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Rondo anyone?

I hope Rondo and Kanter sign with the Lakers. Ooh and then I hope they sign Ty Corbin to a 10 year contract as a head coach.

No thanks to Rondo in Utah. Never understood the intrigue. Just don't think he's a max guy like others have in the past, and his drama makes him toxic. He screams "coach killer" to me.

I would LOVE to see both Kanter and Rondo in L. A. That would be entertaining.

Jazz should look to trade for someone at the deadline if they want to make a big splash.
Absolutely ****ing not. I've enjoyed watching everything I said about him become apparent to everyone else. I can hardly think of a player I'd want less than that chump.
Yay! Kanter is redeemed and finally appreciated on this board.
Oh, and big **** you to all idiots who negrepped me for not wanting to trade Favors for Rondo 3 years ago because he was way way overrated even in his all star year.
lol he is just asking a question guys. he never said he wants rondo on our team. calm down people
Question of the day:
Would you rather have the Jazz sign Rondo or some teenager leave a flaming bag filled with poo on your doorstep?

I know, I know...it's a question you'd expect from someone like Troutbum. And I'd vote for poo, btw.
Question of the day:
Would you rather have the Jazz sign Rondo or some teenager leave a flaming bag filled with poo on your doorstep?

I know, I know...it's a question you'd expect from someone like Troutbum. And I'd vote for poo, btw.
Hahaha... tried to rep.
Hahaha... tried to rep.

You are always either repping haarrrrrrd or falling to rep. You dealing with some repual dysfunction there buddy? Sound like you need to see one of the mods for some help. I'm sure there is some way to get past your premature repping and repping dysfunction. Worried about you pal.
You are always either repping haarrrrrrd or falling to rep. You dealing with some repual dysfunction there buddy? Sound like you need to see one of the mods for some help. I'm sure there is some way to get past your premature repping and repping dysfunction. Worried about you pal.
LoL ..

I'm pretty sure which mod in particular you're thinking of when you said that I needed to see "one of the mods" with regards to repual dysfunction.

I know your game... hehehe...
LoL ..

I'm pretty sure which mod in particular you're thinking of when you said that I needed to see "one of the mods" with regards to repual dysfunction.

I know your game... hehehe...

Repual dysfunction is a serious problem in JF. It's especially prevalent among people who spend a lot of time repping in alt forums. Just be careful buddy. Get some help before it's too late and your calling for neg trains and stuff, which is proof it has changed into rep syphilis.
You could have lead with "no on Rondo" that would have been enough for me. I believe QS has the ability to alter mindsets to fit anyone into the plan, show them their capabilities.
I'd like opinions on why or why not he would be a good fit with our unit.

Lakers already stated they don't like him, I'm not sold to either side of the argument yet. I need some more convincing.
Interesting. I explained exactly why I don't like him but you say I should have deleted that part of my post because you believe Snyder has some magical ability to fix personality disorders, and then you suggest that my post is insufficient and you are waiting for people to actually tell you why or why not they don't like Rondo. Sounds like you have your mind made up and you are just begging for people to support your unstated position that this would be a good idea.

Even if Snyder is the greatest rehab psychologist on earth I don't think it's a good use of resources to have him babysitting Rondo. I think it would be a much better strategy to let Rondo become a headache for one of our rivals.
Now I'm not advocating signing Rondo, just playing Devil's Advocate. Do you think it would at least be prudent for the Jazz to talk to Rondo? His limitations aren't physical, and if he could get back to top form again, he would be a steal. There is no doubt that when he was at his best that he was probably the best defensive PG in the last 20 years. If he could buy into Quin's system and play under control, we would become instant contenders, and it would give Dante time to develop.

But maybe he is just too far gone, mentally. I just don't know enough about him or what went wrong with him to make a good judgment.
Repual dysfunction is a serious problem in JF. It's especially prevalent among people who spend a lot of time repping in alt forums. Just be careful buddy. Get some help before it's too late and your calling for neg trains and stuff, which is proof it has changed into rep syphilis.
