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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Does he want to win the war or his election? Personally I'm fine low gas prices as I hate paying high prices for gas. As I've said and got mocked and immaturely called a troll, Biden does not want and end to this war anytime soon. Russia is full on attacking Ukraine refineries, it's strategically common sense. Not when it hurts election chances though. Huh guys?

"The U.S. has been urging Ukraine not to attack Russian oil refineries, reportedly worried that strikes worsen the war and drive up energy prices.

But some Republican lawmakers wonder if the plea has more to do with President Joe Biden's reelection than with energy strategy, and that he is putting politics over U.S. and Ukraine security.

"It sounds to me that the Biden administration doesn't want gas prices to go up in an election year," Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during a hearing last week, the Washington Post reported.

Biden's position on Ukraine's strategy also stands in contrast to Washington's allies in Europe, who are are pleased by the Ukrainian campaign, the Post reported.

"The Ukrainian people [are] acting in self-defense, and we consider that Russia is the aggressor," French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné said, the Post reported.

David Cameron, Britain's foreign secretary, has also defended Ukraine's right to hit Russian energy targets."

Life sucks. If trump doesn't win then I just want to die

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You literally just said Biden has literally nothing to do with the economy 4 days ago lololol. Right? You were literally mocking people who said so...

You are something else bro. Just like Thriller saying anyone who calls a black person boy is racist then he supports Biden doing it.
@fishonjazz = biggest hypocrite I've literally ever come across lol. It's almost lIke he just talks to hear himself talk. Those numbers were a projection btw... We are right there with Putin at 6%. Other countries are crushing us.
Presidents don't run the economy...

Just in case anyone is confused.

The economy is global and no national leader has direct control over the entire economy and in most 1st world countries the national leader doesn't even have significant control over their own national economy.
Your stupid direct response lololol. This is just like you saying your 401K is great giving Biden credit when days earlier you said he has nothing to do with it. You do realize that your 401K that you said has nothing to do with Biden is literally a huge metric in these numbers you were hilariously and undeducatedly(made up word) bragging about right? Right?!?!? This is just proof you have no idea how an economy works. None whatsoever. Not even an iota..
Ya trumpers are weird. They seem to think that US presidents set the pricing on goods. They seem to want that to be the case. They hate capitalism and prefer something closer to communism I guess?

Biden should just call up every retailer of anything and everything and tell them how much to charge for their goods and services. It's the American way!

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Wow I just seen that Trump showed up to the Bodega where an immigrant protected himself and his store from a violent criminal and in self defense stabbed the guy to death. That is just the kind of leader Trump is. This is cool imo.

Crazy thing is, Democrats and Democrats hero Alvin Bragg literally threw this poor guy into Rikers. Rikers...For protecting himself. Really makes you see the type of person Bragg is. That Democrats are. People who punch women and 9 year old girls get off without bail. A guy that protects himself in his own Bodega, goes to Rikers.

Still though. Good for Trump. Seems he was very popular.

Could you imagine Biden taking nearly 15 minutes of questions non stop from random reporters? Biden can't even talk to a single Prime Minister without someone else's notes telling what to think. Not to mention his flash cards of who he needs to call with predetermined questions on the extremely extremely EXTREMELY rare time he does take questions. Trump is using this sham as a campaign even to highlight New Yorks major problems. Pretty smart but unfortunately probably won't mean much.

Even the anecdotes I hear from my daughter and son-in-law who are both finishing and just graduated, respectively, their degrees are more than a little concerning. My daughter talked about a teacher who was afraid to bring up political talking points of the right...in a political science class she took. The teacher told my daughter and a couple others who tend to lean more right that it has6 been "suggested" to her that it might be offensive to some students to lead any kind of discussion beyond the very small section in the book for the class regarding right-leaning politics. And even when they held the discuss about the book itself it was mostly students denouncing what they had read (if they read it at all) and spouting off about it, even just blatantly interrupting anyone who tried to discuss the talking points. It's crazy. Social media has created such perfect eco chambers that people are terrified of being exposed to anything outside those echo chambers to the point where even in just a basic class in a small public university they feel the need to squash the discussion rather than hear anything that might make them think about the "opposition".
Even the anecdotes I hear from my daughter and son-in-law who are both finishing and just graduated, respectively, their degrees are more than a little concerning. My daughter talked about a teacher who was afraid to bring up political talking points of the right...in a political science class she took. The teacher told my daughter and a couple others who tend to lean more right that it has6 been "suggested" to her that it might be offensive to some students to lead any kind of discussion beyond the very small section in the book for the class regarding right-leaning politics. And even when they held the discuss about the book itself it was mostly students denouncing what they had read (if they read it at all) and spouting off about it, even just blatantly interrupting anyone who tried to discuss the talking points. It's crazy. Social media has created such perfect eco chambers that people are terrified of being exposed to anything outside those echo chambers to the point where even in just a basic class in a small public university they feel the need to squash the discussion rather than hear anything that might make them think about the "opposition".
Reminds me of you guys ..... that's exactly what you do by bullying others and calling them trolls instead of debating or addressing anything. Interesting. What you just explained is you, red, thriller sardines and fish to a tee. You call people trolls for no other reason than to bully, and discredit them because you do not the ability to actually address the topic. You literally just put a mirror on front of yourself. This is called self protection........

You liking post about child rape while you call others trolls while I'm discussing actual politics. You can't make this stuff up.
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My goodness... the lack of common sense with The Christian Hate Cult is astonishing. Do people really not understand basic economics here? These businesses have to make up tremendous losses somehow. I tried to explain this to fish and @Sardines but they told me that some guy that doesn't even exist across the globe is responsible for price hikes. Still one of the most uneducated political responses I've ever gotten and it's not even close.

California-based fast food restaurants have hiked the price of menu items by as much as 8% in response to the $20-an-hour minimum wage law that went into effect April 1, according to a report.

Wendy’s raised its menu prices by around 8% while Chipotle Mexican Grill hiked its prices by approximately 7.5%, according to a report by Kalinowski Equity Research.

Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee chain, raised the prices of its menu items at its California locations by around 7%, while Taco Bell hiked its prices 3%, the report found.
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My goodness... the lack of common sense with The Christian Hate Cult is astonishing. Do people really not understand basic economics here? These businesses have to make up tremendous losses somehow. I tried to explain this to fish and @Sardines but they told me that some guy that doesn't even exist across the globe is responsible for price hikes. Still one of the most uneducated political responses I've ever gotten and it's not even close.

California-based fast food restaurants have hiked the price of menu items by as much as 8% in response to the $20-an-hour minimum wage law that went into effect April 1, according to a report.

Wendy’s raised its menu prices by around 8% while Chipotle Mexican Grill hiked its prices by approximately 7.5%, according to a report by Kalinowski Equity Research.

Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee chain, raised the prices of its menu items at its California locations by around 7%, while Taco Bell hiked its prices 3%, the report found.
Gavin Newsom is a serious threat. Under his watch, California now has the highest unemployment rate in the United States, by far the biggest budget deficit, and is about to fall from the 5th largest economy in the world to the 6th largest economy in the world. He also used a declaration of emergency to effectively seize control of the Judicial and Legislative Branch in the California State Government for three years.

Even left leaning outlets were loudly questioning Newsom's power grab, and now even left leaning outlets are starting to publish pieces questioning Newsom's economic malfeasance.

Gavin Newsom is a serious threat. Under his watch, California now has the highest unemployment rate in the United States, by far the biggest budget deficit, and is about to fall from the 5th largest economy in the world to the 6th largest economy in the world. He also used a declaration of emergency to effectively seize control of the Judicial and Legislative Branch in the California State Government for three years.

Even left leaning outlets were loudly questioning Newsom's power grab, and now even left leaning outlets are starting to publish pieces questioning Newsom's economic malfeasance.

But but Trumps the dictator.... while Democrats do stuff like this all while arresting political rivals and illegally and unconstitutionally trying to take political rivals off of ballots.
Even the anecdotes I hear from my daughter and son-in-law who are both finishing and just graduated, respectively, their degrees are more than a little concerning. My daughter talked about a teacher who was afraid to bring up political talking points of the right...in a political science class she took. The teacher told my daughter and a couple others who tend to lean more right that it has6 been "suggested" to her that it might be offensive to some students to lead any kind of discussion beyond the very small section in the book for the class regarding right-leaning politics. And even when they held the discuss about the book itself it was mostly students denouncing what they had read (if they read it at all) and spouting off about it, even just blatantly interrupting anyone who tried to discuss the talking points. It's crazy. Social media has created such perfect eco chambers that people are terrified of being exposed to anything outside those echo chambers to the point where even in just a basic class in a small public university they feel the need to squash the discussion rather than hear anything that might make them think about the "opposition".
The problem is 3 folded:

1. Definition: What does conservativism even mean these days? The GOP hasn’t even put up a coherent platform in years. Imagine the blank stares a professor would receive if they began talking about traditionally “conservative” talking points supporting free markets and fiscal responsibility to a group of student raised on Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, and Donald Trump. Certainly we can agree that there’s a difference between inviting Arthur Laffer or Mitt Romney to speak vs Richard Spencer or Milo yiannopoulos. Especially since the latter only appears on campuses to specifically cause an uproar.

2. Anti-Intellectualism: You can’t demonize something for decades, complaining about intellectuals in general and academia in particular and then expect students who consume that information to seek a career as an academic.

3. Social Norms: Society through years of peace, prosperity, and consumerism has overwhelmingly become narcissistic and juvenile. Why show respect and listen when all my life I’ve gotten what I’ve wanted immediately by just making a few clicks on my phone?

Arizona GOP Senate hopeful Kari Lake told supporters they can "strap on a Glock" to be prepared for the intensity of the 2024 campaign and urged military and law enforcement veterans to be "ready," as her race heats up in a key battleground state.

“We need to send people to Washington, D.C., that the swamp does not want there,” Lake said toward the end of a Sunday speech to a crowd of Arizonans in Mohave County. “And I can think of a couple people they don’t want there. First on that list is Donald J. Trump; second is Kari Lake.”

She described standing up to the “swamp” in Washington, saying: “They can’t bribe me, they can't blackmail me. That’s why they don’t want me in Washington, D.C. And that’s exactly what President Trump wants me there fighting with him.”

Uh oh. She mentioned Trump. Gonna have to pay him some name, image, likeness money now.

“He’s willing to sacrifice everything I am. That’s why they’re coming after us with lawfare, they’re going to come after us with everything. That’s why the next six months is going to be intense. And we need to strap on our — let’s see. What do we want to strap on?” Lake asked as some in the crowd chuckled. “We’re going to strap on our, our seat belt. We’re going to put on our helmet or your Kari Lake ball cap. We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case.”

How indictments does Kari lake have anyway?

“The next six months are going to be difficult. If you are not ready for action, and I have a feeling with as many veterans and former law enforcement, active law enforcement” — Lake paused to ask for a show of hands — “… you guys are ready for it,” Lake said to her supporters. “It’s going to be a crazy run, the next six months. This is the moment we have to save our country.”

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When Mike Johnson was chosen as speaker of the house I was pretty vocal in my disappointment on that choice. I have been pleasantly surprised by him though.

Late Wednesday afternoon, Johnson said he wasn't concerned about Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's threat to remove him if he went ahead.

"This is not a game. It's not a joke," Johnson told reporters. "We have to do the right thing and I'm going to allow an opportunity for every single member of House to vote their conscience and their will on this. And I think that's the way this institution is supposed to work. And I'm willing to take personal risk for that because we have to do the right thing and history will judge us."

Asked whether he'd seek Democratic relief if Greene's "motion to vacate" is brought up for a vote, Johnson shrugged off the prospect of another battle for the speaker's gavel.

"I do not spend time walking around thinking about the motion to vacate. I have a job to do here. I'm going to do the job. Regardless of personal consequences, that's what we're supposed to do," Johnson said. "If Marjorie brings the motion, she brings the motion and we'll let the chips fall where they may. I have to do what I have to do and then the members will vote their conscience as well."

Well said.

Biden urged the House to pass the package this week, adding that the Senate should "quickly follow."

"I will sign this into law immediately to send a message to the world: We stand with our friends, and we won't let Iran or Russia succeed," Biden wrote in a statement Wednesday.

Arizona GOP Senate hopeful Kari Lake told supporters they can "strap on a Glock" to be prepared for the intensity of the 2024 campaign and urged military and law enforcement veterans to be "ready," as her race heats up in a key battleground state.

“We need to send people to Washington, D.C., that the swamp does not want there,” Lake said toward the end of a Sunday speech to a crowd of Arizonans in Mohave County. “And I can think of a couple people they don’t want there. First on that list is Donald J. Trump; second is Kari Lake.”

She described standing up to the “swamp” in Washington, saying: “They can’t bribe me, they can't blackmail me. That’s why they don’t want me in Washington, D.C. And that’s exactly what President Trump wants me there fighting with him.”

Uh oh. She mentioned Trump. Gonna have to pay him some name, image, likeness money now.

“He’s willing to sacrifice everything I am. That’s why they’re coming after us with lawfare, they’re going to come after us with everything. That’s why the next six months is going to be intense. And we need to strap on our — let’s see. What do we want to strap on?” Lake asked as some in the crowd chuckled. “We’re going to strap on our, our seat belt. We’re going to put on our helmet or your Kari Lake ball cap. We are going to put on the armor of God. And maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case.”

How indictments does Kari lake have anyway?

“The next six months are going to be difficult. If you are not ready for action, and I have a feeling with as many veterans and former law enforcement, active law enforcement” — Lake paused to ask for a show of hands — “… you guys are ready for it,” Lake said to her supporters. “It’s going to be a crazy run, the next six months. This is the moment we have to save our country.”

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This is civil war rhetoric. I know Kari Lake and many other propagandists think this is a joke. They think they can say whatever crazy thing they want without any consequences. But it’s this type of rhetoric that inspires people to be their worst. Remember Caesar Sayoc (white van Trump guy who mailed pipe bombs)? Remember the Pittsburg and El Paso shooters (both left manifestos that were almost word for word a Trump speech or Tucker opening). Remember the dudes who attempted to kidnap the Gov of Michigan? Remember Jan 6?

These jerks keep whipping up their base into a frenzy and act surprised when bad things happen.