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Reverse Pet Peeves

So the Tories have had another purge and we have a new Prime Minister some Tory bastard came out and said to the press, "Well at least we're not North Korea" The political editor of the ABC thanked him for pointing that out. Gold!!
So the Tories have had another purge and we have a new Prime Minister some Tory bastard came out and said to the press, "Well at least we're not North Korea" The political editor of the ABC thanked him for pointing that out. Gold!!

I mean, if the game offers difficulty settings, which one do you go with? Standards-shmandards.

Nice to see that almost everyone has stopped responding to Dutch.
Well done JazzFanz.
Had a **** tonne of beers after work and destroyed a halal snack pack to wash them down. Time for a kip before the jazz game today. Get Some!!!!
I already only do 2 hour church because I think going to church at 9 am is of the devil himself.
I belong to a religion that has zero hours church. I call it the Church of the Last Born since I'm the youngest in my family.
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