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So who's here's a soccer fan?

BTP said:
I just find it weird to name a sports with a name that doesn't really describe what's going on.

In that regard, "football" is a pretty decent name for soccer. The naming committee wanted to go with the more apt "diving", but that was already taken by the swim team.
Big soccer fan. Love playing FIFA, love watching. RSL fan, USMNT fan mainly. Love following the stars, soccer seems to create bigger egos than any other sport in the world. Favorites include C. Ronaldo (there will only ever be one Ronaldo), Zlatan (his auto-biography is one of my favorite books all time), Eden Hazard, Gareth Bale, Radamel Falcao, Mario Gotze, etc..

I predict that Spain will win WC '14, Germany will win Euro Cup '16, and Belgium will win WC '18.
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I have spent many years in South Africa and they use the term soccer! The professional league is called the PSL(Premeire Soccer League)!!!

But as soon as the announcement came that they were geting the World Cup in 2010 all of the media and government officials started calling it "FutBol"!!! But I heard many locals say " why we we calling it Futbol now we always call it soccer"?

Now that the World Cup has come and gone everyone is back to saying Soccer!!!
Apparently they were only willing to interview people who were willing to call it futbol! Or the Vuvuzela sound distracted me too much ;)

The only thing that annoys me about soccer are the Eurosnobs who insist that their way is correct.
In that regard, "football" is a pretty decent name for soccer. The naming committee wanted to go with the more apt "diving", but that was already taken by the swim team.
I like you :D Calling football players divers just because there's like 3 Italians, 3 Spainiards and a Portuguese who excel at it is like saying all basketball player are going to file bankruptcy at some point of their life, smoke weed and find themselves in children-custody, rape and infidelity/divorce scandals during their time in the league. Oh and American Footballer usually like dog fights. All of them. It should be renamed into Dogfighting, but that was already taken...
Call me a Euro snob or whatever, but that's where this game is from. I mean it's not like we feel entitled in Germany to change the name of basketball into hoopball or hooping. Plus I call American Football straight football mostly, as the German word for the "real" football is "Fußball", thus using the English word implies for most straightforward thinking people that I'm talking about the American game while I'm having conversations in my native language.
Just like Americans refuse to call it football due to popularity and their own history which I respect, I refuse to call it soccer when I'm writing in English about it in a context that allows no misunderstanding.
Wanna add that I wasn't the one who started the soccer <=> football topic on here, that's what a Canadian started if I'm not mistaken.

Part of what is making things exciting lately is that Jurgen is having them push for more and more...even when they have a big lead. No sitting back and packing it in. Love it.
I totally forgot that Klinsmann was your headcoach...Most Germans don't value him as a good coach. They dislike his shortcomings when it comes to tactics. I agree with it, but I think he's a good player's coach for a young group.
Plus I just found out that Jermaine Jones(aka the German MWP) is on your national team. Can't deny I had to think about Chris Kaman immediately.
First time I've seen something from the USA on an international level was 2002 the quarter final vs Germany, where I felt before the game it's going to be a blowout win but then we got kind of lucky with more than just a few left opportunities for the US boys. And of course a tragic semifinal exit of Germany against Bulgaria in 1994. I was 7 back then and my world fell apart for a couple days back then. I even cried. But that tournament is a little bit of an all time classic for the guys my age. During that tourney a German player was suspended for showing the middle finger to the fans during a game. His last name is a synonym for that now.
My biggest problem with soccer currently is the time keeping.
Why the **** is the referee the only one who gets to know how much time is left.
It should be that whenever the ref stops his clock, the clock that all the fanz/players can see stops as well.

No more of this stoppage time ********.
I mean what if there was like 15 seconds left in a tie game and the player in control of the ball thought there was a minute or two left so he is just dribbling or passing and then the time runs out without him getting to attempt a "hail mary" type of shot at the buzzer.

It would be much more exciting if everyone knew EXACLTY how much time was left in the game..... then we might see some amazing buzzer beaters!
Also I hate the fake injuries, tie games, and conservative play by the team with the lead near the end of a game.

I wish soccer had more games with final scores like 3-5 or something instead of so many 1-1 games and 1-0 games.

I remember going to the first rsl game ever played at rio tinto and the final score was 1-1..... I felt like it was a waste of time and didn't know if I should feel happy or sad about a tie.... so I was just confused
Casual fan. Both girls play comp and we get our FIFA13 on sometimes. Will watch an RSL or US game here and there.
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Is anyone of you into European association football? Or is it more on a national/local level that you're interested in it?
I only watch the US National team. It's not that I have anything against the European clubs (and as an aside, I'll watch some of the Euro Cup when it's on, but again that's national teams), but that I have too much on my sports plate as it is with US football and basketball to add another sport to it.

Truly truly outstanding. Spanish speaking commentators are pure gold!

I only watch the US National team. It's not that I have anything against the European clubs (and as an aside, I'll watch some of the Euro Cup when it's on, but again that's national teams), but that I have too much on my sports plate as it is with US football and basketball to add another sport to it.
Nah was just a general question. Just like a lot of European basketball fans follow the NBA I wondered if US association football fans did the same. I'm also as casual into football as a German can be. So I watch mainly the national teams, Championsleague with German participation and other high profile matchups or some national league if friends invite me to join them on a cold beer. Other than that I play it myself a couple times a year.
It will be interesting to see if Landon plays World Cup Qualifers, honestly I hate the guy... Laughed my *** of when he missed the PK and let the Door open for RSL to win the championship a few years back, but the dude has been killing it in theses gold cup games...

If he plays like that and Jozie continues his excellence Brazil is going to be fun!!!

Ya... Landon is a goober on LA. But just like I have no problem cheering for all the guys when the US Basketball team plays, I have no problem cheering on Landon when he's playing for the US.

Jozie has been money. Ridiculous money.
I'm a fan. My family is originally from England and we moved to the US when I was little. So it was pretty much the only sport my Dad would watch with us growing up. However, my bros and I followed other sports as well and my Mom also loves the Jazz. I also played soccer growing up through HS (indoor and outdoor).

I used to follow EPL back in the 90s growing up, but haven't followed it closely since 2001ish. I remember my family ordering EPL matches and FA Cup matches on pay per view back in the day before Fox/ESPN started showing the big games. I will still watch the odd Euro league match on some Saturday mornings, but not regularly. I do try to watch any league championship matches, major tournaments, and any games involving the England/US national teams. I will also watch RSL games anytime they're on national or local TV (I live in LA).
I totally forgot that Klinsmann was your headcoach...Most Germans don't value him as a good coach. They dislike his shortcomings when it comes to tactics. I agree with it, but I think he's a good player's coach for a young group.
Plus I just found out that Jermaine Jones(aka the German MWP) is on your national team. Can't deny I had to think about Chris Kaman immediately.
First time I've seen something from the USA on an international level was 2002 the quarter final vs Germany, where I felt before the game it's going to be a blowout win but then we got kind of lucky with more than just a few left opportunities for the US boys. And of course a tragic semifinal exit of Germany against Bulgaria in 1994. I was 7 back then and my world fell apart for a couple days back then. I even cried. But that tournament is a little bit of an all time classic for the guys my age. During that tourney a German player was suspended for showing the middle finger to the fans during a game. His last name is a synonym for that now.


This was probably the best game that team USA has ever played, second best USA vs Itally 2006(only team Italy didn't beat in route to there World Cup championship)

Was beyond pissed when the ref didn't call the hand ball (starting at 4:18 in video)

This was probably the best game that team USA has ever played, second best USA vs Itally 2006(only team Italy didn't beat in route to there World Cup championship)

Was beyond pissed when the ref didn't call the hand ball (starting at 4:18 in video)

Yup. The handball was redonk.

Me and my friend stayed up and watched all the World Cup US games in the middle of the night that year. I still hate Oliver Kahn too.

dat jazzfanz.com mobile app doe
Also favorite current player is Diego Folan of Uraguay...

Grew my hair out long after his performance in the last World Cup!!!!

Yup. The handball was redonk.

Me and my friend stayed up and watched all the World Cup US games in the middle of the night that year. I still hate Oliver Kahn too.

dat jazzfanz.com mobile app doe

Watch most every match at a less actives house while on mission in South Africa....
I'm getting really excited for Wednesday's Gold Cup matches. I would LOVE to face Mexico in the final.
This is the first time that I've ever felt like the US has some serious depth.
For someone who doesn't follow much but the World Cup and Euro Cup, how big a deal would it be if we won teh gold cup?

dat jazzfanz.com mobile app doe
do u have carpet soccer courts in there?

It's a turf/carpet, yeah. In the first picture is pretty close to what the field looked like that I played on growing up. Indoor is a nice change of pace and fun during the winter with all the snow outside. Or even during the summer in between different tournaments. The youth leagues in Utah are fall/spring with tournaments throughout the summertime and nothing during winter (That's when many kids play the local rec basketball leagues, Jr. Jazz, which is pretty popular there). People play indoor soccer year round though at different comp levels with co-ed offered as well.


