working Trump into fits of vengeful rage.

“We all knew that within minutes after Ginni left her meeting with the president, he would start yelling about firing people for being disloyal,” said a former senior Trump administration official. “When Ginni Thomas showed up, you knew your day was wrecked.”


From the article:

Martin, whose bench trial started Tuesday, testified that a police officer waved him into the building after the riot erupted. A prosecutor dismissed that testimony as "nonsense."

The judge, however, said video shows two police officers standing near the Rotunda doors and allowing people to enter as Martin approached. One of the officers appeared to lean back before Martin placed a hand on the officer's shoulder as a possible sign of gratitude, the judge said.

From the article:

Martin, whose bench trial started Tuesday, testified that a police officer waved him into the building after the riot erupted. A prosecutor dismissed that testimony as "nonsense."

The judge, however, said video shows two police officers standing near the Rotunda doors and allowing people to enter as Martin approached. One of the officers appeared to lean back before Martin placed a hand on the officer's shoulder as a possible sign of gratitude, the judge said.
Yep, lots of people acting like douchebags at the Capitol that day.
Annnndddd this is exactly why downplaying American democracy is so dangerous. Republicans are doing this nonsense to install autocracy. Btw, has lee met with the Jan 6 committee? Seems like he should if he hasn’t already.

View: https://twitter.com/sethcotlar/status/1514950966197428226?s=21&t=Vp2iE1G0OqnP8WlP4SIPDw

I always took these efforts by Trump and his enablers/supporters very personally. I exercised my right to vote. And they wanted to basically throw my vote away. This is the kind of thing that would make me walk up to a guy like Lee and just slug him in the mouth. Consequences be damned.
I always took these efforts by Trump and his enablers/supporters very personally. I exercised my right to vote. And they wanted to basically throw my vote away. This is the kind of thing that would make me walk up to a guy like Lee and just slug him in the mouth. Consequences be damned.
Excellent point.

Republicans wanted to silence millions of us through their shenanigans (disproportionately throwing out votes from POC). First through the legal proceedings by Republican AGs. Then through Rudy's litigation and through Trump's intimidation of state officials. Then through 1/6. And it hasn't ended! Voter suppression laws have been passed and Republicans are politicizing election boards and procedures. You know that if Republicans are given the Congress this fall, they're going to ensure that a Republican becomes president in 2024 no matter the actual results of the election. Goodbye American democracy hello Russian style authoritarianism. Elections happen in Russia but the results don't actually matter. Republicans want to do the same thing here. They crave power and have bent elections and the judicial branch to serve their desires for power regardless of what voters actually want.

Republicans might care more about authoritarianism and autocracy than Democrats care about democracy. And that's a major problem. If American citizens don't care enough about protecting their own democracy (but CRT, trans athletes, gas prices, groomer teachers, Hunter), then it's going to die out. Good luck getting it back. Once Republicans have entrenched themselves into government, it's over.
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This is the kind of thing that would make me walk up to a guy like Lee and just slug him in the mouth. Consequences be damned.
If you think violence against someone for having the wrong opinion is justified, why stop with a fist? Why not a bat, knife, or gun? Why not wire yourself up in a suicide vest if consequences be damned? I think it is very dangerous to even entertain the idea of violence against those you disagree with as being a thing that is okay. It isn't okay. There is a reason we have freedom of speech but not freedom of assault. "Use your words" is a thing we teach to toddlers.
If you think violence against someone for having the wrong opinion is justified, why stop with a fist? Why not a bat, knife, or gun? Why not wire yourself up in a suicide vest if consequences be damned?
I’m not sure if this is a difficult concept for you to understand, or if I should even waste my time, but, well, sometimes when something pisses someone off royally, they may express themselves in a way that makes an effort to describe just how pissed off they are. They may not actually be speaking literally, and they even may not act out their words should the opportunity described actually present itself. But they are pissed, and just saying how they feel helps, it gets it out of one’s system. This is not all that unusual, but may be a foreign concept, but I think it’s a pretty common form of venting, and should not be all that confusing.

Why not use a bat, knife, or gun? Hmm, a thought, but I’m not really interested in killing anyone. I’m not a killer.

A suicide vest if consequences be damned? Hmm, again, had not occurred to me to blow myself, and possibly many others, skyhigh. And kill myself and others. Naw, you know that really is not a legacy I would ever aim for. I’m not a killer. I’m not mentally deranged, and lo and behold, I’m actually a good man. Really, lol. Pretty sure I was referencing the legal consequences of walking up to a sitting US Senator and cold cocking him.

I’m also pretty sure I was venting anger. The anger I feel that people tried to take my vote for the winning candidate, and turn it into a vote for the losing candidate. That’s not fair, and removing fairness from the process of voting for the Chief Executive really pisses me off royally. Enough to vent angry statements. Enough to want me to fantasize something that makes me feel good just thinking about it. Not quite as emotionally stimulating as the thought of walking up to Donald Trump and slamming him in the chuggies. But, he’s hard to get close enough to, lol.

I felt the same way about Vladimir Putin when he interfered in our election in 2016. I agreed with McCain when he called what Putin and Russia had done “an act of war”. Domestic or foreign, leave our elections alone, please. Don’t piss me off, lol. We’re far from perfect, but let’s not screw it up royally. Let’s be fair about this. We don’t need a one party rule where the Executive branch is concerned.