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"State of the Union" Thread


Well-Known Member
Anybody watch this? I didn't catch it last night, but plan on watching it tonight. Will post my thoughts later. Heard bits and pieces, I like the merit based immigration idea.

What did ya'll think?
Hands down the best speech he has ever given and it's not even close. Ignoring the policy the speech was a homerun for him in tone, pace, length...

Also there were some surreal twilight moments in it. Like when he talked about expanding Medicaid and the Rs stood and clapped while the Ds sat stoney faced and not clapping.

Laughed when he said "great, great wall". Thought: Take that china! We have two "greats"!

Pushed his America first agenda by pushing for infrastructure rebuild, increased military spending, massively increasing school choice for all students, secure border and a possible path to legal status for illegal immigrants.
He did a good job. The bar has been set pretty low by him, so it was definitely his best speech. He kept the ad libs to a minimum. Although I have plenty of disagreement with his platform, and cannot imagine how most of his ideas could be accomplished and will be paid for, there were moments of American pride.

What I have been most surprised by is that so far he has not undermined the speech with his usual bluster and self-aggrandizement. If he tamps down his natural tendencies, much of the ill feelings against him would significantly reduce. It would be a miracle.

I have friends who have proclaimed this as the greatest presidential speech ever, or at least that they've ever heard. I am certain they have ever heard one before, or even voted before, so I guess they are right.

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He did a good job. The bar has been set pretty low by him, so it was definitely his best speech. He kept the ad libs to a minimum. Although I have plenty of disagreement with his platform, and cannot imagine how most of his ideas could be accomplished and will be paid for, there were moments of American pride.

What I have been most surprised by is that so far he has not undermined the speech with his usual bluster and self-aggrandizement. If he tamps down his natural tendencies, much of the ill feelings against him would significantly reduce. It would be a miracle.

I have friends who have proclaimed this as the greatest presidential speech ever, or at least that they've ever heard. I am certain they have ever heard one before, or even voted before, so I guess they are right.

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Best ever? Lol, no. But it was a good one. I have friends like that on both sides actually. He could run into a burning house and save a child and some would condemn him. He could stab a homeless man to death for his spot on a park bench and some would defend him to their last breath. It's pretty amazing.

The dramatic increase in military spending is surprising. Personally I loved how he twisted Congress up like a pretzel and had them not knowing when to cheer and when not to.
I worry about the increased military spending (and what we will lose to pay for it). While I think the military should have good equipment and resources, it does not need to be bigger. Like any other job, people do whatever it takes to justify their value. A larger military with lots of new playthings will not be content to sit around, but will make sure there are battles to fight. Peace will not be the objective.

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I worry about the increased military spending (and what we will lose to pay for it). While I think the military should have good equipment and resources, it does not need to be bigger. Like any other job, people do whatever it takes to justify their value. A larger military with lots of new playthings will not be content to sit around, but will make sure there are battles to fight. Peace will not be the objective.

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I do not feel that peace has been the objective for a couple decades now. Problem I run into with all this "we can't afford it" debates is that we really don't know. So much money coming in and out in so many areas known and unknown that it's all uninformed. At least by me. But I want us to know.
Hands down the best speech he has ever given and it's not even close. Ignoring the policy the speech was a homerun for him in tone, pace, length...

Also there were some surreal twilight moments in it. Like when he talked about expanding Medicaid and the Rs stood and clapped while the Ds sat stoney faced and not clapping.

Laughed when he said "great, great wall". Thought: Take that china! We have two "greats"!

Pushed his America first agenda by pushing for infrastructure rebuild, increased military spending, massively increasing school choice for all students, secure border and a possible path to legal status for illegal immigrants.

actually if you listened to his rally's it is like those speeches. but mostly people see it through the fake news lens.

thta speech was nothing new to me
actually if you listened to his rally's it is like those speeches. but mostly people see it through the fake news lens.

thta speech was nothing new to me

I've listened to several of his rallies and this was nothing like it in tone, delivery, pose... now the policy may have been the same but the speech was something brand new.
I worry about the increased military spending (and what we will lose to pay for it). While I think the military should have good equipment and resources, it does not need to be bigger. Like any other job, people do whatever it takes to justify their value. A larger military with lots of new playthings will not be content to sit around, but will make sure there are battles to fight. Peace will not be the objective.

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Trump must have military contracts in his companies. That is what the liberals an fake New will claim.
He did a good job. The bar has been set pretty low by him, so it was definitely his best speech. He kept the ad libs to a minimum. Although I have plenty of disagreement with his platform, and cannot imagine how most of his ideas could be accomplished and will be paid for, there were moments of American pride.

What I have been most surprised by is that so far he has not undermined the speech with his usual bluster and self-aggrandizement. If he tamps down his natural tendencies, much of the ill feelings against him would significantly reduce. It would be a miracle.

I have friends who have proclaimed this as the greatest presidential speech ever, or at least that they've ever heard. I am certain they have ever heard one before, or even voted before, so I guess they are right.

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I unfortunately didn't get a chance to watch it last night due to my daughter throwing up all night. Darn kids.

Could you be more specific on things you liked and didn't like? Thanks!
His best delivery to be sure.

But still not great when he's rolling out xenophobic crap like VOICE.

That depends on how it is implemented and enforced IMO.

But if it is truly representative of who it is happening to when it happens than not so much.

For example if the victims it supports are representative of the American populace ( a mix of all ethnicities, races, religions...) it will be hard to support this stance. Especially if it is highlighting Latino on Latino, among others, crime when it is an illegal immigrant committing the crime.

The guests at the speech were encouraging. But that's a political ploy. Let's get the details of the program before we start condemning or praising it.
I unfortunately didn't get a chance to watch it last night due to my daughter throwing up all night. Darn kids.

Could you be more specific on things you liked and didn't like? Thanks!

Here's the transcript and video if you've got an hour to spare. Reading it would be faster than listening to the applause after every sentence (something I've always hated about these types of speeches). https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/28/us/politics/trump-congress-video-transcript.html?_r=0

He started by talking about black history month, condemning Jewish center vandalism and the Kansas City shooting, which was okay. I just wish he hadn't done his fair share of stirring up all of that hatred over the past year, but obviously are prejudice problems did not start with Trump.

For once he acknowledged that America isn't the cesspool of violence and crime that he often makes it out to be. He mentioned a few times that in 9 years will be our 250th anniversary of our independence declaration, which kind of freaked me out as I attended events on the 200th anniversary. I'm old.

He did once again take credit for things that he isn't actually responsible for since he's been in office such a short time, like the stock market (which has steadily increased for quite a while now) and companies keeping jobs here (many of which acknowledge their plans predated Trump) and such, but that's to be expected. All presidents take credit for things they didn't actually do, but also get blamed for things they couldn't control. Part of the job.

He blames a lot of things on our immigration policies and on immigrants in particular, many of which aren't true (such as the hordes of people coming in). It has been shown that illegal immigrants are coming in numbers that are less than the ones leaving, so the problem isn't getting worse. Still, we do need a common enemy, right? So he's starting some new program called VOICE which will track illegal immigrant crime. He had a couple of people there whose loved ones had been killed by an illegal immigrant. I would prefer we track all crime better than we do.

He gave his incorrect numbers of the unemployment rate. He likes to use the 94 million number, which includes everyone not working from the age of 16 and on, but is completely misleading as a vast percentage aren't looking for jobs (students, retirees, stay at home parents, etc).

Lots of the usual tax reduction talk, lots of promises of spending tons of money on the military, infrastructure, the wall, etc. I'm not an economist, but all I can think when he talks about the tariffs he wants to impose on imports and all of his America First talk about products is that I soon, in my lower middle class and soon to be disabled state, will not be able to afford anything. I heard someone state that the money for the infrastructure will come from things like toll roads. I can't afford to pay to drive on toll roads. But that's just me.

Time for lunch. More later (maybe).
Lots of the usual tax reduction talk, lots of promises of spending tons of money on the military, infrastructure, the wall, etc. I'm not an economist, but all I can think when he talks about the tariffs he wants to impose on imports and all of his America First talk about products is that I soon, in my lower middle class and soon to be disabled state, will not be able to afford anything. I heard someone state that the money for the infrastructure will come from things like toll roads. I can't afford to pay to drive on toll roads. But that's just me.

Time for lunch. More later (maybe).

A lot of economists that many would consider far-right or libertarian argue that our trade deficit benefits poor people the most by lowering the cost of goods. They call it "exporting inflation". Basically, we trade paper IOU's for goods, and then devalue those IOU's. We get stuff, they get paper and much needed jobs that help their economy. The other side of that coin, obviously, is that our current account (balance of trade) is negative and we have to make up for it in debt.

The odd thing about the left's attacks on Trump here are that his stance is what we've heard from the left for a few decades. It's almost like Trump is moderating the discussion by going against the grain on so many issues. The right is turning left and the left is turning right (as well as going Tea Party bat **** crazy like the right did over Obama).
I've listened to several of his rallies and this was nothing like it in tone, delivery, pose... now the policy may have been the same but the speech was something brand new.

to me nothing new was said, just a few different "props"(persons on stage as symbols)
Speaking of the "props," I suppose it personalizes the point the speaker is trying to make, but I think they are usually awkward and manipulative. I'm not really a fan. Maybe I'm just emotionally stunted.
So, he wants to increase government spending and cut taxes? lol. Isn't that what republicans were killing Obama for?