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"State of the Union" Thread

Not sure if serious...

Economic interdependence along with changing norms in the developed world has made war obsolete. The US (with the help of our lapdog across the pond) is the very last developed country that continues to use military force as a normal extension of politics. So the US is protecting Canada from nobody. And you're a sucker for supporting US imperialism, which goes against the interests of the American public.

Are you sure it doesn't have something to do with the United States dropping two nuclear bombs that stopped the world from tearing itself apart? Seems to me that the world was always in chaos before that. You can attribute it to a lot of other things like the ones you mentioned, but I think it has a lot to do with the parents(US) of the world that laid down the law and said we will crack some skulls if you didn't knock it off. Now the rest do the world (the children) have a new found respect for authority. If that authority wasn't there I suspect there would still be chaos, and lot of it. That's the natural state of human beings. And Canada would probabaly not even exist do to its beta like nature.
Are you sure it doesn't have something to do with the United States dropping two nuclear bombs that stopped the world from tearing itself apart? Seems to me that the world was always in chaos before that. You can attribute it to a lot of other things like the ones you mentioned, but I think it has a lot to do with the parents(US) of the world that laid down the law and said we will crack some skulls if you didn't knock it off. Now the rest do the world (the children) have a new found respect for authority. If that authority wasn't there I suspect there would still be chaos, and lot of it. That's the natural state of human beings. And Canada would probabaly not even exist do to its beta like nature.

They defeated him together.

hitler was inspired by karl marx!
as karl marx said the jewish religion worships the god of money.
hitler wanted to improve on that commie ******* marx his cancerous ideology.

the ideologies of nationalist socialism is heavily base don marx his stupidity and tyranny.

so F MARX!
Ehh, it was mostly the USSR

ooh yeah the army that march their soldiers into war giving every other soldier a firearm. and if they turned back they where shot on sight by a fire squad. caught between 2 firing lines one of ussr and one of nazi with a firearm for every 2 soldiers. and you think it was mostly ussr that defeated them. an amry fighting for a symbolic peace of **** city Stalingrad.

all i got to say to this is:
ooh yeah the army that march their soldiers into war giving every other soldier a firearm. and if they turned back they where shot on sight by a fire squad. caught between 2 firing lines one of ussr and one of nazi with a firearm for every 2 soldiers. and you think it was mostly ussr that defeated them. an amry fighting for a symbolic peace of **** city Stalingrad.

all i got to say to this is:

You really are a grade A dumb****, yah know?
Ehh, it was mostly the USSR

Eh, it was both. Being trapped between two active fronts caused Germany to split its forces. You close one front up and it's a whole different war.

Attacking the Soviets was his biggest blunder. He should have consolidated what we had and filled in the holes. Like Sweden. Then when your control is cemented you gobble up Spain and Portugal.

All schools now teach only in German, all public food is German, public entertainment(cinema, music, festivals), all new construction is German design, split the populace up. Send German families to conquered nations to live. Then after 15 years you look at expanding. When the entire next generation of Europeans (minus Russia and the U.K.)identifies as German.
The idea that the U.S. didn't have a significant role in defeating Nazi Germany is pretty silly. It would be equally as silly as saying the USSR didn't play a significant role.
Eh, it was both. Being trapped between two active fronts caused Germany to split its forces. You close one front up and it's a whole different war.

Attacking the Soviets was his biggest blunder. He should have consolidated what we had and filled in the holes. Like Sweden. Then when your control is cemented you gobble up Spain and Portugal.

All schools now teach only in German, all public food is German, public entertainment(cinema, music, festivals), all new construction is German design, split the populace up. Send German families to conquered nations to live. Then after 15 years you look at expanding. When the entire next generation of Europeans (minus Russia and the U.K.)identifies as German.

It was both, but it was a 80/20 sort of both.

Sad video that I thought did a decent job of capturing the magnitude of the numbers involved.

It was both, but it was a 80/20 sort of both.

Sad video that I thought did a decent job of capturing the magnitude of the numbers involved.


Awesome video! I mean, you know. Not awesome to think about so much death, but really informative.

Russia made the biggest sacrifice, by a huge margin. No question.
You really are a grade A dumb****, yah know?

why do a personal attack instead of refuting the claim: "1 firearm for every 2 soldiers, forced into battle with guns aimed at them from both sides!"

this isnt an argument its a straight up insult/personal attack. i have been banned for less
It was both, but it was a 80/20 sort of both.

Sad video that I thought did a decent job of capturing the magnitude of the numbers involved.


the numbers doesn't show who had a bigger part in the defeat of Hitler!
that is not how war works!
why do a personal attack instead of refuting the claim: "1 firearm for every 2 soldiers, forced into battle with guns aimed at them from both sides!"

this isnt an argument its a straight up insult/personal attack. i have been banned for less

Boo ****ing hoo

I think most would agree that the fact that 3-4x as many Germans were deployed on the Eastern Front as the Western Front shows pretty clearly where the majority of the war was fought and won. The idea that the US had a role as large as the USSR in the European theatre is frankly ridiculous.
Boo ****ing hoo

I think most would agree that the fact that 3-4x as many Germans were deployed on the Eastern Front as the Western Front shows pretty clearly where the majority of the war was fought and won. The idea that the US had a role as large as the USSR in the European theatre is frankly ridiculous.

Boo ****ing hoo

I think most would agree that the fact that 3-4x as many Germans were deployed on the Eastern Front as the Western Front shows pretty clearly where the majority of the war was fought and won. The idea that the US had a role as large as the USSR in the European theatre is frankly ridiculous.

Good thing that is not what was said. My statement was that the USSR and the Allies were both needed. the division of resources and manpower was absolutely vital. To ignore that fact is silly.

You have a quiet and secure western front and suddenly a lot more Germans, tanks, planes...are on the eastern front.

But German made two monumentally stupid mistakes. 1. attacking the USSR when they did 2. Not preparing for winter in the USSR

Germanys mistakes are what cost them the war IMO.

But yes, more men and deaths were on the eastern front. 1 reason that contributed to the higher death numbers is that Russians killed captured Germans where as the Allies held them captive. The Russian/German front was quite brutal and often fights were to the death with no option of surrender and both sides knew it. Without the USSR Europe (minus the UK) would speak German today.
A lot of economists that many would consider far-right or libertarian argue that our trade deficit benefits poor people the most by lowering the cost of goods. They call it "exporting inflation". Basically, we trade paper IOU's for goods, and then devalue those IOU's. We get stuff, they get paper and much needed jobs that help their economy. The other side of that coin, obviously, is that our current account (balance of trade) is negative and we have to make up for it in debt.

The odd thing about the left's attacks on Trump here are that his stance is what we've heard from the left for a few decades. It's almost like Trump is moderating the discussion by going against the grain on so many issues. The right is turning left and the left is turning right (as well as going Tea Party bat **** crazy like the right did over Obama).

This is a pretty good assessment of what is happening to the right and left. The only thing that I would add is that the divide between the left-turning right and the left-going-crazy is that they are getting further apart. I suspect most rational left leaning people are kind of wanting to slap the crazies around a bit, and tell them to calm the eff down. The people going crazy are not getting anything substantive done.
Good lord, that video was humbling. It is crazy to think that so many people died in one war. Tactics have changed so much from what they were. It is clear that what has been happening military wise around the world in respect to peace keeping efforts has worked on some level. I am sure there is room for improvement, but there are very few scenarios where it would be possible to have that high a percentage of population killed in a war these days.