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Racist, or just careful?

In all honesty, depending on the embellishment by the story-teller, the guards were either A) racist, B) jackasses.

If she embellished, they were probably just jackasses. Maybe even responding that way to someone they perceived as a jackass.

But I guess I do lean towards racist, simply because I can think of no other distinguishing feature between this lady kept out, and the others let in. Do they view themselves as racist? Probably something different since the author described them as smug. That doesn't sound like they perceived themselves as racist, maybe just power-hungry or superior.
In all honesty, depending on the embellishment by the story-teller, the guards were either A) racist, B) jackasses.

I guess I do lean towards racist however simply because I can think of no other distinguishing feature between this lady kept out, and the others let in.

Perhaps they had tickets while she did not, perhaps they were white house staff with IDs, perhaps she was an *** while they were not, perhaps the guards were racist, perhaps she is, perhaps she fee sentitled and when the guards showed indifference she got offended, perhaps the guard was having a bad day and found a woman that he could take it out on...
It is very possible that author of this article is blowing it out of proportion. It is very possible guards were racists as well. Not really sure what threat they saw in small tiny woman, they could have escorted her to find husband if they did not want to let her go alone. In anyway situation could have been resolved without this article crying about racism.
In general I am very pessimistic about multiculturalism ever working. People are just not meant to be the same. All countries which were made from different nations/races/religions and forced to live under one flag eventually explode and separate ( see USSR, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, etc). Violence outbursts by muslim youth in France recently was just another example. Communists in Russia had this idea that eventually there will be no borders, no nationalities and no different languages - everybody will be living happily in one world and speak one language ( they probably were hoping it will be Russian, lol). It is ticking time bomb waiting to explode and will never last long.

That's a strangely narrow view to have. Any human organization bigger than a few isolated tribes in a remote location is formed by groups that differ from one another. If what you say is even minimally true, not a single nation can exist. After all, a "race" is just something you arbitrary define depending on the breadth of your experience with other groups. To the Ancient Greeks, the bordering Turks were a completely separate race. As people got to know each other better, the definition of a race expanded to include all Europeans (if we're talking about the so-called white race), justified through a vague sense of shared history. And nowadays, the idea of one human race is becoming more and more common, since we are becoming more familiar with one another.
Perhaps they had tickets while she did not, perhaps they were white house staff with IDs, perhaps she was an *** while they were not, perhaps the guards were racist, perhaps she is, perhaps she fee sentitled and when the guards showed indifference she got offended, perhaps the guard was having a bad day and found a woman that he could take it out on...

I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I actually found her writing to be overly dramatic, made it feel embellished.
I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I actually found her writing to be overly dramatic, made it feel embellished.

I also got a sense of feeling entitled from her. But perhaps she does feel that way and it only confirmed some racist thoughts in that guards head.

My point is that this is all baselss speculation. So I am not willing to level charges of racism.
While the story in and of itself is certainly plausible, the extended rant/hissy fit after the story is what I found most revealing. We don't know for sure if these security guards had any pre-conceived notions about her; but it seems readily apparent to me that the author of the article certainly DOES possess pre-conceived notions about authority figures in America and Americans in general.
That's a strangely narrow view to have. Any human organization bigger than a few isolated tribes in a remote location is formed by groups that differ from one another. If what you say is even minimally true, not a single nation can exist. After all, a "race" is just something you arbitrary define depending on the breadth of your experience with other groups. To the Ancient Greeks, the bordering Turks were a completely separate race. As people got to know each other better, the definition of a race expanded to include all Europeans (if we're talking about the so-called white race), justified through a vague sense of shared history. And nowadays, the idea of one human race is becoming more and more common, since we are becoming more familiar with one another.

I am just looking at historic examples and it makes me doubt it is ever possible. Call me a non believer when it comes to multiculturalism.
Yes stories like this do get told. However, unlike you, I am not willing to level charges of racism based on a story.

The phrase "charges of racism" has no real meaning.

As for the three women, there is physical proof of at least being held against their will.

People use kinkier gear every day.

Mind you, I believe the three women in Cleveland, and the doctor of Pakistani descent. I'm just amusing myself by your arbitrary decision that one of them can't be trusted.

There is history and evidence to support their claim but the man will get his day in court and we will see if it is true or not. Also since you want to stay on topic so bad please do so.

So, you're going to answer my questions? No?

Your question was worded that way to make us assume that the only way they could not let her in was racism. false premise.

Do go on. What other reason was involved in singling out this one woman for being treated that way, when so many other women were not.

Sorry, I forgot. You think she's lying. Why is that, precisely?

You are only disappointed in the replies becasue we are not willing to jump on the wagon you so obviously have. Must suck when your usual supporters, not that there is anything wrong with that, disagree with you.

Which among the posters in this thread are my "usual supporters"? Why would I care if they were? Their support of me does not make me more or less correct.

Is it possible she was a victim of racism? Of course it's possible. But I am not willing to simply level that charge based on her unsubstantiated story.

What's the charge?
...do you think there may have been some racism mixed into this profiling? If they were truly profiling by race based on the Boston bombing, wouldn't they have stopped white people?

The most aggravating thing about discussing these topics with you is your insistence on cherry picking only the elements that drive your indignation/agenda. The profiling angle is valid because, right or wrong, when many americans think of terrorist bombing, they automatically associate it with groups of middle easterners. That's just the way it is. So even thought the Boston suspects don't fit that description, it's the go-to profile for a bomber.

The guards were working a high profile event. I have no idea whether they're racist or not, and neither do you. You can form an opinion based on the evidence, but that seems like a lot of unnecessary work, since you will come to the same conclusion whatever the circumstance.

What label would you slap on this one?

Unfortunate incident. But then again, my label doesn't matter. And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, we're getting one side of the story. If this had hurt someone, or robbed them of an opportunity to better their life, I think more scrutiny would be due. As it is, the author was inconvenienced, maybe because of profiling, maybe because she's an entitled *******, so she threw a little tantrum.

The king of tangents and splitting hairs doesn't like that we didn't stay on topic.

Will rep ASAP.
Considering that all the first responses presented a third option that you did not provide for is quite telling.

Yes, the old "that dark-skinned person must be lying" response. Because she has so much reason to lie.
Maybe no one cares to answer your "questions" because everyone knows you have no genuine interest in learning anything from said questions.

Of course not; they were rhetorical. Responding to a point is still called answering that point, even when the point is not in the form of an interrogative question.

Your intent is to wait for someone to answer them "incorrectly" so that you can tell them that they're wrong and/or prove a point which you have already tried to make 100 times on the board.

Kudos for your persistence.

What makes you think I don't hope for the "correct" response, every single time?
But I guess I do lean towards racist, simply because I can think of no other distinguishing feature between this lady kept out, and the others let in. Do they view themselves as racist? Probably something different since the author described them as smug. That doesn't sound like they perceived themselves as racist, maybe just power-hungry or superior.

Thank you for thinking about it seriously.

My second point was that, even though the guards didn't think of themselves as racist, it was still hurtful to the doctor. As bordelais7 hinted toward, one of the things I'm regularly talking about is that racism isn't just about guys in hoods burning crosses, it's about everyday experiences like these.
I'm not disagreeing with you at all. I actually found her writing to be overly dramatic, made it feel embellished.

Writing about your personal pain often comes across as dramatic. This would just be one incident of many, but one that makes if very obvious.
I am just looking at historic examples and it makes me doubt it is ever possible. Call me a non believer when it comes to multiculturalism.

And I was responding by saying that your examples ignore the fact that every single large entity in history was produced through multiculturalism. England at one point had different tribal nations with different cultures and a history of conflict that went back thousands of years. As their technological advances allowed them to travel more easily, their cities became settled by different groups, and their idea of what defines a nation expanded. It's not like Jesus went "all right guys, I'm going to call you English from now on, and I give you this piece of land, England, to call your own".

Edit: And I just remembered, isn't AKMVP a Lithuanian living in Canada? Is that less of a cultural divide than what existed in Czechoslovakia? LOL.
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I also got a sense of feeling entitled from her. But perhaps she does feel that way and it only confirmed some racist thoughts in that guards head.

Yeah, dark-skinned people just walk around all the time feeling entitled to be treated the same as everyone else. Those guards sure showed her.
While the story in and of itself is certainly plausible, the extended rant/hissy fit after the story is what I found most revealing.

Of course. She should just suck it up, like she does every other day. The notion that she was in formal wear, ostensibly an equal in a group, and there by invitation should in no way make her think she's really welcome in that group. It's her fault for allowing herself to be vulnerable. Right?

We don't know for sure if these security guards had any pre-conceived notions about her; but it seems readily apparent to me that the author of the article certainly DOES possess pre-conceived notions about authority figures in America and Americans in general.

Well, since she was born and raised in Texas, I'm sure she does. It would be pretty odd for an American to have no notions at all about America and Americans in general, don't you think? Or, were you just spouting off?