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Should Jazz claim Melo?

Every team that he’s been on he has improved. Every team. When and how he did that is another story.
When he left of course! Every team he has been on he has improved the minute he walked out the door and became a plague on the next team.
When he left of course! Every team he has been on he has improved the minute he walked out the door and became a plague on the next team.
Was surprised nobody had caught that.
I'm cool with claiming Melo if the intention is that he never plays and is simply a practice dummy for Donovan to practice his isolation game on
I feel like people are being a little hard on Melo. If he can get into a situation where he can fit into an offensive role and rediscover just a small degree of efficiency, even if it's like 42/43% FG shooting, he can be useful for a team. He's going to be a minus on defense. He just is. But he can cause some offensive mismatches too.

He's not a fit here though.
I feel like people are being a little hard on Melo. If he can get into a situation where he can fit into an offensive role and rediscover just a small degree of efficiency, even if it's like 42/43% FG shooting, he can be useful for a team. He's going to be a minus on defense. He just is. But he can cause some offensive mismatches too.

He's not a fit here though.
You are going to easy on him. He's a bad player because he won't accept that he is a role player. He still thinks he's a star, which he never really was. He's always been an inefficient player, who needs the ball too much and doesn't do anything particularly well except Iso. Now he's still all of those things but he also not as athletic as he used to be and the league went and changed on him. I don't think he's all that useful for any team, unless they are willing to build the offense around him and find a way to cover his defense. That's a tall ask, and unlikely in the current climate of the league. I'm sure he'll sign somewhere, but that team will likely regret it.
There’s two parts to the game. Defense and offense.

Defensively, he sucks.
Offensively, as skilled as he may be, he’s wildly inefficient and therefore sucks.

So he sucks no matter how you cut it.