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Reflections after watching exactly one game...


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So I fully admit I have only watched one complete game this season, because life happens, ya know? And it happened to be the game against the Sixers last Saturday. Here is my impression of the team thus far, from one game watched.

* Favors is solid, but seems to get his numbers just as it comes to him. Which, in this game, was good, great even, but also explains why his numbers ebb and flow so much. I want to see more of a killer instinct in the guy, and the laid back dude go away. Even his blocks were nearly all gimmes, with only a couple that really made you stand up and say wow. I know a good part of this is smart play and being in the right place at the right time, which takes some good insights into the flow of the game. I just don't see him really going at it or pushing to take things over. When they showed his stats going into the 4th quarter, with 13 rebounds or so and the same points and the blocks he had my first thought was "wow when did he get those?" I guess I think he would be unbelievable if he pushed himself to dominate the game, rather than just always going with the flow, and taking, or leaving, what just comes to him. Grow a pair and go get it for hell's sake. No reason he shouldn't be 20+ and 10+ and 2+ (blocks) every single game, like a machine.

* Not impressed with Trey in the least. The dude is supposed to be the point guard and plays like he is practicing for the skills challenge minus passing. He dribbles around, rushes the offense, and forces up shots like the best hacks in the league (no offense hack =). And does the guy even know what a pick and roll is? About 5 times the big man (Favors and Kanter) tried to set up for a pick and roll and Trey just dribbled right around them and jacked up a crappy shot. Someone make him watch just one game from the Stockton and Malone era, please. Pretty please? I enjoyed the game much more when he wasn't on the floor jacking up ill-advised 3's.

* Hayward looks like the only guy who knows what the hell is going on and it trying to hold the whole mess together. The only times I felt like we had a clue as a team was when Hay had the ball. That said he is way too timid. He had a couple of nice drives and one made and one missed 2-handed slam, but he had an open lane almost any time he wanted it and he needs to be way more aggressive. There are few in the league that could really contain him, especially when he slid over to the 2 a few times, and he needs to take advantage of that.

* Kanter. When can we trade him? And does anyone think a ham sandwich is available? Dude looked lost, dis-interested, and just not into it. He had an ok night, but wow does he look like he is getting Amaechi-itis (not the gay part, the "I really don't want to play basketball" part).

* Gobert. Whoever said the man has tennis rackets for hands was not kidding. He had a clear path to an easy rebound and batted it to himself like 5 times before he finally 2-handed it in like a wide receiver hauling in a football. Cannot catch passes, can't pull down the boards like he should. His entire practice should be playing catch with some 5th graders, so he learns to reign in the errant passes and catch the ball when it isn't perfectly and softly lobbed to him. Otherwise, I have this to say...holy **** is he a big dude. His arms are like 8 feet long. I can't believe he isn't averaging 6 blocks per night. I think he has some real potential, but he has to get past this inability to catch anything thrown faster than my 6 month-old grand-daughter throws her binky.

* Exum. Standard rookie I guess. TERRIBLE shooting night, I hope. Otherwise, terrible shooter. Terrible. Also does not seem to play with any confidence or passion. He seems to have the physical gifts, and his defensive instincts seem alright, but his overall basketball was poor at best. If this is the future of the franchise, we have a looooooong *** time to wait for the future. Playoffs in 2020? Yay. :/

* Garbage guys, as in Booker, Hood, Ingles, etc. I thought they played hard and did what they could, and showed that they are exactly who we thought they were: dudes with middle of the road talent and ability who make up for it by busting their asses. I wish everyone played as hard as these guys do (looking at you Kanter, with a sidelong glance to Favors too).

* Shooting. Will someone please make these guys run through some basic shooting drills? Wow did they ever miss a TON of gimme shots. Wide open 3's. Decent looks at layups. Dunks. Good hell.

* Snider. Kind of a big meh. I am not sure if he is just figuring things out or just playing what he has available or doesn't really know the game or what. I think he did make some apropos subs and a few timely time outs, and at the same time he allowed a few crappy combos to go on too long and seemed kind of dis-interested the times they showed him on the bench and in the huddles. I am sure he is just learning like the others but nothing really jumped out at me that he is that much of a step up. I still think we would have been better served bringing in someone with some experience.

* Overall about what I expected. We suck, and that's ok. We also show flashes of the team we could be, and that is encouraging. I think there is a lot to be hopeful for in the future, but this season will be a true train wreck, and that's just fine. Let them play, let them figure **** out, and let's compete for real in 2 or 3 years. I can live with that.

There ya go, in-depth cannot miss analysis from one game watched. You're welcome.
Watch one more game... that one was awful. By far the worst game of the year.

I went to see Unbroken before watching that game and felt really bad for Lou Z... after watching that game I think Lou looked down from heaven and felt bad for me... there are some things you can't unsee.
I'm hoping this assessment is meant as satire.
Sometimes I think you are unnecessarily glib and nasty in your responses. Not this time, however. Forming strong opinions that you post on-line after watching one game deserves a STFU!

Judging the Jazz by that game is like judging all burgers by the 39 cent specials you get at an AM/PM.
So you picked the worst game of the season to watch. I feel for you.

It is not about "picked", it is about what was available to me at the time. Gotta grab what you can bro.
Sometimes I think you are unnecessarily glib and nasty in your responses. Not this time, however. Forming strong opinions that you post on-line after watching one game deserves a STFU!

Wearing rose colored glasses in everything you do isn't the best option either. I was fully transparent it was the first game I had the opportunity to watch this season. It does not mean I haven't read the game logs and looked at stats and such.

And no one has actually refuted anything I wrote. Apparently either I am spot on or none of the detractors here can form a coherent opinion beyond "nuh-uh". Typical.
Wearing rose colored glasses in everything you do isn't the best option either. I was fully transparent it was the first game I had the opportunity to watch this season. It does not mean I haven't read the game logs and looked at stats and such.

And no one has actually refuted anything I wrote. Apparently either I am spot on or none of the detractors here can form a coherent opinion beyond "nuh-uh". Typical.
Not a bad analysis of that game that you watched...... but like others have said, that was probably the worst game that the jazz have played.

Gobert is a stud, Hayward is playing like an all star most nights, Burks took over the 4th quarter in Memphis a few nights ago and is hitting threes and free throws at career highs, exum was WAY off that night but is not that bad, favors is consistently solid, kanter is much better than what you described.

In conclusion, watch more games. (Last night the jazz were missing a starter and playing on the road against one of the better teams on the league and were leading alot of the game and would have won if they make free throws)

Also, post more please
I have to agree with CY -- STFU -- one of dumbest posts in recent memory. Do you evaluate a movie after the opening scene, or a book after reading the first page? Did you ever have a bad day and then get evaluated on it -- you think it's fair or accurate?
Wearing rose colored glasses in everything you do isn't the best option either. I was fully transparent it was the first game I had the opportunity to watch this season. It does not mean I haven't read the game logs and looked at stats and such.

And no one has actually refuted anything I wrote. Apparently either I am spot on or none of the detractors here can form a coherent opinion beyond "nuh-uh". Typical.

Nobody refuted like you are surprised bro? Jazzfanz died of cancer that is now controlling as back scratching *** **** hair clingers.

You want discussion worth reading rally the troops to new forum. You will never ever get it here again.

Look all solid posters are gone like Jazzspazz Colton trout ruca ben10 numberica trout gvc UB franklin Sirkickyass kenwood Jason bronco yb Verlin Dalamon the joker moe Zulu Jako Archie. Every is gone only left is the circle jerk.
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More like people here dont find it worth their time to debate or discuss this with a "fan" who has watched one game this year and is making assumptions off of it.

Sorry you have not had more time to watch the Jazz this year, most the games have been very fun to watch. This has been one of the most fun seasons to watch despite their record.

Some of what you said is accurate some of what you said is off, this would have been a fine post in the game thread but I think making a thread with this is probably what got you the sour responses.

Wow some douche trying to kill JF with his alt. guess what dickhead you suck seeded congrats hope it feels good bro